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� 2� 17� 11 �8 <br /> ���� �� ����� <br /> L�an IVaa �i���s���� ���+�������� ■ ��� + <br /> several, and al� r�feren�es�a Trustor s�al[ mean each and e�ery Trus�ar, and all ref�r�n�es ta Barrawer shall mean <br /> each and every Borrower. Th�s m�ans that eaGh Trustnr signing h�law is respons�b�e�or all �bligati�ns in this Deed <br /> of Trust. <br /> IIla W��Wer hy L�nd�r. Trustar unders�ands Lender v�ril! not give up any of Lender's rights under this D�ed of Trust <br /> unless Lender does so in wrifiing. The fiact that Lender d�lays or omits t� exercise any righ� will not mean that <br /> Lender has giWen up that right. if Lender does agree in writing �o giWe up �ne of Lender's righ�s, that does n�t <br /> mean Trustar wtll no� haUe t� comply wi-�h the o-�her pro�isians of this �eed o� Trust. Trustnr also under�tands <br /> that if Lender daes cansent to a request, thaf do�� n�t rn�an that Trustor w�ll not have fi� get Lend�r's c�nsent <br /> again �f th� situation happ�ns agasn. Trusta�further understands that jus�because Lender consents ta ane ar mare <br /> af Trustar's reques�s, that daes na� mean Lender will l�e required ta consent to any of Trus�or's future r�quests. <br /> Trustor waiwes presentm�n�, demand for paym�n�r �rDt�,'S�, and notice of dish�nar. <br /> 5everabi�ity. l� a caurt finds that any pra�ision of this Deed a# Trust is not Walid or shauid not be enfarced, that <br /> �act �y itself v�rilf not me�n�hat the rest of thi� Deed �f Trust will no�t be �ralid or en�Qrced. Therefor�, a �ourfi w�ll <br /> enforce the rest af the prov�sions of�his Deed ��Trust ev�n if a provision of this aeed of Tru�t may be found to b� <br /> in�al�d ar unenfarceable, <br /> Successors and Ass�gn�. Subj��� �o any I�mitati�ns stated in -th�s Dee� �f Trus-t on �rans�€er af Trustar`s interest, <br /> �his D�ed af Trust shall b� binding upon and inur� t� the �ene#it of th� parties, their successors and ass�gns. I� <br /> awnershi� a#the Praperty becomes �es�sd in a pe�san other than Trus�ar, Lender, without n�tice to Trustor. may <br /> deal with Trustor`s succ�ssors w��th re�re��n�e to this Qeed o�€Trust and the lnde�tedn�ss by way��f�rbearan�e ar <br /> extensian w�thout releasing Trus��r fram the ohligatians af this Deed a�Trust ar liabili�y under-the lndebtedn�ss. <br /> Tirne is Qf th� Essence. Tim� js of the ess�nce in the perfarman�e of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Vtilaiv�Jury. A�I p�r��es to�his Deed of Trust h�r�by waive the right ta an}�jury�rial in any action. Rrviceed�ng, vr <br /> counter�tai�n brau�h�b}�any party against any ather�arty. <br /> Vllaiv�r a� Hamesteac� E�ce�r�a�ti�n. Trustor herehy releases and wai�es all rights and b�nefits o� th� homest�ad <br /> exempt��n �aws of the 5tate ofi Nebraska as to all lndebtedness secured by this Deed af Trust. <br /> DEF�1V1Ti�[V�. The foiiowing wards shall ha�e�he�o[l�wing m�anin�s when used in this Qeed�f Trust: <br /> Ben�ficiary. The ward "Beneficiary" means Equitable Bank, �nd its su�cessors an� assigns. <br /> Borr�w�r. The wor� "Barrower" m�ans Richard C Sherman and includes all c�-signers and c�-makers signing the <br /> Not� and a11�heir successors and assigns. <br /> Deed vf Trust. The wards "Deed ��F Trust" me�n this De�d of T�ust amang Trustar, Lerrder, and Trustee, and <br /> includes withvut limitati�n all assignment and security interes� pr�Wisians refa��ng �a #h� Personal Praperty and <br /> FientS. <br /> En►rironme��tal L�v�s. The vtir�rds "EnWironmen�al Laws" mean any and all �tate, federa� and I�cal statutes, <br /> regulafiians and ardinances relating ta the protection a� human heafth or �he environment, including ►rvithout <br /> limitafiinn the Camprehensi�� En�iranmen�al Respanse, Campensatian, and Liability Act o�F '�98Q, as �mend�d, �-� <br /> U.S.C. Sectian ��01, �t seq. {"CERCLA"�, the Su�er�Fund Amendments and Reau�thari�atian Act of �98E, Pub. L. <br /> lV�. 99--49� {"SARA"}r the Ha�ar��us Mater�als Transpar-�a-tian A�t, 49 U.S.�. Sectian 1841, efi seq.,th� Res�ur�e <br /> Conservation an� Rec�uerr� A�t, �-� U.S.�. Section 69�1, e� seq., or ❑-�her applica�le state ar federai iaws, rules, <br /> �r regulations adopted pursuant theret�. <br /> EWen��f De�ault, The warc�s "EWent��r Defau[tT' mean any o##he events of default set fo�th in this Deed of Trust in <br /> �he�v�n-�s��d��au{t se�t�on of thfs Deed�f Trust. . <br /> Existing Indebt�d�ess. The wards "Existing indebtedness" mean the indebtedness des��'�bec� in the Existing Li�ns <br /> pro�ision af th�s Deed�af Trust. <br /> �uaranty. The word "�uaran�y" rneans the guaranty fram guarant�r, endarser� suret�, or a��ammodation party t� <br /> Lender, including with�ut limita�icrn a guarant�of all ar part�f the Note. <br /> Haaardaus Substances. The words "Ha�ardaus SubstanG�s" mean materials �ha�, becaus� of their quantity, <br /> can�entration or phys�cal, chemica! or in��ctious characteristics, may cause or p�s� a present or pQ�en�iaf hazard <br /> to human health or the enWironment when improperly used, trea�ed, stor�d, disp�sed a#, g�nera'ted, manu�a�tured, <br /> transported or atherwise hand�ed. The wards "Ha�ardaus Substances" are used �n their very broadest sens� and <br /> include without limitati�n any an�f a[I ha�ard�us �r t�xi� substancesr ma�e��als or waste as defined by ar listed <br /> under�he Enviranmentai Laws, The terrrr "Hazardous Substances�` alsa includ�s, wi�thaut�im�tatian, pe�roleum and <br /> �etroleum by-praducts ar any fractian thereof and asbest�s. <br /> Impra►r�ments. The wQrd "Impr��rements" m�ans al� �xisting and future imp���em�nts, buildings, struc�ur�s, <br /> mobile homes affixed an the Real Praperty, facilities, additions, replac�m�nts and other canstructivn on th� Real <br /> Property. <br /> In�6ebtednes�, The vtirord "lnd�btedness" means all princ��al, inter�st, and ath�r amaunts, cQs�s ar�d expenses <br /> payable under �he I�ate ar Rela�ed a�cuments, �ng�ther with ali renewals of, extensions of, modificati�ns af� <br /> cansalidations af and subst�tutions far the Note ar F�e�ated I]ocuments an� any am�unts expended or ad�ance� by <br /> Lender t� discharge Trustor's �bligati�ns or expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender ta enfarce Trustar's <br /> obligat�ons und�r this Deed �f Trust, tage�her with �n#erest an such amaunts as pr��ided in this Deed of Trust. <br /> Lender. The wor� "Lender" rrre�ns Equitable Bank, its successors and assigns. The wards "s�ccessors �r <br /> assigns=' me�n any persvn or company that acquires�ny�nterest in�khe N�te. <br /> IV��e. The wvrd "Not�" means the pram�ssary no#e dat�d February 16, �017, l�1 �h� ori�inal principal <br /> at7"1�l�nt �� $�;���.�3 fram Borrower ta L�nder, toc�eth�r with all rene`nra�s o�f, �xtensions af, modifi�atians of, <br /> re�inancings af, cansolidati�ns �f, �nd su�sti�utions far the pr�missory note �r ��reem�nt. The matur�ty date �f <br /> this Deed �f Trus�is February�D, ���a. <br /> Persana� Prop�rty, The words "P�rsana[ Property" rnean all �quipment, fi��ur�s, and ather articles of pers�na� <br /> properfiy now or hereafter ❑wned hy Trustor, and now �r hereaf�er attached or affixed to the R�a� Property; <br /> togeth�r ►rvith all accessions, parts, and addi�ians to, all repla�ements af, and all su�stitutions �ar, any of su�h <br /> property; and �o�ether with al[ proceeds tin�luding without limitation all insuran�e proc��ds and refunds o�F <br /> premiums} from any sale ar o�her c�ispositian of the Property. <br /> Proper�y. Th� word "Praperty" means collectively the Reaf Proper�ty and the Persona� Property. <br /> Real Property. The words "Reai Pr�perty" mean the real praperty, interests and righ�s, as further�ies�ribed in this <br /> �eed of Tru$t. <br /> Rela��d �acurreen�s. The v°vards "Relat�d Do��m�nts" m�an all promEssory notes, cr�di� agr��ments� loan <br /> agreem�nts, enWironmenta� agreements� guaranties, securi�y agreements, mortgages, deeds v� trust, security <br /> deeds, coflateral m�rtgag�s, and all ather �ns�rum�nts, agreernen�s and da�ur�ents, wheth�r n�w Qr herea��rer <br /> existing, execu�ed in connection w�th the Indeb���ness. <br /> Renfis. The word "R�nts" means al1 present and �uture rents, re�enues, in�ome, issues, rayalties, pro�its, and <br />