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.. 2� 17� 1278 <br /> Lender's Right to En�er. Lende�r or Lender`s ag�nts shall ha�e the right and acc�ss to inspec�the Proper�y at <br /> ail reasanab�e t�rnes �n order �o at�end to Lender`s znteres�s and ensure �om�pliance vv��h �h� ter�ns af this <br /> Security �nstrument. �f�he Proper�y, or any par� �he�-eaf, sha�i require in�p�ction, repair or maintenance <br /> v�rh�ch Gran�or has fa�led �o pro�ide, L�nder, after reasonab�e no��ce, may �nter upon �h� Property to effec� <br /> such oblibati�n; and the cast thereof sha�l be added ta the �ndeb�ednes� and paid on L�nder's demand by <br /> �rantor. <br /> ASSZGNNiENT�F LEASES ANI3 RENTS. As addi�ionai securi�y far the pay�nen�of th� �ndeb�edness and�h� <br /> performan�� of the covenants c�n�ained here�n, Grant�r hereby assigns and �ransfers o��r �o Lender aIl ren�s, <br /> �ncame and prof�s �"Ren�s"� under any present �r future leases, subieases t�r iicenses of�he Proper�y, inciuding <br /> an� buaranties, extensions, amendments or renewa�s thereof, from �he use of the Property. So long as Grant�r �s <br /> nat in d�fault, Grantor may r�c�i�e, c�Il��t and enjoy ail Rents accruing frorn th� Property, but not more than one <br /> mon�h in ad�ance of the du� da�e. Lender may aisa re�uire C rantor, tena�n� and any other use� of fihe Proper��n <br /> mak�payments of Rents directly ta Lend�r. Howe�er,by recei�ing any such payrnen�s,Lender i�not,and sha��no� <br /> be considered, an agent f�r any par�y or en�ity. Any a7moun�s cal�e��ed may, at Lender's s��e d�scretivn, be appl�ed <br /> �o pr��ect L�nder'� �nterest �n �he Proper�y, inc�ud�n� but not limi�ed �o the pa�ment �f taxes and insura�ce <br /> premiums and to the �ndebtedness. A� Lend�r's so�e discr��ion, ali leases, sub�eases and �ieenses must first be <br /> appro�ed by Lender. <br /> C'�NDE�VINAT��N. Gran�or shal�g��e Lender n��i�e of any a�tion�aken ar�hreaten�d t�be�aken by private ar <br /> public enti�ies to approprzate th�Praper�y or any par��hereaf,through condemnati�n,em�n�n�domain or any oth�r <br /> action. Fur�her, Lender shall be per3mit�ed to par�i�ipa�e or i��ervene �n any of the aba�e described proceedings in <br /> any manner i� shall a� �ts sole d�s�retzon determine. Lenc�er is hereb� given full pawer, right and autharity ta <br /> receive and receip�far any and a�i damag�s award�d as a r�sult of�he full�r par��a�tak�ng�r apprflpriation and in <br /> its ���e d�scretion, �o app�y sa�d awards �o the �ndebtedn�ss, wh��her �r n�t then du� ar other�vise in accardance <br /> wi�h applicable law. Unless L�nder at�.erwise agrees in writing, any a�piica�ion of proceeds fo �h� Indebfedness <br /> shai� nat ex�end or postpone the due da�e of th� payments due under the Indeb�edness flr change �h� amoun� of <br /> such�aynr�en�s. <br /> GRANT�R'S ASSURANCES. A� any t�me, up�n a reques� of L�nder, Grantor wil� execu�e and de�iver �a <br /> Lender, and if a�propriate, cause �o b� recorded, su�h fu.r�her mortgabes, ass�gnmen�s, ass�gr�.m.�nts of leases and <br /> ren�s, security agreemen�s, p�edges, f nancing sta�ements, or such ��her documen� as Lender may r�qu�re, in <br /> Lend�r's sol� discr�tian, �o effec�ua�e, �omplete and�o perfect as Wvell as to con�inue to preser�e�he�ndebtedness, <br /> or th� lien or s�curi�y in�eres�crea�ed by this Security�ns�ru�nent. <br /> ATT�RNEY�-IN-FACT. Gran�or appoi.nts L�nder as attorney-in�fact on behalf of�rantor. If�ran�or fails �o <br /> fuif��l ar�y �f Grantor's obliga�ions under �his Securi�y Instrumen� or any Rela��d Docum�n�s, �ncludzng those <br /> abligations m�n�ioned in the prec�ding paragraph, Lender as a�orr�ey-in-fa�� may fulfil� �he obli;a�ions withou� <br /> not�ce to Gran�or. This p��er�f attorr�e�shali not�e affec�ed by the disability of the Gran�or. <br /> EVENTS �F I]EFAUL'T. The fo���winb even�s shall �anstifiu�e defaul� under �h�s Security �nstrument �each an <br /> "E�en�of Default"}: <br /> �a� Failure ta mak�requ�red paymen�s when due under Indebtedness; <br /> �b} Fa�lure �� perfarm ar keep any �f the covenants af�his Securi�y �ns�ru�nent or a default under any �f <br /> �he Rela�ed Documen�s; <br /> �c� T�e �rnaking af any orai or written s�a�e�n�nt �r asser�x�n t� Lender �ha� is false or misleading in any <br /> rnateria�respect by GrantQr ar any p�rson�bli�ated on the �ndeb�edness; <br /> �d} The d�ath, C�15S�I1.I�i�I7, inso�vency, bankruptcy or r�c�iversh�p pr�ce�ding of Gran�or or af an�person <br /> or ent�ty obliga�ed on�he Indeb�ed�aess; <br /> �e} Any assignmen�by Grantor for the benefi�of Grantor's creditors; <br /> �f� A material adv�rse Ghan�e oc�urs �n �he fnancia� condi��on, ownership or manager►�en� of Grantor or <br /> any pers�n ob�igated on the�ndeb�edness; ar <br /> �g3 Lender d�ems ��self insecure for any reason�hatsoe�er. <br /> R�Ni�DI�S aN DEF'AULT. Upon �he accurr�nce of an E�ent of Default, Lender may, vvith�u� d�mand ar <br /> n���cey pay ar�y�r aIl�axes, ass�ssments,premiums, and liens required�o be pa�d by Gran�or, effec�any insurance <br /> provided for h�re�ny make such repairs, cause the abs�racts of�i�le or tit�e insuranc� poli�y and�ax h�stories af the <br /> Property to be cer�if ed to da�e, or procure nevv abstracts of ti�le or t�tle insurance and tax h�stories in case none <br /> were furnished�o i�, and pro�ure ti�Ie repar�s co�ering th� Propel-ty, includinb surveys. Th� am.oun�s paid f�r any <br /> such purposes wrll be ad�ed t��he �ndebtedness and wi�l bear�n�eres�a�the rate of�ntere�t atherwise accru�na fln <br /> �he Indeb�ednes� until �aid. In the eWen� af fore�losur�, the abs�racts of�i��� or title insurance shal� be��me �h� <br /> proper�y of Lender. A�l abstrac�s of ti�le, �i��e �nsurance, �ax h�star�es, surv�ys, and other documen�s per�a�nina to <br /> fihe Indebtedn�ss wiil remain�n Lender's pflssessian un�il�he��debtedness�s paid in full. <br /> IN THE EVENT�F TH� SALE UF T��S PR�PERTY UNDER THE PRQCEDURE F�R FnRECL�SUR��F <br /> A SE�UR.�TY TNSTR.UMENT BY ADVERT�SEME�T,AS PR�V�DED BY APPLICABLE LAW, C]R�N THE <br /> EVENT LENI]ER E�ER�ISES ITS RIG�TS UND�R THE ASS��NNIENT C�F LEASES AND RENTS, THE <br /> LENDER S�ALL PR�VIDE ALL STATt1T�R�LY RE�U�RED I�C)TY�ES t�F SALE AND NQTI�ES UF <br /> JUD�C�AL KEARINGS BEF�RE LENI�ER EX�R.�ISES ANY �]F �TS R�G�TS UNDER T.��S <br /> �NSTR.UN�ENT. <br /> Upon the oc�urrence Qf an E��n�of Default, Lerider may, without�atice unl�ss required by �aw, and at its�p�ion, <br /> d�c�ar�the entire ��.debtedness du�and payable, as i�ma�ele�t, regardless of the date o�r dates of ma�uri�y�hereaf <br /> and, if permitted by sta�e Iav�, is authori2��.and empow�red ta caus�th� Proper�t�be soid a�pubiic au�tzon, and <br /> �244�-2a t s Com���ance syst�ms,�nc.648B-SDC4-2a t 5.t 2.3.t.1Q39 <br /> Com�r�erciaf Rca1 Estate 5e�urity Ir�str�.�ment-DL40Dy �'as�e 3 of 5 <br />