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<br /> -- EXEIIBIT nA1e
<br /> The North Fonrteen (14) Feet of Lot Two (2) and the South Forty
<br /> � Eight (49} Feet of Lot Three (3), in Bloek Sixteen (16), in West View
<br /> Addition t4 �he City of Grand Island, Na21 County, Nehraska, and:
<br /> � A_.tract of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter
<br /> � �SWI/4 NE1/4} of Section Seventeen (17), Tawnship Eleven (1�) North, �
<br /> - Range Nine(9} West of the 6th P.M., Hall Countp, Nebxaska, more par—
<br /> � ticvlarly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West ,
<br /> Z�.ne of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW1/4 NE1/4)
<br /> �tf�its jpnction with the East prolongation of the South line of the . �
<br /> �t�rirth _Four��een {14) Feet of Lot Two (2). Block Sixteen (16), in West .
<br /> V�ew, an:�Adi3ition to the City of Grand Islanci, Nebraska; thence running - '
<br /> " North on tne West line of said Sout�west Quarter of the Northea�t • ,
<br /> ' . . Quarter (9Wl/4 NE114) for a distancQ of Forty Seven and Forty Tfiree �
<br /> ': .. H:uixdredths (47,43) Feet; Thence deflecting to the right and rur�ning , �
<br /> ' S�rutheasterlp on a curved line, concaved Easterly for a distance of ,' ��
<br /> �rif�q Seven and Thirty Four Hvndredths (57.34) Feet, said curved line .
<br /> heing a portion of a curve commen�ing at the Northeast corner of said
<br /> $lqck Sixteen (16)., 4�hich corner is al.so paint of t3ngency for a curv� �
<br /> � ' . having a radius o€..�i�ta Hundred Seventq EiQh� and Eighty Four Hundredths "
<br /> . (27$.�4).F�et; Th�nc� runni�ng W�st on tne w�s� prolongation-4£ the -
<br /> Sautl� ling �of the Nortfs F�i*_rteen (lk) Feet a€ Lat Two (2), in ��id � " • �
<br />_. , Black Sixteen (16),. f�r a di3tsnce of Thirty '���ro and Four Hundredths � �
<br /> � (��.04) �'eet, to the paint of beginn3.ng; and: . '.���;,
<br /> ' . _ 'iF.-•.
<br /> ��.;l�Y%�1��-._
<br /> A part of vacated Custer Avan�e in. the City of Grand Island, PyeL.raska, ;��
<br /> vacated by Ordinance No. 4905, on December Ik, 1970, more particularly ' :�J"'�"
<br /> described as followa; Beginning at a point on the East l.ine and Forty , _
<br /> Eight (48) Feet N�rt-�:s from the Sout?�east corner of Lot Three (3), -_
<br /> Block Sixteen (1�,P�, iv�st View, an additian t�� the City of Graud Island, �
<br /> . Nebraska; �:zence ru::tning ��t on the E�st ,iL�2ongation of the North �'�'>
<br /> li.ne of the North �=r1;ty Ei�ht (48) Feet of said Lot Three (�), for a ``�_:�
<br /> ' a�stance of Twenty rive and Seventy '�:i�ee Hundredths (25.73) Feet; �
<br /> T:�2nce deflecting to the right and r��nning Southaaster.ly on a curved � ,;;..
<br /> . line, cencaved Easterly, f�:��:.a dist�nce of Sixteen and Twenty �iDht � •;�j.
<br /> Hundredths (16.28) Feet, ta the East line of West View, an A�ddi`�;,ian ';5:�
<br /> � in said City, said curved .line being a portion of a curve cammencing
<br /> ' at the Northeast corner of said Block Sixteen (16) which corner is r
<br /> : also the goint of tangency for a curve runnin� Southeasterly and hav-- , �
<br /> � ing a radi,is of Two Hundred 5eventy Eight and Eighty Four Hundredths � ��,.�
<br /> ! (278.8k) I`eet; Thence runn:ng South on the East line of West View, 3n ' '
<br /> addition in said City for a distance of Forty Seven and Forty Three � �
<br /> Hundredtha (47.43) Feet to the East pralongation of the South line of �
<br /> the North Fourteen (14) Feet of said Lot Two (2), Block Sixteen (16), ,
<br /> , West View, an Addition ta said City; thence running West an tt�e East
<br /> . prolongatian af the South l.ine of the North Fourteen (24) Feet of said
<br /> Lat Two (2) f.or a di.stance of Thirty Three (33) Feet tn the East �5.ne
<br /> ` . af said Lot Twv (2); Thence running Narth on the East linc of said
<br /> Lots Two (2) and Three (3) far a dfstance of Sixty Two (62) Feet to the
<br /> , point of beginnins.
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