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2� 17� 1278 <br /> CR(3SS C�LL►ATERALIZATI�N. It is the expressed inten� Qf Gran�or ta cross �o��a�era�ize a�l of i�s <br /> �ndebtedness and ob�igati�ns to L�nder, howsaever arising and whensoever in�urred, exc�pt any �b�iga�ian <br /> ex�s�ing or arising aga�ns�th�princ�pal dw�� of any Grantor. <br /> WARRANTIE�. �rantor, f�r �tse�f, its heirs, personal representatives, successars, and ass�gns, represents, <br /> warrants,co��nants and agrees wit�Lender, its successors and ass�gns, as f���o�vs: <br /> Performan�e of C�bl�gafxons. �rran�or promises �� perform aIl �erm.s, conditions, and covenants_ of this <br /> Security Xnstrument and Re�ated I]o�umenfis��accordan�e vwith the terms�ontained therein. <br /> D�f�nse and Ti��e to Praperty. At th�time�f�xecution and del�very Qf�his zns�rument, Grant�r is lawfully <br /> seised of the es�a�e hereby conWeyed and has the exc�usiv� right �a m�rtgage, grant, convey and assign the <br /> Property. �ran�or covenants tha�the Praperty is un�ncumbere�.and fre�of all liens,e��ep�for encurnbrances <br /> of recard a�ceptable �o Lerider, Fur�her, �rantor cov�nants thafi Grantor wi�l v�arrant and defend genera�Iy <br /> the t�tie �� �he Praper�y aga�nst any and all ��ainls and demands wha�so�ver, subjec� �� �h� easemen�s, <br /> res�r�ctions, or ather �r�cumbranc�s of re�ard acceptable �o L�n�er, as may b� Izs�ed �n the schedu�e of <br /> �xcept�ons to co�erag� in a�y abstract of ti�le or �itie insurance pal�cy insuring Lender's interes� in the <br /> Property. <br /> �ondi�ion of Property. �ran�or promises a� a�l t�mes to preserve and �o ma�ntain ��e Praper�y and �very <br /> part thereof xn good repair, �vorking order, and condition and wili from �ime �o �ime, rnake a�l needfu� and <br /> pr�per repairs so�hat the va�ue of the Property sha�l not in any way be impa�red, <br /> Remo�al of any Par� af�he Proper�y. Gran�or pramises not �o remove any pat-t of th� Proper�y from zts <br /> present locat�ori,except f�r r�placement,ma�ntenanc�and relocation in the ord�nary course of bus�ness, <br /> Altera�ions �o �he Property. �rantor promises to abstain fram the c�mmissi�n �f any waste on or in <br /> c�nnec�ion wi�h the Pr�perty, Fur�her, Grantor sha�I make no ma�erial a��era��ons,addi�ions or improvem�nts <br /> of any type whafis�ever to �he Praperty, r�gardless of whether such al�era�ions, addi�i�ns �r i�npr�vem�nts <br /> �vould �ncrease the �aiue of��.e Properfiyy nor per�mit any�ne to do so except for tenan� impro�e�men�s and <br /> �omp�e�ian af i�ems pursuant �o appro�ed plans and spe��f ca�ions, without Lender's pr�or writ��n cans�n�, <br /> �vhich �onser�t m�y he withhe�d by L�nder in ifis sole discre�ion. �ran�or will c�mpiy wi�h all laws and <br /> regu�atxons of a�I public au�horiti�s having�urisd�c�ion over�he Praper�y inc�uding, �vithout limitation, those <br /> rela�ing �� �he use, occupancy an.d ma�n�enance thereof and sha1l upon reques� pramp��y submit �Q Lender <br /> ev�dence of such cam�p�iance. <br /> Due on Sale-Lend�r's Cansent. G�antor sha�I no�se�I, fur�her encumber or otherwise d�spose af, excep�as ,. <br /> herein prov�ded, any or a�l �f its �n�erest in any part �f or all of the Property withou� f�rst �btain�ng �he <br /> written consent of Lender. �f any encumbrance, l�en, �ransfer or sal� or agr��men� for these is created, <br /> Lender may d�c�ar� imrnedia�e�y due a�d payable,�he entire balanc�of�he�ndeb��dness. <br /> �nsurance. Grantor promises to keep the Prtiperty znsured agaznst such r�sks and in such fflrm�as may within <br /> �he sole d�scre�ion of Lender be accep�able, �ausing Len�er �a be named as �oss payee ar if requested by <br /> Lender, as mor�gage�. Th� insuranc� co�n.pany sha�i be ch�sen by �rantor subjec� to L�nder's appro�ral, <br /> �vhich shall not be unreasanabiy withheld. Ai� insurance palzcies mus� provide that Lender vwill get a <br /> minimum of 1 U days no�ice priar to canceZ�ation. At Lender's d�scretion, Gran�or may b�required ta praduce .. <br /> receip�s of paid premiums and renewal po�ici�s. �f Grantor fai�s to o�ta�n�he required co�erage, Lender may <br /> do so at Gran�ar's expense. �rantor hereby dire��s each and every insurer of�he Prop�rty to mak�pay�nent af <br /> loss�o Lender wi�h th� proceeds t� b� app�ied, only at Lender's option,�o�he re�air and rep�acement af��e <br /> damage or ioss or�o be app�ied���he Indebtedness wi�h the surplus, if any,to be pa�d by Lender to Gran�ar. <br /> Paymen� of Taxes and []ther Applicab�� �harges. �rar�tor pro�nises �a pay and ta discharge Iiens, <br /> �ncumbran�es,�a�es, assessments, �ease payments and any other charges r�iating�o the Property when�e�i�d <br /> �r assessed against�rant�r ar�he Proper�y. <br /> �nv�ronmental Laws and �-Iazardous or T�xic Materials. �►rantflr and every �enan� �aWe been, are <br /> presenfiiy and sha�l con�inu� to be in s�ri�� compiiance wi�h any app�icab�e loca�, s�a�e and fed�rai <br /> environmenta� Iaws and regulati�ns. Fur�her, nei�her Grant�r nor any tenant shal�manufac�ure, store, handle, <br /> diseharge Qr dispos� of hazard�us or �axic rna�erials as may be d�f n�d by any sta�e o�r federal lavv an fihe <br /> Proper�y, excep� �o the �xtent the �xis�ence af su�h rnaterials has �e�n presen�iy discl�s�d �n �ri��ng t� <br /> Lender. Grantor wi�l immediate�y no�ify Lender in writing of any assert�an or claim made by any parfiy as�o <br /> the possibl� violation of app�ic�.b�e state and federal environmental �aws izacluding the �a�ati�n of any <br /> hazardous or��x�c rx�.a�erials on or abaut the Prop�r�y. Gran�or indemnif es and ho�ds Lender harmiess frorn, <br /> wit�out �imifiation, an}� tiabil��y ar expense of whatsoever nature incurred d�rectiy qr indirec��y out af or in <br /> connection with: �a}any env�ronmen�al �aws affe�ting a11 or any par��f the Property�r�ran�or; (b}the past, <br /> present or fu�ure existence of any hazardaus mat�ria�s in, an, under, about, or emanating from or passing <br /> �hrough the Proper�y or any par� thereof nr any pr�perty ad�acen� there�a; �c} any pas�, present or future <br /> hazardous ac�i���y at or in �annection wi�h the Proper�y or any par� �here�f; and �d} the noncampliance by <br /> Gran��r ar Grantor's fai�ure ta�ompiy ful�y and time�y wvith en��r�nmental �a�nrs. <br /> Financ�a�Informati4n. Grant�r agrees ta supply Lender such financial and other infonmation conc�rnin��ts <br /> affairs and �he status of any af i�s asse�s as Lender, frQm time �o time, may reasonably request. Grant�r <br /> further agre�s �� permit Lend�r �o �erify accounts as weli as to inspec�, �opy and to examine �he books, <br /> records and f�es of�rantor. <br /> d�240�-2a t 5 Camp�ian�e Systems,�nc.648B-SI]CO-2�15.l 2.3,I,1439 <br /> C�mmercial Rea�Estat�5ecuri€y instrumer�t-DL4a�7 Page 2 af 5 www,� <br />