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<br /> , ll YearTreuusy Index-RateCaps) !=f0����
<br /> THIS EiDJUSTABI.E RJ►TE RIDER is mtde thfs 121�I �y of FEBIaUARY V� �lQ��
<br /> � and is Iasorporaced into und shal!be dce�rttd to amend and supp2ement the Atort�e, Dced of Trast, or 3c;u�ity Dred (the "5as:ri�.
<br /> Instru-meat")of thr sime datr�ivm by shc undcrsi�xd(the"Borrower")to secure Borrswa's Adjustable Rate Note(t�e••N'ote")to HOME
<br /> _ �DERAR SJ1YIHaS i LOAR ASSOGIATtON OF�RANO ISLANO NHBRASKA(ttse "Lender")of tt:e samt dac_utd covirin�the
<br /> praperry descrIbed ta�Secutity Inttrumtnt and Iocated at:
<br /> — ti'^ u CUSTER�ND iSLAN�, �E�6f3EiII3 �
<br /> rnroperty Aaaras)
<br /> _ � TMi. wie co.nr�s pro.wo.. .ro,�tq[ar c�a[. my 6rerai nte ..a vy .oRttir�, .
<br /> pay�is.TMb�ote abo 11�Its We�aor�t mj titerest ntccsa clraKe at an ase ttee asQ .
<br /> " �a sir�t�ra ud t�e wrfm�iste 1�a�t p�y.
<br /> ADDI'F10NAL CUYENANTS.In addidan to the covenants'and agrcunsnu made in clse Security[astrument�Bnr.rover and i.ender
<br /> furtha cat eoaat aad a�rree As Pollpws: • '
<br /> a
<br /> The Nae prot�des for An irucul imerese ra[e of j 1•5 %.Seaian 4 of the Ivote providas for changes in tt�te Inierest rate and the
<br /> ' monthly p�tyments,as foIIaws: '
<br /> tA) C�e Daks •
<br /> Tlte inter�st rate 1 wiq pay may change on the fit*�s:ay of _-___MA RCN �19,Q],_,.�,and on t'r.at day ev�rq
<br /> . '.�..�'..T.v.E.�.1,.2,�...—months thereafter.Each date on whIch��:int�srst rate could ch$ngc is called a"Chnnae Date." �
<br /> [B) 7'ie Isdex .
<br /> Beginning aith the first Change Date,my interest rate will he based on an(rcigx.The"Iadex"is the we�kly Everage yield on United States
<br /> �. Treasnry securities adjusted to a coastant maturity of 1 yeat,as made available by the Federal Res�rve BaF+rd.The matt..>�Cent Inder.tig-�re
<br /> • anailablrss.of the dau45 days before c�ch Change Date is called tEe"Cunent Index.^ .
<br /> lf.13i+�dndez is no IonYer ava��,the Note Holder wilj ctc�ae a new index which ps 6�tses!u�son camparabfa inf.4truat�on.The Note . ��
<br /> ; Hoides�ri}]�3ive m�notice of this choio.. � � '
<br /> ` (� GicWatloaotChas�cs � -•
<br /> ; Before each Change Date,the No:�t�nl3;r�iJt.;:;c�late my new interest rate by adding�r������� �� ���� _-
<br /> P����3 °/o)to the fi:iz�t lndex a�d rounding to the nearest 1/8th of I%.sutrj�ct to tbe timits stated in Section 4(D)bolow. � � :
<br /> . 7�is rou�edamouni will be my new interest rate unti!the nexc Change Date.
<br /> 'i'he Note Halder will then determine the araount of the momhly payment that would be suF.fi�ient-r, repay in full the printipal 1 am
<br /> eacDected to owe on that Change Date in substantiaily c�aal payments by the mauuin;9ate at my ncw intr.res6 raeo.The result of this calcul�don -
<br /> will be the new amount of my monthly paymrnt.
<br /> (Dl I1�tv o�Iiterrst R�te Ch�tAges ' -
<br /> - Tfte zattrest rate I an� requirul to pay et the first Change Date wilJ n4t bc grr.�ser ¢ht�n .���Ie�, or �;}p,
<br /> �.e�...%.Therrafter,my interest rate wiil never be incrcas_d or decce�-�:rt pn ar:y�i�e ChanEe If�ie by more than 1^0 P�C�"1� -
<br /> �_from th.rate of interest I have bce�Fr:yic�g for the preceding tvr�lvr�r�a�ttns.Thc ninimum interest rate on this loan wiq ncver be •��
<br /> tess than 9•� 7�and thr.maximum interest rate wiU never be gre�ter ths�n Zb•��/o, :
<br /> (� E(tecttse Dak ot Ci�sses '
<br /> My new interest rate wiU 6ecome effective an each Chungs Date.I will t�t�y►hc amount of my new monthly payment beginniR3 on thc Grst '
<br /> ' monthly payment date aiter the Chznge Date until the amount of mp monthlp�aymcar chsm�s9 again. .
<br /> ' (F) Notlee of Ch�n=a �m�.
<br /> 'ft�tN��te Holder will mai!ar deliver to me a notice befarc r,�}i(;hange Dato.Th�:tntiu:w1lJ advise me o�': i
<br /> (i) the new interest rate on my loan as of thc Changt�tte; � `
<br /> _ (ii) the amount of my monthly payme�.t follnwing the Change Uaio; �
<br /> {lii) any additional matters which theNot�I�i3lder is required to disc�ose;and
<br /> (iv) the�Qdress of the association you ce::ld contact regarding any questions about the udjustmeru notice. �
<br /> � B. CHARGES;LIEN5
<br /> — : Uniform Covenar►t 4 of thc Security Instrument is ania�sd;d to read as follows:
<br /> � . 0. Charses;llee�,gurrower sh�ll pay al)taxes,assesatjents,and other charg�s,fines,and imp�sitions attributablc to tho k'rag:crcy whlch may
<br /> atta9n a priarity over tiiis 5ecurity Insuumcnt.erid leasehold paymen�v r..f ground ren�s,if any,in the manncr provided under p:yr•a;draph 2 hcrcof
<br /> or,it nu[�Said In such manner,by Borrauca matcing payment,�vhen dae,directly to the payee thereof,Borrower shall promptty furnish Lender
<br /> all notices of amounts due under this puagrayh,and in the event Borrower shalt s:�ake payment dlrectly, Borrower shal!ptumptly furnish to °
<br /> Lendrr receipts evidencing such payments, Borrower s1�aU prc�mpt(y dischargc any IieU which has priorlty ove►this Stcurity tnstrument;
<br /> � Rowever,Borro:�•er shal)not bc required to dischargc any such lien su ton� as Elarrowet: (a)5h;t11 �rec in writing to thc paymcnt uf the
<br /> o6ligation securetl b�st�ch lien in the manner acceptable to L,ender;�b)shall in good flitb cantest such lieo by,or defend against enforcemen�t of %�--_= _
<br /> � • such llen in.legz)prxetQings which in the apini�n of Lender operatc to prev;nt thc cnforcemcnt of thc licn or forfeiture of thc I'roperty or any .
<br /> p�rt lhettof;or(c)shal)secure from the holder of such lien an agreemetu in a fbrm satisfactory tn I.endcr subordinating s�,�ch lien to this �
<br /> 5ecnrity lnstrumcnt. ,
<br /> � If Lender determincs that all or any part of the Prnperty is subject cu a licn which n�ay attain a priority o�•rr fhis Securiiy Instrumem, i ��____
<br /> Lender shall�ivr Barrower A ootice identifying such lieu. Borrower shull satisty��:ct�Iirn�r r,ti��,�o fl.�si_vE!he:.rtiaas;;,t€nrah a�,o�r �•
<br /> wiihirt teo days vf thc gi�ing of the ttcr.ice.
<br /> � ��. ��«�
<br /> Unifarm Cneenant t4 nf the Seeurity!n[.tru;tttnt is nmend_d t�read as initous: �
<br /> t4. hoike.Eictpt fbr nny notice requircd undct applirt�ble law to b:gicen in an��tlmt m�ittcr,(a)eny notice tv b�itruwrr prov�dcd for ir�thi�
<br /> r �
<br /> 5�cunty Instrumrnt sAall be given by ttetivcring it c�r by mailiny it by(irst c�as�;mml t��Otr��;�cr aC the Preper ty Acf�ress ur ut su�h othcr nd�trec� f
<br /> us Barrc,wer mai�dcstguate by notice ta Lcndrr as pruvi:;cd here�rr,u�tQ Ib)unv r.nii.e�o!crtdct at�alf be given Ny firtit �la:�mad tn�cndc►'� r -
<br /> ti
<br /> �ddses:;tate�hereir�ur tvsvch e»her nddre�s:�s t:htter mag de;ignate hy nul;c¢tu tiorru:���o�pt�*vtGCC!here�n. 4nti nnti�r[:;��:�d�ci t��r vi;h;s
<br /> Saurity In�tre,mcnt chall hr c3rcmcd tu h��e[7ee��E;�orn tu Ilorru;�c�m[cndr.v.)�cn E;�vrn n�tt�c ttr,mncr dc�i�tna�e�t hr:en�
<br /> �� �
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