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2� 17� 1171 <br /> revenues, �ssues and pr�f�ts �inc�ud�ng a�� oil and gas ar a�her rn.inera� ro�a�tz�s and bonuses� from the <br />�.d and the �mpro�ements v�hether paid �r accrui�g bef�re or af�er the f l�ng by �r against Tr�stnr of <br /> ar�y pet�ti�n for relief under Cr�dit�rs Rights �the "Rents"� a.�d a.l.l proce��.s frflrn.�he sale or other <br /> disposit�on of the I�eases and th�r�ght ta receive ar�.d ap�ly the Ren�s�o the pa�men�flf the Indeb�edness; <br /> a��right,�it�e and interest of Trustor��.and to an�r greater�st�.te�n�he La�d owned�r he�eafter acquired; <br /> a.l.� ��te�ests, es�ates or�ther c�ain�s, bo�� in �aw and � equ�ty, �vhich YI'rusto�n�v� has or n�a� herea.fter <br /> acquxre in �e Land; al� �asernents, wa��r rights, r�gh�s-of-way, ten�ments, hered�tax�en�s ax�.d <br /> ap�urtenances pertaining t� the Land; �1.� r�gh�t, title a�.d interest �f Trustor, now owned ar hereafter <br /> acqu�red, in and to arr.y Iand ����g withi.r�the right-of way of a�.y street or highway adj aining the La�d, <br /> and any and a�l �Ieys and str�ps axld gores of�a�d adjacent t� �r used in c�nr��ction vv�th the Land; any <br /> and alI bui�d�ngs, fi�tu.res and improvements now or herea�ter erect�d upan �he Land �collect�vely, the <br /> "Improvements");ar�.d aII the estat�,interest,�.gh�,title or any c�aim��denr�a�d�nr��ch�'�ust�r no�has or <br /> may he�eafter acquire�n the Land.�The 1'�-operCy a.r�d the entire es�ate and znt�r�st conveyed to the Trustee <br /> hereb�are referred to,c����ct�ve��,as the"T�st P�-operty." <br /> This paragraph sh�� serve as n�t�ce to aIl pers�n.s who may seek o� obtain a Iien an the T�ust <br /> �roperry subsequent to the d�.te af reco�-d�.ng af th�.s Deed of Trust that, unti� thi s Deed of rI'rz�st is <br /> rel�ased., any debt awed I�enefic�ary b�r Trustor, �nc�uding adva.�z�es made subsequent to the reefl�d�ng of <br /> th�s Deed�f T�st,sha1l be secured�nr�th the pr�orit�aff�rded��s I3eed of Tru�t as recarded. <br /> This I�eed o�r and �lI �f the tern�.s, cond��ions, a.nd ob��ga���ns con�ained �n th�s Deed �f <br /> Trust shal� cont�nue in fu��force�.nd effect un�i� such tirr�e as the Indebtedness has been ful�y a.�d final�� <br /> pa�c�ar�d perfarmed, a��hic�t�me this Deed �f Trust sha1�be�oid, a.�d Be�.ef ciary agrees��execute an <br /> xnstrument evidencing�he sat�sfact�on�f the�ndebted�ess and re�easing thxs I3eed of Tru.st_ <br /> T� P��TECT THE SE�URITY �F TH�S DE�EI3 �F TRUST', TRUST�R ��VENANTS AND <br /> A�REES A5 F�LL��S: <br /> Sectzan 1.Title. Excep� for thase e�cept�on� shovvn �r�tha� cer�ain �aan pa��cy af txtle insurarace <br /> obta�ned by Benef cxary ar�d wh�ch �nsures the �zen of�his I]eed �f T�ust �col�ec�iv��y, the "Permitted <br /> Encumbra�ces"},Trustor covenants,tiva.rrants and agre�s�ith�enefic�ary,its succe�s�rs and assi�ns,that <br /> Trust�r o�vns the Trust Proper� free from any prior lren or encu�nbrance, that this I]eec� af Trust is and <br /> v���l rema�n a�a��d and enfarceable Iien an the Trus�t P�op�rty, �hat Trustar, at �ts expense, wil� preserve <br /> ��ch title and tivi�l maxn�ain this Deed of�'rus� as a �rst prior��y �i�n upan the Trust Prape�.y and �il� <br /> forever warrant anc�de�e�.d the valid��y and prio�.�of the Iien hereof agains�the c�aims of al I persons and <br /> parties whamsaever. Trust�r, a� xts expense, w�l� cause this I�eed �f Trust, and a.ra� amendm�nt or � <br /> supplement hereta, to be �iled and rec�rded as a m�r�gage af�he �'rust Pr�perty �n such mar�ner and �n <br /> such p I ac�, and Tr°ustor����ta:ke su�h acti�ns as�n�he op�n�an�f�'rustee or Benef c�ary may be requ�red <br /> �y any present or future Iaw�n arder�to perfect,maintaxn and protect the Iien of�his Deed�f Trus�, as�h� <br /> sarr�e may be amended or su�p�emented from.tim.e�o�ime. Trustor shall�ot create ar permr��o be created <br /> �r to remain ar�y subord7na�e �ien�n Trustor's interest�� the Trust Property or any part th�reof�o secure <br /> any indeb�edness for borr�wed m.oney,wi-�hout obtair��ng the pr��r written consent of�enef ciary_ <br /> Sect�on 2.- Secur�ty Agreement; Fixture Fxling; and As��gnment of Leases and l�ents. This <br /> Deed of Trust shall cons�itute a security agreement a.nd f nancing statement under the prov�s�ons of the <br /> Nebraska Unifor�r� �amm�rcial Code wx�h respect �o those ��ems described in the preambles hereaf as <br /> constxtuting a. pa.� of the Trust P�oper�y, tog�ther with a�� o�her praperty of Trust�r, either sYmi�ar or <br /> diss�milar�o�he sar�.e,now or h�reaft�r locat�d a�ar on the Praperty. �'h�s Deed�f Trus���I�be effe�tive <br /> as a f nancin� stater�ent f ied as a f xture f�ing wi�h r�sp�c� to a�� f�xtures in�Iude� w��h�n the Trust <br /> Pr�per��and�s to�e f�ed f�r record in the rea� es�ate rec�rds�f each county where ar�y part nf the Trust <br /> Property �inc�uding sa�d fzxtures] is situa�ed. rI`h�s Deed af Trust shall also be effec�ive as a f nanc�ng <br /> 3 <br /> 4843-�$83-3474_l <br /> E'��Grand Island <br /> Deed of Trust <br />