2� 17� 1171
<br /> th�purp�s��f insspec�an. Be�.efic�a.�y shal�have no duty to m�.ke such insp�ction and sha��not be 1�a.ble
<br /> to Trustor or �a �.n.� perso� in passess�on of the Tr�.st Pro���y if it ��.I�es ar fa�ls �o make a.�y such
<br /> �nspect�nn per��tted hereunder.
<br /> Sect�on�. Ha�ardous 'VL�aste. Trustor cavenar�.ts t� B�neficzaxy a.r�d Trustee to k�ep the Trust
<br /> P�aperty free of a11 h�.zardous sub�tances and hazard�u.s�aste as described under app��cable 1a�v. T�ustor
<br /> shal� prompt�� natify �enef ciary of a.n� event that v��uld render any r�presentation, covenant, or
<br /> �warranty c�ntained in the Loax�Documer�ts �ncarr�ct�n any m�.���a.l respect. Zn such e�ent, Benef�ciar�
<br /> m�.�requ�r�that a�l vio�ation� of ap�l�cab�e la�r v��th respect�heret�be corrected and that a�� necessary
<br /> gave�-nment�pe�ra��s be abta.�ned,al�at Trustor's sole e�per�se.
<br /> Trust�r does hereby ind��n�fy and hold Benefic�ary and Trustee, �he�r directars, officers,
<br /> emplayees, ager�ts and ar�y success�r or successors to th�ir irate�est i�.th.e 7Crust Pr�p�rty�armless fr�m
<br /> and aga�.nst an� and a.11 Iosses, c�a�ms, damages, penalties, I�abi�ities, response C�5t5 and expenses
<br /> ��nc�ud��g a1� ou�-af-�a�cket �i�gat�on costs and the reasanable fees and exp�r�ses af c�unse�} [a� a-�.sing
<br /> out �f the znaccuracy, breach or incompleteness �f an� rep�-esentat�o�, wa�-ra��, or c�vena�t made b�r
<br /> Trustor��this Sect�nn 8 or�n any document i�v�r�ting de�xvered c�r�currentl�herew�th,or�b�ari�ing ou�
<br /> of ar��r�awsuit brought or�e�atenec�, settlern.ent reached, or go��rnm.enta.� order reiating ta the pres�nce,
<br /> d�sposal, release, or threatened release of a.ny hazar�ous substanc� or ]hazardous �raste upan the Trust
<br /> Proper�y,ar�c}arzs�ng aut of any v�ola��on of a.r�y appl��able stat�t�o�regulation for�he pro�ec�ion af the
<br /> environment �vhich occurs upon th.e Trus� Praperty; provided �hat? to the e�tent that �eneficiary or
<br /> Trust�e�s stricti� Iiab�e ur�der any statute or reguiation, Trustar's obligat�ons hereunder shaTl 1��ewxse t�e
<br /> �ith�u�regard to fault on the part of Trustar�v�th respec�t�th�vi�lati�n of�av�wh.��h results in�ia���ity
<br /> t��enef ciar�y or T�-ustee. The inde�ificatzon here�n provided by Trustor sha11 co�tinue in fu��force and
<br /> effect�ndef n�tel�and sha��starvive the repaym�rzt�f th�L,oa,n,an�reconveya�ace Qf�he Trus�Proper�by
<br /> Trustee, and any forec�asure ��hether jud�cially or pursuant�o the power nf sale granted he�-ein) or deed
<br /> zr�lieu of forec�osure of the Tru.s�Praperty.
<br /> Sect��n 9. Pr�tectxon of Security. If Trus�ar fails to perform �,n� of the covenants and
<br /> agreemen�s con�ained xn this Deed of T�us� or in the �ther Loan Dflcuments, ar if any actxan or
<br /> praceeding�s cammenc�d wh�ch da�s�r may adverse�y affec�the Trust Pr�perty ar�he�nt�rest af Trus�tor
<br /> or lB�nefic�ary there�n or the �itie of Trustor th�reta,then, �f Trustor is nat�he�. doing so, �enef��ary, at
<br /> ��s option, ma�perform such covena.�ts and agre�ments, and rnay, �n any event, make such appearances,
<br /> defend against and xnvest�gate such ac�ian or praceed�ng and ta.ke such athe�-actxan as Benef ciary dee�an.s
<br /> necessa�y�� pro�ect ��s int�rest, �ncl�.d�ng, but n�t �im�ted t4, d�sbursement of reasonab�e attorney's fees,
<br /> pa�ments of ��ens, taxes, insurance premium�, pay�nen�s of c��n.peting enc�n.brance�, whether or not
<br /> superior��this I]eed�f Trus�,and entry up�n�he Trust Properfiy t�make repairs. Any amounts drsbursed
<br /> b� Bene�c�a� �ursuan� �o th�s Sec�ion 9, wx�h xn�eres� thereon, sh�.I� constxtu�e Ind�btedness of�`rustor
<br /> seeured by th�s Deed of Trus�. Un�ess Trustor �.nd Benef ciary a�ree to other�erms of payment, such
<br /> am�unts shall be payable up�n no�ice fr�m Benef ciary�o Trusto�requesting paymen�thereaf, and shai� �
<br /> bear in�erest from the da�e nf disbursemen� at �h� f xed annua� ra�e of�he Loari set for�h �n the Note.
<br /> Nothxng can�ained in th�s Sec�ion shal� require �enef c�a�y �o incur any expense or take a�y actzon
<br /> her�under. Trus�or�rrevocably au�horizes and empowers�ene�ciary�o en�er upon the Trus�Proper� as
<br /> Trus�or's agent and, in Trustor's nar�e or otherw�se, �o perforn� an� and all covenan�s and agreemen�s �o
<br /> be�erformed by Trustor as provided �n this Deed �f Trust or�n the ather Loan D�cuments. Benefc�ar�
<br /> shall, at i�s op�ion, be subrogated t� any �ncum�ranc�, l�en, ��aim or demand and to a.�� r�ghts and
<br /> secur���es far�he paymen�th�reof�aid or discharged by Benef cxary under the prou�sions hereof and an�
<br /> s�ch subr�ga��on righ�s shall be addit�onal and cumu�a��ve sect��for this D��d�f Trust.
<br /> Section lU. Em�nent Damain. Subject�o�he rights of the h��der� �f Permit�ed Encumbrances,
<br /> the proceeds �f any award or c�a.�m for damages, direct �r consequentxa�, in connection w�th any
<br /> S
<br /> 4843-158�-3474_1
<br /> EV�Grand Island
<br /> Deed of Tn.�.st
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