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<br /> Loan No: 'i���'���� �������u�d} Page �
<br /> an� laws nouv or h�reaf�sr in for�e; n�twithstanding� some �r �[I of such ind�btedness and ab�i��tions se�ured by
<br /> this Deed of Trust may n�w ar her�after be atherwise secured, whether by martgage, d�ed of trust, pled�e, li�n,
<br /> assignment or atherwise. Nei�her �he acceptance �f this De�d of Trus� nar its enfQr�ement, whether b� court
<br /> ac�ion or pursuant tv the power af sale ar ath�r pawers contained €n �his aeed af Trust, shall prejudice o� in any
<br /> mann�r affect Trustee's ❑r Lender`s ri�ht fio realize upon or enforce any o�her securi�y now ar hereafter held by
<br /> Trustee ar Lender, it being agreed tha�Trustee and Lende�r and each af th�m, shall be entitled t� enforce this Deed
<br /> o� Trust and any o�her security now or hereafter held by Lender ar Trus�ee in such order and manner as they Qr
<br /> eith�r of them may in the�r abso�ute discretion de�ermine. iV� rem��y canferred upon ar reser�ed �a Trustee or
<br /> Lender, is in�ended fi� be �xclusi�e of any other remedy in this Qeed of Trust ar by law prQW�ded or permitted, but
<br /> ea�h sh�ll be curnulativ� and shal� �e in addi�ion �� every �ther rem�dy given in this Deed af Trust or naw ar
<br /> hereafter existing at law or in equ�ty or by s�afiute. E�ery power or�emedy g�Wen by th� N�te or any�f the Related
<br /> Qacuments ta Trustee ar Lender or �a which either ofi �h�m may be otherwise entit�ed, may be exercis�d,
<br /> cancurrently �r independently, fr�m tim� ta time and as �ften as may be deemed expedient by Trust�e or Le�de�,
<br /> and either ❑f them may pursue inconsistent remedies. iVothing in this ���d vf Trust sha[1 be �anstrued as
<br /> prohibiting Lender�fram se�king a deficien�y}udgment against the Trus�ar to�khe ext�nt such action �s �ermitted by
<br /> law.
<br /> Election vf Remedies. AI� o� Lend�r's rights and rerr�edies will be cumulati�� and may be ��ercised a[one o�
<br /> together. I� Lender decides to spend maney �r tQ perfo�m any of T�ustor's obl�gat�ans under this Deed af Trust,
<br /> after Trustor's �ai[ure t❑ do so, th�t de�ision by Lender wi�l not affec� Lend�r's right to d�c�are Trustar �n default
<br /> and�a exercise Lender's remedi�s.
<br /> R�quest fior I�otic�. Trustar, on behaf�a�Trustor and Lenderr hereby requ�sts that a c�py af any N�ti��af Qe�aul� �
<br /> and a �opy o�any Notice af�a�� under this ❑eed �f Trust be mailed �o th�m at the addr�sses se�for-�h in the tirst
<br /> paragraph af�his ��ed of Trust.
<br /> At#orneys' Fe�s, Expens�s. If Lender institutes any suit �r acti�n to enforce any �f the terms �f this Deed af
<br /> Trustr Lender shall be �ntitl�d �a reca�er such sum as th� court may adjudge �easonable as attarneys' fees �t tr�a�
<br /> and upan any appeal. Wh��her or not any c�urt actian is invo[Wed, and to the ext�nt na� prohibited by law, ali
<br /> reasvnab�e e�€penses Lender incurs fihat in L�nd�r's opinian are n�cessary at any �ime for the prat�ction af its
<br /> inter�st❑r th� �nforc�ment vf its righ�s shal[ becom� a part af�he �n�ebtednass payable an demand and shall ��ar
<br /> interest at�he Nate rate fram the date Qf the expenditura until repaid. Expenses c�Wered by this paragr�ph in�lude,
<br /> withau� �im�ta�i�n, h�►rve�rer sub�ect to any limits und�r appli�able law, Lend�r's attarney�' fees and Lender's legal
<br /> expensesr whe�her ar na� there is a lawsuit, in�luding attorneys' �ees an� expenses f�r hankru�t�y pro���dings
<br /> {in�luding eff�rts ta madify❑r vacate any automatic stay ar injun�tionf, app�ais, and any anticipate� post-jud�men�
<br /> collectian ser�ices, �he �ost af sear�hing re�ords, �btaining title reports {inGluding foreclosure reports�, surWe�+ors'
<br /> repor�s, and appra�sal -�ees, titfe insurance, and fees for the Trustee, �o -�he extent permitted by app�i�ab[e law.
<br /> Trustor als� v�rill pay any caurt costs, in add�tian to all other sums proWided by law.
<br /> Righ�s�f Trustee. Trustee sha�I have al�af the righ�s an� �uties of Lender as set farth in this sectian.
<br /> P�INERS AND C]�LIGATiC]IV5 �7F TRUSTEE. The followin� pr�Wisions relating t� the powers and abligati�ns �f Trus�ee
<br /> ar� part of this Deed �f Trust:
<br /> Pow�rs vf Tru$tee. �n addition ta.all powers a�Trus��e ar�sing as a matter�f law, Trustee shal� haWe the paw�r t�
<br /> �ake the ��Ilaw�ng a��i�ns with r�spsc�to th� Praperty upon the written request of Lender and Trustor: �a} jain in
<br /> preparing and ��ling a map or plat of the Real Proper�y, in�luding the dedicatian �-� streets or a�her righ�s �o the
<br /> pu�lic; �b} join in granting any �asement or creating any restriction on �he Real P�op�rty; arrd {c� �o�n in any
<br /> subordinatian or other agreement affecting this Ds�� �f Trus�ar th� �nt�r�s�af Lend�r under this aeed o�Trus�,
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall meet a�l qualificativns requi��d for Trustee under app�icabl� �atnf. [n addi�ion t� the ri�hts
<br /> and remedies s�t forth abo�e, with respec� t� ali �r any part of the Property, the Trustee sha�l hav� the right t�
<br /> �oreclose �y natic� and sa[e, and Lender will hav� the right ta �ar�close �y judicial for�clvsure, in either �ase in
<br /> accvrdan�e vvi�h and to the full ext�n�pr��ided by applicable law.
<br /> Su���ssor T�ustee. Len�er, at L�nder's op�ian, may from tim�to time appoint a successor Trus�ee ta any Trustee
<br /> appoin�ed under this �eed ❑� Trust by an instrument execu�ed and acl�novtirledged hy Lender and recorded in th�
<br /> �ffice o# �he record�r vf Hal� �ounty, 5ta�e af Nebras�a. The instrument shal� cantain, in additian ta ��[ o�her
<br /> mafi���s required by state la�rv, -the names of the arigina� �ender, Trustee, and Trus��r, the hoak �nd page 4or
<br /> cam�uter system reference) where �his D�ed of Trust is r���rded, and the nam� and address of �he su��essor
<br /> �rustee, and the instrumenf sha[I ae�x�cuted and a��nowledged by�!�the beneficiaries under this Deed ��Trus�vr
<br /> their succ�ss�rs in interest. Th� suGcessor truste�r �rvithout canveyance af the Prop�r�y, shall succeec� ta all �he
<br /> tit�e, pawer, and duties conferred upon�he Trusfiee in this Q�ed af Trust and by applicabl� law. This pr�cedure far
<br /> substi�ufii�n o�F Trus�ee shall goWern to the exclusion of all Qther pr�Wisians for substitution.
<br /> IVDTiGES. Any no�ice requir�� to be giWen under this ❑eed af Trust, including without limitati�n any notice �f de#ault
<br /> and any natice of sa�e shall be gi�en in writ�ng, and shall be e�fective when ac�ually delivered� when ac�ually recei�ed
<br /> by telefacsimile �unless otherw�s� re�uired by la�rv�, when d�posited with a nafi�nally rec�gnized o�ernight c�urier, or, if
<br /> mail�d, when deposi�ed in the United Stat�s mail, as first ciass, cer�i�Fied or registered mail pastage prepaid, d�re�ted ��
<br /> the addresses shown near�he beginning �f th�s D�ed of Trust. Afl capies �f natices af �ore�l�sure from the holder ��
<br /> any lien which has pri�rit� ouer �his ❑eed of Trust shall be senfi to Lender's address, a� shown near the beginning of
<br /> this Deed a-� Trust. Any pers�n may chang� his �r her a�dr�ss �or notices under this Deed af Trust by g��ing �o�mal
<br /> ►�rritt�n notice to fihe ather person or persans, spe�ifying that the purpose of the nati�e i� ta change the persvn's
<br /> address. FQr natice purp�ses, Trus�or agr�es to ke�p Lender in�ormed at all �imes of Trustor's current address. Llnlsss
<br /> otherwise pra�ided ar r�quired by [aw, if fihere is more -�han ane Trustar, any notice �iven by Lender ta any Trus��r is
<br /> deemed�a be nofii�e giWen to all Trustars. It w�ll be Trustor's responsibi�ity�o�el[the�thers af the notic��r�m Lender.
<br /> M�S�ELL�4NEaUS PR�ViSI�NS, The-��Ilowing m�s�ellaneous proWisions ar� a part of this ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Amendments. 111Ihat is writ�en in fihis Deed of Trust and in �he Related [�a�uments is Trustor's entire agreement
<br /> with Lend�r �Qn�erning the matters covered by this De�d of T�us�. Ta be effec�iWe, any �hange �r amendment t❑
<br /> this ❑eed o�Trus� must be in writing and must be signe� by whoe�er will be ��und or ob[igated by th� change or
<br /> amendm�nt.
<br /> Caption Headings. Capt�an headings in this aeed ❑f Trus� are f�r con�enience purposes anfy and are not �o be
<br /> used to �nte�-pret or define�h� pravisians of this Qeed af Trust.
<br /> M�rger. Ther� shal� be no merg���#the in-terest�r�state crea��d �y�his Deed af Trust with any other �nterest ar
<br /> estat� in fih� Property a�any time held by or f�r the benefit af Lender in any capacity, vuithflut the written c�nsent
<br /> af Lender. -
<br /> G��erniny Law, This Deed of Trusfi w�ll be ga�erned by federal law applical�le �o Lender and, ta th� �xt�nt not
<br /> preempted by�ederal law, �he I�ws o#th�5��t� af Nebraska without regard to its �vnf��cfis Qf law proWis�ons. This
<br /> Deed af Trust haS he�n accepted by Lender in the S�ate of Nebraska.
<br /> Choice of Venue. If ther� is a �awsuit, Trustor �grees upon Lender's request to submit to the jurisdictian ofi th�
<br /> courts of Hall �ounty, 5�ate af Nebraska.
<br /> Joint and Seweral Li�bi�ity. All obligations vf Barrower and Trustor under this �eed af Trust shall he jain� and
<br />