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2� 17� 1171 <br /> statement cover�ng any other premxses and ma.y be �led �n any a�her appropriate f l��g �r recording <br /> off ce. A carbor�ph�tographic or ather repr�duction�f t�.�s Deed of Trust a�af an�fix�ancxng statement <br /> re�ating�o this�]eed of�'rust sh�.l� be suff�c�ent as a f�anc�ng stateme�.t for ar��r�f the purposes refe�-�red <br /> t�in th�s Sectian. Trust�r�ha��from t�rr�e�o time,at the r�quest of Benef c�a�,execute any and a��other <br /> f nancir�g stat�ments covering such persona�prop��y and fi�t-�res��r�form sa�isfactary to�enef�ciary] as <br /> Benefx�xary ma�requ�re. Th�s docum.ent covers goods wh�ch ax�or are t�bec�me fixtu.�es. <br /> Trustor h�reb� abso�utely and unca�ditionally a.ssxgns ta Tru.stee, fo�the benef�t and secur�ty o� <br /> Benef eiary, a�� of Trustor's r�ght, title and xnte�r�st in ar�d t� a�� current and future Leases and Re�ts; it <br /> ��xng zr�ter�ded by Trusto� th�s assignment cox�stitutes a present, abso�ute assigizrne�t and n�� an <br /> as�igr�n�nt for add�tz��a�. secur�ty �ni�r_ Thxs Deed of Trust shall canst�tute�.n assigr�.ent of��ases and <br /> ren�s genera.�.�y and as those�erms ar� def ned under Nebrask�. Iaw. Nevertheless, subj ect to the terms of <br /> ��1I5 S�C�10I7�, Benef ciar��ts to T�u.�tor a�evocab�e I�cense�� co��ect ax�d receive the Rents der�ved <br /> fr�m the Pr�perty. Benef�ciar�ma.y r�vo��such revocab�e lic��s� at a�y t�m.e follavsrir�g the accurrence <br /> of an event of c�efault under an��f the Loan 17vc�ne�ts by provid�ng n�tice in�riting ta Trustor,ma�l�ed <br /> �o Trustor'�address set for�h�n the f�st paragra�h of th�.s Deed�f Trust. <br /> Sect�on 3.Pa�ment of Indebtedness and P�rfarman�e of Duties. T'�ustar shall pay v�h�n due <br /> the princzp�.X o�', an.d any interest an, �he Indebted�.�ss amd perfarm a�� of��s dutres and ab�igatzons as <br /> provided iz�the Loan Documents. <br /> Section 4. Ta�es. Trustor sha�l pay each �nsta�ImE.e�� of a�l ta�e� and speczal �.ssessmen�s of <br /> �very k�nd, na� or hereafter �evi�d against �h.e Trust Praperty or �.x�y part �h�reof, bef�re de�xnqu.ency, <br /> ���hou� natice ar demand, a�d provide proof af such payment �o �3en�f c��.ry fro�n time to time upon <br /> �enef ciary's reques�. <br /> Section S. Insurance. Trustor sha�l keep �he Trus� Proper� insured as requzrec� b� �he L��.n <br /> Do�uments. �ach pa1�c��f insura.r�ce shall�e�n form reaso�.ably accep�ab�e to Benefciary,sha��pro�r�de <br /> that�he same ma�nflt be canceied o�-mod�f�d without t�iir�y�30�days pr�or writ�en notice�o�en�f ciary, <br /> sha��name the Benefzc�ary a�a.n additronal ��.�ured,and shall h�.ve Iass pa�able prov�sions�n fa�or of and <br /> in form acceptab�e to Benefic��.ry. Trustor shall have no right to �nsurance proceeds v�hxle �'rustor �s �n <br /> default under th�Loar�Documents. Un�ess�3erae�c�ary and Tru.s�ar otherw�se agree�n wr�t��.g, any such <br /> applicati�n of�nsurance proceeds sha�l nat �xte�.d or pastpone the due date af an}� ob��gat�ons und�r the <br /> ���.�Documen��,�r change the amoun��f any such�nsta��ments. <br /> Sect�on 6.Act�vns Affecting Trust Property. Trust�r sha�� appear in and contest any action or <br /> proceed�ng purpar�ing�o affec�the secur��ty hereof or the r�ghts or powers af�enefc�ary or Tr�.�s�ee, and <br /> shail pay a�I costs and e�penses, �nc�uding cas��f e�idence of��t�e and attorne�'s fees,Yn a�.�such actYon <br /> �r�rnceed�ng�r�u�hich Beneficiary or Trus�ee may ap�pear. <br /> S�ct�o�7. Maintenance, Inspect�on. Trus�or shali keep the �' Prop�rty, �ncluding �he <br /> Im.provemen�s now or h�reafter erected on�he Land, in good repa�r and candi��on and�h�.IZ not commit or <br /> permit vvaste thereaf. Exc�p� a.s specif cally c�n�empiated or permi�ted in the Loan I3ocumeri�s, Trus�or <br /> shal� n�t substantiall� a�ter�he des�gn or s��uctural character const�tuting an�r bu�iding n�w or hereafter <br /> erect�d on and const�tut�ng the�'rust Praper�v�i�hou�the prior writ�en conser�t of�enef c�a.ry, shall not <br /> �o any act or thing which�ou�d undu�y impair�r deprec�a�e the value of the Trus�Prope�and shaii nat <br /> a�andon the Trust Property_ Excep� as spec�f ca��� contemplated or permitted �n the Laan D�cumen�s, <br /> Trustor sha�I n�t rexnave ar�y fixtures constitut�ng the Trust Praperty un�ess the same are �mm�dxa�e�y <br /> replace�. w�th l�ke property subj ect to the �ien and secur�ty xnteres� of this Deed of Trus� ax�d of a� Ieas� <br /> equal va�ue and ut�Iit�. Trustor sha�� comp�y wi�h a�l presen� a�d future ord�r�a.nces, regula��ons and <br /> requiremen�s of any g�vernmen�al body �vhxch are a�plicahle to the�'rust�r�perty anc�to�t�he occupancy <br /> a�d use�hereof. Benef c�ary or��� agen�s may, at a��reas�nab�e�imes, �nter r�pan�he]Pr�perry far <br /> 4 <br /> �-843-�8S3�474_1 <br /> EVI Grand Island <br /> D�ed of Trus� <br />