2� 17� 1139
<br /> L�AN#:o�oo�7�s��
<br /> t❑Lender Funds fvr any or all E�crow ltems at any�irne.Any suGh wai�er may only be in wr�ting.in the
<br /> event afi such waiver, Borrower sha�l pay d�rect[y,wherz and�rhere payable,��e amaunts due for any
<br /> Escraw Items fvr which payment of Funds has�een waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shatl
<br /> furnish to Lender receipts evidencing such payment wi�hin such�ime period as Lender may require,
<br /> Borrower's obligation t�make such payments artd ta pravide receip�s sha���or a!�purpases be deemed
<br /> t�be a co�enat�t ar�d agreement contained in th�s Security Ins#rument,as the ph�ase"cv�enant and
<br /> agreement�'is used in Sectian 9. ��Bor�awer�s obligated to pay Escrow Items direct�y, pursuant to a
<br /> wai�er, and Bvrrow�r fai�s�v pay the amount due fo�an Escraw i�em,Lender may exer�ise its rights
<br /> under 5ection 9 and pay such amount and Barro�er sha�l�hen be obligated under Secti�n 9 to repay
<br /> to L�nder any such amoun�.Lender rnay revoke the wa�ver as to any❑r all Esc�ow[tems at any time by
<br /> a nvtice gi�en in accordan�e�rith Sec�ion 15 and,upon such revacation,Bvrrawer shall pay to Lender
<br /> al!Funds,and in such arnounts,thai a�e then�equired under�his Sec�ion 3.
<br /> Lender may,at any time,cv[�ect and ha�d Funds in an arnvunt�a}suffic�ent to p��mit L�nder tv app[y
<br /> the Funds a�the tim�spec+fied under RESPA,and�b}n�t ta excee�the maximum amflunt a[ender can
<br /> require under RESPA.Lende�shall estimate the amaun�of Funds due on the basis vf current data and
<br /> reasanable estimates vf expenditures of future Escrow ltems nr othenFvise in accordanr,�w�th App�icabie
<br /> Law.
<br /> The Funds shall be h�id in an�nstitut�an whase depvsits are insured by a�ederal agency,inst�-umentaii�y,
<br /> flr ent�#y�inc�ud�ng�ender,if Lender is an inst�tu�ion whvse deposits a�e so insured}or in any Fed�raf
<br /> Home Lvan Bank.Lender shall app€y the Funds tv pay the Escrow Items no later than the�ime spec�fied
<br /> unde�RESPA.Lender sha�l not charge Bvrrvwer#o�holding and app[ying the Funds,annual�y ana��z€ng
<br /> the esc�-aw account,or ver�fying the Escraw[�ems,unless Lender pays Barrvwer interest on the Funds
<br /> and Applicable La�u perr�i�s Lender to make such a Gt�arge.U��[ess an ag�eernen#is made in�uri��ng or
<br /> Applicab�e Law requires interest to�e paid on the Funds,Lender shall na�be required to pay Borrvwe�
<br /> any interest or earnings an#he Funds.Borrawer and L�nder can agr�e in writing,howe�er,that interest
<br /> sha[I be pa�d on the Funds.Lender shall g�ve�v Bvrrower,w�thvut Gnarge,an annual accounting of the
<br /> Funds as required�y RESPA.
<br /> �f there is a surp�us of Funds he[d in escro�v, as defined under RESPA: Lender shal[ac�vun�to
<br /> B�rravue�f�r the exc.ess�unds in accordance with RESPA.[f there is a shor#age❑f Funds held in escrow,
<br /> as def�ned under RESPA,Lender shal�r�atify Borrower as required by RESPA,and Borrower shal�pay to
<br /> Lender th�an�vun�necessary�o mak�up the sh�rtage in accardance with RESPA,but in no mor�than
<br /> ��monthiy payments.If there is a defciency af Funds he�d in escraw,as defrned under RESPA,Lender
<br /> shall natify Borrower as required by RESPA,and�orrower sha�l pay tv Lender the amount necessan�►
<br /> tv make up�he defciency in accordance w�th RESPA,but in no more than��mon�hly payments.
<br /> Upan payment in full af a11 sums s�cured by fh�s Security Insirument,Lender shaE[pramptly refund
<br /> #�B�rrow�r any Funds held f�y Lender.
<br /> �. �harges; L�ens.Borro�er s�ai�pay a�l taxes: assessments, cha�ges,fin�s,ar�d impositi�ns
<br /> attributahie ta tf�e Prop��y which�an attain prior�fy o�er#his Security Instrumenf,�easeho�d payments
<br /> vr grvund ren�s vn fhe Property,�f any,and CammunitJ�Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if
<br /> �ny.To the exten�tha�th�se items a�e Escrvw�tems,gorrv►tver sha�l pay them in the manner prov�ded
<br /> in Seciion 3.
<br /> Borrower shal�promptLy discharge any�i�n uvhich has prio�ity over�his Secur�fy lnst�ument uniess
<br /> Borrower:�a}agrees in writing tv the payment of�he obligatian secured b}r the�ien�n a manner ac�eptable
<br /> to L�nder,bu�anly s�Ivng as Borrow�r is perfvrming such agreement;�b}contests the lien�n govd faith
<br /> by,❑r de�ends aga�nst enforc�men�o�the iien in,legai proceedings whiGh in Lender's opinion operate to
<br /> pr�vent�he enforcement vfthe lien while fhos�prviceedings are pend€ng,but only un#i(such proceedings
<br /> are conclud�d;ar{G}secures from the hotderofthe[ien an agreemenf satisfac�oryto Lender subordinating
<br /> the lien tv this 5ecurity instrument.I�Lender determines that any part of the Proper�y is sub�ect tv a lien
<br /> wh�c#��an attain prio�ity o����his Security lnstrume��t, Lender may give Sorrawer a notice iden��fying
<br /> the lien.Within�0 days of�he da��on which that nat�ce is gi�en,�orrower shall sa�isfy the fien o�-�ake
<br /> on�or more❑f th�act�ons set�orth aba►�e in tt�is Section 4.
<br /> Lender may require Ba�rvwer tv pay a ane-time charge far a reai �state tax�erif cation andlvr
<br /> reporting serv�ce used by Lender in conn�ction wi�h this Loan.
<br /> 5. Property Insurance.Bo�rowershall keep the�mpra�emen�s now existing orhereaftererected�n
<br /> fhe Pr�per�y�nsured against lass by f re,hazards inc�uded w�thin�he term"extended cvverage,"and any
<br /> ather ha�ards including,but not limited to,earthquakes and fload�,forwhich Lender requires insu�ance.
<br /> Th�s insurance sha�l be maintained in the amounts��nc�uding deductible lev��s}and for�he perivds that
<br /> Lender requires. V1�at Lender requires pursuant�❑ the preceding sentences can change during fhe
<br /> term vf the Lvan.The snsurance carrier pro�riding the insurance sha[I be chosen by Bor�awer subject ta
<br /> Lender's right tv d�sappra�e Bnrrower's choice,which r�ghf shall not be exerc�sed unreasanah�y.Lender
<br /> may require Borrower to pay,in cannectivn with�his Lvan,e�ther:�a}a one-time�harge�or flood�vne
<br /> dete�minat�vn,c�rtification and#racking services;o���}a vne-t�me�harge�or fload zone determinatian
<br /> and ce�if cat�on senrices and subsequent�harges each time remapp�ngs ar similar chang�s oc�ur which
<br /> reasvnably m�ght af�ect such determination or cer�ification.Borrower shai[a�s❑be responsible�or the
<br /> payment a�any fees impased by the Federal Emergen�y Management AgenGy in connection w�th the
<br /> review❑€any flood zane determ�nation resu[ting f�am an objec�ivn by Barrawer.
<br /> If B�rrower faiis to mainta€n any of the cove�ages described abo�re,�ender may obtain�nsurance
<br /> coWerage,at Lender's opt��n and Bor�ower's�xpense.Lender is under no obliga��on tti purchase any
<br /> particular type vr amaun#vf coverage.Therefore,such coverage sha�1 cover Lender,but m�ght or might
<br /> not prate�t gorrvwer,Borrower's e�uity in the Prvpe�ty,or the cvntents o��he Property,agains�any risk,
<br /> hazard vr��al�ility and might prvvide grea�e�❑r lesser caverag�fhan►lvas p�ev�ously in e�fect.Svrrovuer
<br /> NEBRASKA--S�€�gle Fam��y--Fanr�ie fl�[aelFreddie Mac UNIFaRflll 1N5TRUMENT Fvrm 3�2a 1l�1
<br /> Ellie Mae,�nc. Page 4 af 10 NEVDEEQ 04�5
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