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2� 17� 139� <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> �C�ntInu�d} Page 6 <br /> Trustee. Trustee sha�� meet aft qualifications required �vr Truste� under applicable law. In additian t❑ the rights <br /> and remedies set forth above, with respect to a1I or any part of�he Property, the Trustee shai� have the right ta <br /> fo�ecIose by notice and �ale, and Lender w�II ha�e th� right to foreclase by�udicial foreclosure, in ei�her case in <br /> aGcordance with and to the fu1�ex-ten�pro�ided by app�i�abie�aw. <br /> 5ucces��r Trustee. Lender, a�Lender's option, may from time to time appvint a successor Trus�ee ta any Trustee <br /> appointed under this Deed flf Trust by an instrument exe�utEd and acknowledged by Lender and re�orded in the <br /> office vf the recorder of HALL County, State o�F Nebraska. The instrument shall cvntain, in addition to a1I o�her <br /> mat�ers required by sta�e faw, tf�e names ofi the origina� Lender, Trustee, and Trustor, the boak and page �or <br /> cvmputer system r�ference} where this �eed o� Trust is recarded, and the nam� and address ❑f the su�cessor <br /> trustee, and the instrument�hafl be ex�Guted and aGknow�ed�ed by a[I the beneficiarie�under�his Deed o�Trus�❑�- <br /> their su��essors in interest. The successor�rust�e< <nrithou� conveyance of the Prap�rty, sha�I suc�e�d to aSl the <br /> title, power, and duties cvnferred upon the Trustee in th�s Deed of Trust and by app�icable 1aw. 'T'his prvicedure�or <br /> substi�ution o-�Trustee sha11 govern�o the excfusion ot aII other prav�sions for subs�i�ution. <br /> NDTICES. �4ny notiGe required tv be given under this aeed of Tru�tr including without Iimita�ion any notiae o�defaul� <br /> and any natice of sale shall be given in writin�. and shalf be effe�tiv�e when actualIy de[i�ered� when ac�ually received <br /> by teSe�acsimile tunSess otherw3se required by jaw},when deposited wixh a nationaliy recvgnized o�ernight courie�-, or-, i� <br /> mailed, when depvsi�ed in the United States mail� as first c�a�sr �ertified or registered maiI postage prepaid� direG�ed to <br /> the addresses shown near�he beginning of this Deed of Trust. AII capies af natices ❑f fo�eclosure from the ha�der o� <br /> any lien which has priority over this Deed ❑�Trust shall be sent f❑ Lender's address� as �hawn near the beginning of <br /> this Deed of Trust. Any person may change his ❑r her address for not�ces under this Deed of Trust by giving �orma� <br /> written nottGe to the other persan or persans� spe�ifying that the purpose af the notice is ta change the person's <br /> address. Far no�ice purposes, Trustor agrees�o keep Lender informed at aII�times of Trustor'�currenfi address. Unless <br /> otherwise pro�ided or required by faw, �f ther� is mvre �han one Yrustor, any no�ti�e gir�en by Lend�r ta any Trus�or is <br /> deemed-ta be nvtice gi��n tn af I Trustors. ft wi�1 be Trustor's responsibi�ity tv te12 the❑thers o�th�natice fram Lender. <br /> MISCELLANE�US PRaVI�I�iliS. The�aliawing miscellaneous prvvisions are a part❑f this ❑eed of Trus�: <br /> Amendments. What is written in this Deed af Trust and in the ReIated ❑ocuments is Trustor's en�ire agreement <br /> with Lende�concerning the mat-�ers covered by this Deed n�F Trust. Tv h� efFeG#lue� any change o�amendment t� <br /> this Deed a-F Trust must be in w�-iting and must be signed by whoe�er w��� be baund or obliga�ed by�he change or <br /> amendment. <br /> Captior� Headsngs. Captfon headings in this Deed nf Trust are for convenience purpose$ ❑nly and are nv� to be <br /> used to in'�erpret o�define the p�avisions o�F thi�Deed af Trust. <br /> - <br /> Merger. Ther�shall be no merger of�h�in�erest or es�ate crea#ed by this Deed of Trust with any other interesf or <br /> estate in�the Prvperty at any tim� heid hy or for�he benefit of Lender in any �apacity► without the written �onsen� <br /> of Lender. <br /> Governing Law. This Deed Qf Trust wil� be governed by federal Iaw appIicable to Lender and, to the ex#ent nat <br /> preempte�by federaI I�w,the laws v�the 5ta�e of 1Vebraska withvut regard t❑it� canf[icts af Iaw provisions. This <br /> L�eed of Trust h�s been ac�epted by Lender in the State of Nebraska. <br /> Chaice of Venue. 1�F there is a lawsuit, Trus�ar agrees upon Lender-'s request t❑ submit to the jurisdi��ian o�the <br /> caurts of Ha�] Countt�, Sta�te a�Nebraska. <br /> Joint and Se�eral Liabiiity, AII oblig�tivns ❑f B�rroinrer and Trustor under this Deed o� Trust sha�i be joint and <br /> se�eral, and aIl references�o Trustor shall mean each and every Trustvr, and a1� referen�es t❑ Borrower$hall mean <br /> each and errery Barrower. This means th�t each Trustor sign�ng bel�w is r�sponsible for aII❑bfigation�in this Deed <br /> o f Tru�t. <br /> No Waiver by Lender. Trustor unde�-stands Lender will not give up any of Lender's rights under this Deed of Trust <br /> unless Lender dves sa in writing. The �act�hat Lender defays or omits to exercise any right wi�I not mean tha� <br /> Lender has giv�n up that right. �� Lender does agree in writing to give up one of Lende�'s rights, �ha� does not <br /> mean Trus�or will no� have to campIy with �he other provision� of this ❑eed o�f Trust. Trustor alsv understands <br /> that i� Lgnder does consent to a request, that does not mean that Trustor will not have to �et L�nderFs consent <br /> again if�he situation f�appen�again. Trustor further understands that just because Lender consen�s�o ❑n�❑r more <br /> ❑f Trus�or's requests� �hat does nat mean Lender wi�l be required to cvnsent to any ❑f Trustor's future requests. <br /> Trustor wai�es presen�men�r demand far paymentr protest� and na�ice of dis�onor. <br /> Severability. If a cvurt finds that any pro�ision of this ❑eed af T�ust is no��alid or should nat be en�orced, that <br /> fact�y itself wilf not mean that the rest a��his L�eed of Trust wi1S nat be va3id vr enfvrced. Therefore* a cvurt wil� <br /> enfvrce the rest o�the pro�isions❑f this Deed ❑f Ttus�even if a pro�Ision of this De�d of Trust may be�ound t❑ be <br /> invali�i or unenforceable. <br /> Successvrs and A�s�gns. Subjec�ta any Iimita�ions stated in this Deed ❑f Trust on transfer of 7rustor's interest� <br /> this De�d of Trust sha1l be binding upan and inure ta the benefit o�the parties� their successars and assigns. Ifi <br /> ownership vf the Prvperty becomes�ested in a person other than Trustvr, Lendar� wi�hout notice to Trustar, may <br /> deal wi�h T�ustor's successvrs wifih reference to this Deed of Trust and the lndebtedness by way of forbearance❑r <br /> extension without re�easing Trustor from the abligations of�his Deed ot Trust or Iiab�Iity under the �ndebtedness. <br /> Tim�is of the Essen�e. Tim�is of the essence in th�:perfvrmanc�af this Deed❑t Trust. <br /> Wai�er of Hvmestead E.xemption. Trustor he�eby reteases and wai�es alf �ights and benefits of �he hvmes�ead <br /> exemption laws of the State o�F Nebraska as to all Indebtedness secured by this Deed Qf Trust. <br /> �EF�NIT���VS. The following words shall ha�e the�oflowing meanings when used in this �eed of Trust: <br /> Benefciary. The worr� "Beneficiaryn means Exchange Bank� and�ts successors and assigns. <br /> �arrower. The word "Borrowe�'�` means HECT�R M RUBlD and includes al� co--signers and co-makers signing the <br /> Credi�Agreement and�II their successars and assigns: <br /> Credi� Agreement. The words "�redi� Agreement" m�an th� credit agreement dated February 27, 2�'i 7, w[th <br /> Ct'edit �imit �f �5�,���_�� from Sorrower to Lenderr together with aIC renewals of, extensions ❑fr <br /> moditicat�vns of, refinancings ❑f� consoiidatians of, at�d substitutians far the prnmissory note .or agreement. <br /> NOTiCE T�TRUSTQR: THE GREDIT AGREEMENT��IV�AIIIIS A VAR�ABLE ZNTEREST RATE. <br /> Deed ❑f Trust. The words "Deed of Trus�n mean this Deed �f Trust among Tru�tor, Lender� and Tr-ust�e, and <br /> include� without limi�ation aEl assignment and �eGurity in�erest pror�i�ians relating to the Persanal Property and <br /> Ren�s. <br /> Fnvifonmenta� Laws. The words "Enviranmental Laws" mean any and all state, fede�al and Iocal statu�es, <br /> reguIa�ions and ❑rdinances reIating ta �he prot���ion of human hea�th or fhe envi�vnmen�, including withaut <br /> limitativn the Gamprehensi�e En�ironmenta� Response� Campensa�inn, and LiabiEity Act afi 'I98�� as amended, 42 <br /> U.S.C. Sec�ion 954'I, e�seq. �"CERCLA"}� �he Superfund Amendments and Reauthorizatian Act❑f �986, Pub. L. <br /> I�Io. 99�4-99 {"SARA�}�the Hazardous Ma�erials Transportatian A�tt�9 LJ.S.C. Sectian 18fl'I r �t seq,�the Resaurce <br /> Conservativn and Recvvery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 69�1, et seq., or other applicabie state ❑r federaa laws, rules, <br /> or reguiations adopted pursuant thereto. <br />