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<br /> - - . _ c�nsieinz�C�2�h�','�s�o,'.f��C�����cc�'SP��`�x A�� �` _
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<br /> 6. vx�o�sECURrr�r nus�r�etr�.Kr;covoextx��w;
<br /> Uaifoem Co�asaat 15 of tne S�curity Instr�ment is ameaQcd to rrad�s foIlows:
<br /> r 2S. �l�ifor�sec�rity i�ae�h,Gorer�ia l�w,Sesutbi�t;r.Thic faum of Scrurity Iastrumemt combiaes unifosm covenants for natianal use -
<br /> � and noa•uniform covenants with limitcd variatioas by juris�ictiah t�c:r.�nstitute a uniform secvrity instrument coverIng real proDerty. This
<br /> -- Security Insuumeat shaU be govcroed tsyr Eedera]Iaw and c�e Iaa+af::l��Ji:risdictinn in whicb ths Property is located.Ln th:eveat tirat any
<br /> pravissost or tLzust of i�is SeCUrity lr.c+ni ym�nt at i�e MuiG�OpA;.�LS�+i1#i;ap�tlis�bltl:tx.such c�atlict sball aut aff�ather pro•ri�ions oY ttsis ' .
<br /> � Savrity Instrumeai or she Note wtuch can be given effect wit�ur3tr.�e rnaflitting Prav�sioa,anrl ta this end tht pravisions of this Security
<br /> Ins[rumeat aad Eh+e Note ut Qxtared to be severable.
<br /> ` . Uniform Covenant 17 of the Sa�arsty insWment is araeaded te,re�d as foliows:
<br /> , i7. Tn�da of tYe Pro�eit7 or s�I�terest t��Wt.:a�st.A�dFI OI�Y Paz�Of tI1G PfOpCFty OF Rn!II!�,t t2SCiCl7I!S d0�QL trAIlSfOfftd
<br /> ' (or if a benefiaal iaterest in Borrower is:�ald or trm.aferieci.iuuf.•�tu�er ic not a natural perrnal without Lea�er's prior�•wcittea consmb
<br /> Lender rilsY.at Lender's ogtiaa,declare aU t�e sums sa�r�il��.���riry Insuummt to be i��eGiuely due and payabtc.However.th9s
<br /> aption shall not be a�s�rasod Er�L.eader ef exercisr is not uutftur�ed 8�C'-e',�,..[Taw.L.�der may waive tho eaerc�se a£this option if:(a)Bosrower
<br /> canus to be�submitted to L,ard�informatian rcquired bl[�endrs to�:�s:ata the imcnded transfaee a�if a:�e+K toan wae being made to tFic
<br /> � aansferx;and tb)Lender rasana6[�determines ttrat Lcadt�'s sec¢�.sCg'�ill not be impaired by tttCC loan assumptioa and tbai the risk of tt�e <
<br /> breach of any caven�nt or a�ament in ihis Securi.y lnseranrant is acce�table to Lsadcr. . , '
<br /> To the extent perauued by appiicable law,Lcmder m�y charge a reazonable fa aa a candition to Leuder's consa�t to the toan assvneptiori..
<br /> � l�ender may also roquire the transferce to kap a11 thc yr�mta�;s and a�eemenu made in t6e Note and in this Sec�:tg-lcutrument. " .
<br /> � "If i.ender a�ercises such 6pdon to acceletate.Le�idr.�r3�U mail Barrower notice of accsleration in acco�ulth para�aPh 14 hero^u�.
<br /> Such aodae ahall provide se pc�iod of aot las than 3�d�95 fxc�the daze:he noace is mailed within which Borroa�rr may pay the sums decta� � .
<br /> dua If Bonowu Fails to pay such swns priar ta ti»ex�ir^*�n:af svr3;.�eriod, Lender may.wittrout furtha aotice cr dsmand oa Bosravr: � � ..
<br /> inYOke aay zemedies permitted bf this Saurity Irtssrumaut.;,. .
<br /> "Notwithstaading a Eate or cransfer,Borsa►�ve�w�w��:''��i,�abligated under t6e Note aad this Secwity Insuument untess l.endtr�s
<br /> � released Boaorrer in writiAp"
<br /> �; F. LOAN CHANGE� � , .' .
<br /> . If tht loan securod by the Secur�+ty lnstrumant is su6jezt ta a 1aw which seu maximum toan c'Yarges,and L':st law is final:y interpreted so ',
<br /> that tht intaest ar other loan charges wllected or.�a be c�:tta.sted in co�ectioa with the loan escs�permittecf TMi�its,thrn:jl)any such loan i: � ';=� .�
<br /> � chazgt ahall 6e reduad 6y the amount ne^.�ty to reduce ihe charge to the permiited limit;and!�}any sums alrrady collecu�from bonowa ; , ,=
<br /> � which exceedai permitted limits wi11 be refundC�to Borrower.Lend�,�,�y choose to make this re`�.cd by reducing the grincl��swed uader tho ' -
<br /> Note or by making a dirat payment to Bncro�xrr.If a refund reduces principal,the reduction wi�i be treated as a partial prepayment under the ,.,.
<br /> � ht,�'tt.
<br /> IN WI7'NESS WFlFdiEOF�Bureower luu execated tWs AdJastA6le Rate Rlde�.
<br /> �, ' _ s.
<br /> �� `� (5��9 . .;:
<br /> BORFiOWER~ �
<br /> . � �'
<br /> / � � � '�;rii
<br /> �����?),�i( �. -
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