2� 17� 1278
<br /> ta execu�e and de�iver t� the purchas�r ar purchasers a� such sa�e any deeds of c�nweyan�� g�od and sufficient at
<br /> Iaw, pursuan�to�he sta�ute in such case made and pr�vided. The Trustee�hal� apply the pro��eds of�he Trustee's
<br /> sale, first, to �he costs and �xpenses of�xercising�he po�er of saie and of the �ale, �n�lud�ng the payrnen� of the
<br /> Trus��e's fees ac�uali� incurred; secand, to pay�nen� of the abiigat�on secured by ��e trust deed; �hird, �o the
<br /> paym�en� of j un�or �rust d�eds, I714I�����:Sy or oth�r �i�nhalders and �he balance, if any, to the person or persons
<br /> legal�y en�it�ed �h�r�to. The reci�als in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie e�idence of �he �ruth of the
<br /> sta�ernents mad� i.x�it. �f Lender chooses tQ invoke the power of sa�e, Lender�r Trustee wi�i pro��de notice of sale
<br /> pursuant�o appiicab�e law. Any such sale or a sale made pursuant t� a judgmenfi �r a de�ree for�he f�reclasure
<br /> h�reof may, at �he ap�ion af Lender, be �ade �n masse. The commence3rnent of pr��e�dings �o fQre�iose this
<br /> Securit}��nstrument in any manner authorized by Ia�shal�be dee��d as exercise af th�above opti�n.
<br /> Upan the oc�urrence of an E�ent af Default, Lender sha�l immed�ately be �n�itled �o make appiica�ia� for and
<br /> obtain the appointm�n�af a r�ceiver for�he Proper�y and of�he eart�ir�gs, incorne, issu� and�rof ts �f�t, wi�h�he
<br /> p�w�rs as �he cour� making �he appointments confers. Gran�or hereby irr�vocabiy �ansen�s �a su�h appoin�ment
<br /> and�aives notice af any a�p�icat��n t�erefor.
<br /> N[) 'V'�A�VER. No de�ay or fai�ure of�,ender to exer�is� any rig�t, re�nedy, pQwer or privilege her�under shall
<br /> affec��ha�right,remedy,p�vver or priviieg�nor shal�any sing�e�r par�ia� e�ercis�th�reaf prec�ud��he exercise�f
<br /> any righ�, rer�nedy, power �r priv�lege. Na Lender de�a� or failu.r� ta demand strict adherence �o the �erms of�his
<br /> 5ecurit}r �nstrumen�sha�I be deemed to const�tute a course of�Qndu��inc�nsistent w�th Lender's right at any t�me,
<br /> before ar after an ev�nt Qf defaul�, to demand s�rict adherence �o the terms of�his 5ecurity �nstrument and the
<br /> Re Iatec�Documents.
<br /> SU�ST�TUT� TR.USTEE. Lend�r, at its optian, may from time to time r�mo�e Trustee and appoint a successor
<br /> �rus�ee ta any Tru��ee appoin�ed hereund�r by an instrument recorded i� the county in which this Security
<br /> �ns�ru�ment is recarded. W�thout �onveyan�e of�he P�operty, the succ�ss�r trustee shal� succe�d to a�� �h� title,
<br /> pov�er and du�ies conferr�d upan Trus�ee herein and b�appi��able �av�.
<br /> J��NT AND SEVERAL L�ABIL�TY. �f th�s Seeuri�y�nstrument should be signed by m�ar��han one person, alI
<br /> p�rsons exe�u�ing this Security Instrument agree t�.at t�ey sha�i be�}oi�tiy and se�era�Iy bound, where perm�tted by
<br /> �aw.
<br /> SURVIVAI.�. L�nder`s r�ghts �n th�s Security �nstru�m.en� w�li cont�nue in �ts successors and assigns. This Security
<br /> �ns�rument is�inding an al�heirs, exe�utors,ad�n�nistra�ars, assigns and success�rs of Gran��r.
<br /> N�TI�ES AND WAIVE�t C]F N�TI�E. Unless other-�rise requir�d by app��cabie law, any no�ice or demand
<br /> given by Lend�r �o any parfiy is consid�red eff�cti�e: �r} when it is depasited in �he United S�at�s Mail rnrith the -
<br /> appropriate postage; �ii} w��n it is sent via electronic rnai�; �iii} when it is sen� via facsimile; �iv� when it is
<br /> deposited with a national�y recognized ��ern.igh� courier serv�ce; ��} on t�e day of personai delivery; or �vi� any
<br /> oth�r�ammer�ialiy r�asonable means. A copy of any no�ice sha�� be sent to each par�y at the address of�he par�y
<br /> gi�en a� �he beginn�ng of�his SeGurity �ns�rumen� unless an a��erna�ive address has been provided to L�nder in
<br /> vsrrxting. To��e extent permitted by law, GrantQr waives n��ice �f Len�er's acc�ptance of�h�s Se�urity Instrument,
<br /> defenses based on suretyship, any d�fense arising fro�n any elec�ion by Lender under the Uni�ed S�a�es Bank.rup�cy
<br /> Code, Uniform �arn�.mercial Cade, as ena�ted in the sta�e wher� Lender �s located or other applicab�e Xaw ar �n
<br /> equi�y, demand, notic� af accelera�ion, n�t��e of nanpayment, presen�ment, pro�es�, notice of dish�nar an� any
<br /> other notice. -.
<br /> REQCJEST F�R NC3TI�ES: �rantor requ�sts that copies of th�no�ice of defaul�and notic�of saie�e sent to th.e
<br /> address nf�ach pa�-fiy g�ven at the beginning af�he Se�urity�nstrument,
<br /> WAI'�ER UF APPRAISEN�ENT R�GI3TS. �ran�or v�a�ves a�l appra�sernen� righ�s relating to the Property to
<br /> the�x�en�perm�tted by la�v.
<br /> LEND�RrS E�PENSES. Gran�or agrees�o pay aI�expenses incurred by Lender in connection wi�h enfarc�men�
<br /> of its righ�s under�he �ndebtedness, this Security�nstrument or in�he event L�nder is rr�ade party�a any �i�iga�ion
<br /> because af the exis�enc� of the Indebtedness or this S�curity �nstrument, as we�I as court cos�s, �a�Iec�ion �harges
<br /> and reasonab�e a�orneys`fees and disbursem�n�s.
<br /> ASSIG�ABILITY. L�nder may assign or otherwise transfer th�s Security Instrumen� or any af Lender's rights
<br /> under�his Security Insirurnen� wi�hout no�ice to Grantor. Grantor may not ass�gn this Security �ns�rumen� �r any
<br /> par�of th�Security Instrumen�v�i�hout the�xpress writ�en consent of Lender.
<br /> ��3VERNING I�A�V. This Securifiy �ns�rumer�t wi�l be governed by�he laws of�he Stat� of Nebraska inciudin�
<br /> a�l proceedings aris�ng fram�his Securi�y Instrumeri�.
<br /> SEVERABILITY. If a court of c�mpetent juar�sdiction de��rm�nes any �erm or pro�is�on of �h�s S��urity
<br /> �ns�rument is invalid �r prahibified by app�i�ab�e law, tha� �erm or pro�ision wili be ineffective fio the ex�ent
<br /> required. 14ny term or provisi�n�hat has�een deterrr��ned tn b� invaiid flr prohibi�ed wi�l be sev�red from the res�
<br /> of �he Security �nstrument vvi�hout in�alidat�ng th� r�rr�ainder of e��her the affec�ed pro�isian or this S�curity
<br /> �ns�rument.
<br /> �2�0�-24 t 5 Compliance Syst�ms,ir�c.d48B-5DC0-2b I�.12.3.t.1039
<br /> Cvinmercial Rea�Estat�5ecurity Instn3ment-DL4�47 Page A of 5 wti�rw.cvmpliancesyster�js.co:n
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