2� 17� 11 �8
<br /> ��E� �F T1RL��T
<br /> Laan �I�: ����1��� ��t�ntir�u�d� ���� �
<br /> effect {including �ai�ure of any c�llateral docum�n� ta cr�at� a �ralid and perfect�d s�curity interest or �ien} at any
<br /> time and�ar any reasvn.
<br /> �eath o� �ns�lU�ncy. Th� d�ath of garrovtrer�r Trustor, the insolvency o� Barrawer or Trustor� th� appaintment�f
<br /> a recei�er for any par�a� Barrower's ar Trustar's prop�rty, any assignm�nt f�r the benefit of cr�ditorsr any type �f
<br /> credi�tor worl�out, or th� cammencement o€ any pr�ce�ding und�r any bankru�tcy or insolvency laws by or against
<br /> Barrawer ar Trust�r.
<br /> Takir�g �f �he Pru�er�y. Any Greditar ar gavernmental agency frie$ �o take ar�y o� �he Prape�#y or any oth�r of
<br /> gorrotirver's �r' Trustor's pr�perty �n�whi�h Lend�r has a lien. This includ�s ta�ing of, garni�hing of or leWying on
<br /> Borrawer`s or Trus�ar`s ac��unts with Lender. HQwe�er, if Bvrrawer or Trustar disputes in goad �aith whether-�he
<br /> c�aim an whi�h the taking of the Praperty is based is valid or reasonable, and i-� Bor�-�w�� ar Trust�r gives Lender
<br /> vrrritten natice af the ciaim and furnishe� Lender with man�es or a surety ��nd satisfactory ta Lender�o satisfy-�he
<br /> claim, �hen�his d��aul�pr�vision will na�apply.
<br /> �r�ach a� D�he�r Agreemer�t. Any br�ach by Barrawer or Trus�or under th�t�rms of any ather agre�ment betv�reen
<br /> Borraw�r �r Trustor and Lender �hat is nat remedied within any grace period pra�rided t�ere�n, inciuding without
<br /> [im�tatian any agre�mer�t c�ncerning any inde�t�dness or oth�r obligation o� Borr�w�r �r Tr�stor t� Lender,
<br /> whether e�cisting now ar later.
<br /> E►ren#s �Of#�cting Cuarantar. Any �f th� pre��din� events accurs with r�sp�ct tfl any guarantar, �ndarS�r, surety,
<br /> or ac�ommodation party af any of the Ind�btedn�ss ar any guarantar, endorser, suretyr or aGc�mmada�ian par-�.y
<br /> dies or �a�cnm�s incom�etent, ar re�okes or disputes the validity of, ❑r �iab�lity und�r, any Guar�nty of the
<br /> lnd�h�edness.
<br /> Insecur�ty. Len�er in g��d faith be[i�ves itself insecure.
<br /> Existin� �n�ebtedness. �he payment af any �ns�al[ment of pr�n�ipal or any �n-�e�est an �he Existing Indebte�lness is
<br /> not made Wi�hin �he tim� required by th� p�amissory note e�idencing suct� indebtedness, ar a d�faul��ccurs under
<br /> the instrument�e�u�in� su�h �ndebtedness and fs no� cured �uring any appl��able grace period in such ins�rurnent�
<br /> or any suit or other ac�ian is commenced to far�close any existing lien�n the Prap�rty.
<br /> Righ�t� Cur�. ��F any d��ault, ather than a default in payment, is ��rable and i�F Trustar has not been given a nntice
<br /> ofi a brea�h of the sarne pro�ision of this �eed of Trust within the prec�ding twelWe 4�2� manths, it may be cured i�
<br /> Trustor, a�ter Lender s�nds wri�ten natice ta Barrawer demandin� �ure of such default: ��} cures the ciefault
<br /> with[n twenty ���} d�ys; or 4�� if the cure requires more than twenty [��} �iays, immediately initia-�es s�eps which
<br /> Lend�r deems in L�nder`s sol� discretian ta be sufficient ta cure th� d�fault and thereafter continues and
<br /> campletes a�l reasanabfe and nec�ssary steps suffi�ient to pr�du�e ��mpliance as soan as �-easanably practical.
<br /> R��HT� A1VD I�EME��ES C31V �EFAIJLT. If an EWent of Detault oG�urs under this Deed o�T�ust, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trust�e�r L�nder may exe�-ci�e any one or mvre�f the fvll�vving ri�hts and remedies:
<br /> �cce�erati�n Upon �3e��ul#: Additiona[ Fi��tedies. If any E�ent of Default occurs as per the terms a#the Note
<br /> secur�d hereby, Lender may d�clar� a�l lndebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust ta be due and payab[e and
<br /> the same sha�l th�reupon become due and payable without any presentment, demand, protest or notic�of any
<br /> l�ind. Th�r�after, Lender may:
<br /> �a� Either in person or by a�ent, with �r without �ringing any a��ion or proceeding, or by a receiver
<br /> app�inted by a caurfi and �vithaut regard to the ad�quacy af its securit�, enter upon and tak� possession
<br /> af th� Property, €�r any�art thereof, in i-�s �wn name or in the nam� ��F Trustee, and �� any acts wh�ch it
<br /> deem� necessary ar desirabl�ta preserWe the �a[ue, marketabili�y or rentability of the Praperty, vr parfi a�
<br /> the Propert}� or interest in the �roperty; �ncr�ase the �ncome fram the Proper-�y or pra-�e��the securi�y of
<br /> the Pro�erty; and, w�th or Uvithout #a�ing passessian �f the Propertyr 5U� for �r �thervtirise c�llect th�
<br /> rents, issues �nd profits af th� Prop�rty, including th�se past du� and un�aid, and appfy the same, less
<br /> costs and expenses af opera�ian and callec�ion attarneys` #ees,to any ind�h�tedn�ss secured k�y�his Deed
<br /> of Trust, a[I in such �rd�r as Lender ma� determine. The ent�ring upon and taking poss�ssion of the
<br /> Pr�perty, the callectian vf such r�nts, issues �nd prafits, and the application ther��f shail nat cu�e ar
<br /> wai�e an�r default or n�tice of defau�t under this Deed a� Trust nr inWalidate any act dane �n response to
<br /> such de�ault ar pursuan�to such natice of default; and, notwithstanding the c�ntinuance in �assessi�n of
<br /> the Property or the co�lection, receipt and applicatian of ren�s, issues a� prafits, Trus�e� or Lender shall
<br /> be entitled to e�ercise eWery right pravided far in �he Nate or the Related Documen�s ar by !a►rv up�n the
<br /> Qccurren�e of any e�ent of defau�t, includ�ng �the right to exercise the power af sale;
<br /> �b} Commenc� an action to ��recl�se�his D�ed ��Trust as a martgage, appaint a receiv�r�r spe�ificafly
<br /> �nf�rce any a#the ca�enan�s hereof; and
<br /> tG; ae�iver ta Trustee a writt�n declarati�n of defaul�and demand far sa�e and a written notice of de-�ault
<br /> and el�ction t� cause Trustar's in��rest in the Praperty ta be safd, which na�ice Trustee shall �ause to be
<br /> dul�filed for r�card in the appropr€ate offices of the County in which�the Pro�erty is I�cated; and
<br /> {d� With respect to all or any part�f�h� Persanal Propertyr Lender shall har�e all th� rights and rem�dies
<br /> of a se�ured party under the IVebraska Uniform �ammercial C�de.
<br /> Fare�lasur� by Pawer�f Sale. If Lender ele�ts tv for���ose by�xer�ise of the Power of Sale h�rein confiained,
<br /> Lender shall n��ify Trustee and shall deposit with Trust�e this Deed af Trust and the Note and such receipts
<br /> and evidence af expenditures made and secured E�y this �eed of Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> �a} �Jpan receipt af such no�i�e fram L�nder, Trusfiee sha�l cause ta be �e�orded, pu�lished and de�ivered
<br /> to Trus�or such hl��i�e a� �efault and hlotice of 5a1� as th�n required by [aw and by�his Deed �f Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, without demand �n Trusto�, aft�r such tim� as may �then be requ�red by law and a�ter
<br /> reco�dati�n Qf such N�tice af ❑�#ault and after 1V�tic� of �al� ha��ng beer� given as required by iaw, s�ll
<br /> th� Property at the tim� �nd p�ace �f sale fi�e� by it in such Notice of Sa�e, e�ther as a whole, or �n
<br /> s�p�rate iots ��-par�els or i�ern� as Trustee shall d�em expedient, and in suGh orde�as it may d�t��mine,
<br /> at pu�lic auGtion to the highest bidder�or �ash in lawful money o�the �Jni�ed Sta�es payabl� at th�time
<br /> of sale. Trust�e shall deli��r to such pur�haser ar purchas�rs therea� �ts g�od and sufficien� deed or
<br /> d�eds con�eying the praper�y s� so�d, but w�thout any c�venant or warranty, express vr imp[ied. The
<br /> recitals in such deed of any matters or facts shall be �on�lusive provf of the truthfulness �hereof. Any
<br /> p�rson, �nclu�ing with�ut limitation Trustor, T�ustee, �� Lender, may purch�se at such sale.
<br /> �b� �s may be permitt�d by law, after c�educting all �05�Sr fees and expenses of Trus�ee and of this
<br /> Trust, including �osts�f e�i�en�e af�ifile in cann�ction with sale� Trustee shall apply the proceed�of sal�
<br /> �� payment of �i� a�l sums expended und�r the terms of this aeed of Trust�r un�er�the terms af�h� lVote
<br /> not then repaid, including but not limited ta ac�ru�ci in�erest and la�e �harges, �ii} all other sums then
<br /> secured hereby, and {iii) the remainder, �f ar�y, to�he persan or p��sons �egally entitled thereta.
<br /> ��� Tru�tee may�n the mann�r pro�rided by!a� postpane saf�of al�ar any p�rtian af the Pr�perty.
<br /> Remedies Not ExGiusive. Trust�� and Lenderr and each of them, shal� b� enti�Ied to enforce paym�nt and
<br /> performance af any indebtedness or obligati�ns s�cured by this Deed a�Trust and tv ex�rcise all rights and p�vvers
<br /> under this ❑eed of Trust, under the N�te, under any �f the Related Dvcuments, or under any ❑ther agreement or
<br />