2� 17� 1139
<br /> L�AN#:D'��U'�728g'i
<br /> acknov�r[edges#hat the cast of the insurance covera�e so abta�ned might signif cantly exceed the cos�
<br /> ❑f insurance ihat Borrvwer could hav�obtair��d.Any amounts d�sbursed by Lender under this 5ection
<br /> 5 shalf become addi#ivr�a[debt af Borrower secured by�h�s 5ecurity�nst�ument.These amaunts shall
<br /> bear ir�#eres#af the Note rate from the date of disbursement and sha�l be payab[e,with such interest,
<br /> upan nvtice from Lender to Borrower requesting paym�nt.
<br /> Afl insurance po�iGies requ�red by Lender and renewals of such policie�sha�l be subJect to Lender's
<br /> right ta disapprove such policies,sha���nc[ude a siandard mortgage�lause,and shall name Lend�r as
<br /> martgagee andlor as an additional�vss payee.Lend�r shall have the�ght ta hoid fhe pa�i�ies and renewai
<br /> cer�ifcates.!f Lender requires,8orra�,rer sha�!prvmptly give to Lender a1��eceipts of paid premiums and
<br /> r�newa�notices.If Borrovrer obtains any fo�m of insuranc�c�verage,not otherwise required by Lender,
<br /> for damage tv,vr destruction o�,the Property,such po�icy shail include a standard mortgage clause and
<br /> sha[[name Lender as mortgagee andla�as an additionai Iass pay�e.
<br /> ln the even#v��vss,Borrvv�er shall gi�e prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender.�ender
<br /> may make proo�of lass i�nof mad�prtimptly by Barrower.Uniess Lender and Bo�rower othe�-�vvise agree
<br /> in writing,any insurance prviceeds,whether o�n�t the underlying insurance was requir�d by Lender,
<br /> shall be applied ta resto�atitin or repa�r v�the Prope�ty,if the res�orativn or repair is economically�easi�le
<br /> and Lende�'s security is not Iessened.During such repair and res�oratian period,Lender shaff have the
<br /> right tv hvld such insuran�e proceeds until Lend�r has had an oppartunity tv�nspec#such Property to
<br /> ensure fhe war�k has been compEeted tv Lender's satisfactivn, provided that such inspect�on shall be
<br /> unde�#aken promptly.Lende�may disburse proceeds for the repairs and r�storatian in a single payment
<br /> ❑r in a series af progress payments as fhe work�s cvmp�eted.Un�ess an ag�eemen�is made in wriiing❑r
<br /> App�icable Law requires interest to be paid❑n such insurance p�aceeds,Lender shal�not be�equired ta
<br /> pay Barrvwer any interest❑r earnings on such proceeds.Fees for�uhlic adjusters,ar other third par�ies,
<br /> re�ained by Bvrr�wer shal�nv#be paid aut of the insu�ance proc�eds and shall be th�so�e obligativn vf
<br /> E3orrowe�.[�the restoratian v�repair is nvt economical�y�easible❑r Lender's security wauld be les�ened,
<br /> the�nsurance proc�eds shall be app�ied tv the sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or
<br /> not th�n due,with�he excess,if any,paid ta�arrower.Such insurance prviceeds sha[f be app[ied�n the
<br /> o�d�r pr��id�d for in S�Ction Z.
<br /> If Bo�rawe�abandans the prvper�y,Lender may fle,negatiate and settle any available insurance
<br /> claim and related matters.If Borrvvve�does nvt respvnd v�rithin 3�days tv a not�ce�ram Lender#hat�he
<br /> insurance carrier has offe�ed to sei�le a c�aim,then Lender may negatiate and settle the c[aim.The 3�-
<br /> day period wi[I hegin wher�fhe nofice is given.In ei�he�event,or if Lend�r a�quir�s the Prvpe�.y und�r
<br /> Sectivn Z2 or otherwise; Barrvwer hereby assigns�a Lender�a} Bor�ower's ��ghts tv any insurance
<br /> proc�eds in an amount not�a exceed the amvunts unpaid under the Nate ar�his 5ecurity lnstrumen�,
<br /> and�b}any ot�er of Borrawer's�€ghts(other than the right to any refund of unearned prem�ums paid
<br /> by Barrow�r}under al�insurance policies cover�ng the Pr�perty,insofar as such righ�s are applicabie
<br /> ta t#�e cnverage vf the Prvperty.Lender may use fhe insurance prtic�eds��ther�o repair or restare the
<br /> Property ar tv pay amvunts un�aid under the Nate or fhis Securify lnstrument,wh�the�or nat then du�.
<br /> f. Qccu�aancy. Bvrrawer shaf�vccU�y, establish, and use fh� Prop�rfy as Bvrro�►er's prin��pa[
<br /> residence�rithin�Q days a�#er the execut�vn of this 5ecur€ty Instrument and shal��ontinue t�accupy the
<br /> Properfy as E3vrrvwer's prir�cipal residence�ora��east one year afterfhe date af occupancy,un�ess Lender
<br /> otherw�se agrees ir�vsrrit�ng,which cons�n#shall no�be unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuat€ng
<br /> circurnstances exist which are beyvnd Bor�ower's conf�ol.
<br /> 7. PreserWation� iL�ain�enance and Protect�on of the Rroperty; �nspections. Borrow�r sha[f
<br /> nat destrvy,damage or impair the P�aper#y,allow the Property to deteriorate nr cvmmi�waste on the
<br /> Praperty.Whether vr nvt Borrvwer is residing in the Pr�per�y, Bo�rvwer shal[main�ain fhe Praperty�n
<br /> arde�to prevent the Property�Fvm deteriora�ing ar decreasing €n va�ue due tv its condition. Unless it
<br /> is de��rmined pursuant to Sectian �that repair or�-es#oration is not economically�easible, Borrawer
<br /> shal�promptly repair the Pr�p�rty if damag�d#a aWoid furfher deterioratian ar damage.�f�nsurance o�
<br /> condemnativn prnceeds are paid€n connection w�th damage to,or the�aking vf,the Prop��ty,So�rower
<br /> shal�be responsib[e f�r repa�ring or�es�oring the Property only i�Lender has released praceeds for
<br /> SUCh�3u�'�}05L'S.Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration �n a sing�e payment vr
<br /> in a series o�p�-agress payments as�he work is compieted.If�he insurance ar candet�tnatian proceeds
<br /> are not su�f cient t❑re�a�r or restore th�Prope�ty,Borro►ever is nat relieved��gvrrower's vbligatian for
<br /> the comp�etion of such repair�r rest�ration.
<br /> Lender or i�s agen�rnay make reasonable entries upan and inspections ��the Prope€�y. If it has
<br /> reasonable�ause,Lender may inspect the interivr o�the improWernents on th�Property.Lender shai!give
<br /> Borrower noti�e at the time o�or privr�v such an in�erior inspe�tion specifjr�ng such reasonab�e cause.
<br /> 8. Bvr�ower's Laan A�pi��ativn.Bvrrawe�sha[I be in de�ault if,during the L�an application prvicess,
<br /> Borrower or any p�rsons vr entities acting at the direc#ion of gorrow�r vr�nrifh Bvrrower's kn�wLedge vr
<br /> cansent ga�e materially false,misleading,or inaccurate in�ormativn or statements#a Lende��or fai[ed ta
<br /> praWide Lender with materia!in�ormat�fln}in connec��fln with the L�an.Material representa�ivns inc�ude,
<br /> but are n�t iimited tn,representations�onc�rning Bor�ower's vccupancy af the Property as Borrower's
<br /> principal residen�e.
<br /> 9. Qrotection of Lender's Interesi`tn the Prvperty�nd Rights Unde�this Security lns�rument.
<br /> [f�a} 8vrrvwer fails to perform the cavenants and agreemenis cantained in this Secur�ty Instrument,
<br /> �b}there is a legai praceeding tha�might signif cant�y affec�L�nder's inte�es�in the Prvpe�ty andlor
<br /> rights under this Se�urity lnsfrument�such as a proc�eding in bankruptcy,proba�e,for condemnatian ar
<br /> for�eiture,fvr er�fvrcemen#of a lien vvhich may attain priority nWer this Security Instrument or tv enforce
<br /> taws ar regulations}, or�c} Borrvwer has abandoned th� P�ope�y, �hen Lender may d❑ and pay fo�
<br /> ►�►hatever is r�asvnable vr apprvpriafe t❑pro�ect Lender's interest€n the Pr�perty and rights under this
<br /> NEBRASKA--SingEe FamiIy--Fannie MaelFreddi�Mac UNIFDRM INSTRUlVfENT Fvrm 3i328'�1�'1
<br /> Eilie Mae,�nc. Page 5 vf�� NEUDEED 0��5
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