2� 17� 1139
<br /> �oAN#:0�oo�7z$a�
<br /> which currently has the address of 4'[9fi Mich�gan A�e,Grand ls�and,
<br /> [street][�E�Y�
<br /> Nebraska �$8D3 t"Prape�y Add�ess"}:
<br /> [Zip Code]
<br /> TOGETHER VIIITH ail the impravements novv ar hereaf�er e�e�ted on the proper�y,and all easemen�s,
<br /> appurtenances,and fxtu�es now or hereafter a parf of the property.A11 rep�acements and add€tivns shal[
<br /> a�sv be cv�ered by th�s 5ecurity�ns�rument.AI[af the�oregoing is refer��d#o in this Securify Instrument
<br /> as th�"Prvpe�#y.,,
<br /> BC3RRQVItER C�VENAfVTS that Bo�rawer is lawfu�ly seised vf th�estate hereby can�eyed and
<br /> has the right ta gran� and con�ey the Property and that the Prape�ty €s unencur��bered, except fo�
<br /> encumbrances v�recvrd.Bvrrower warrants and rtvi��d��end genera��y th��iti�to the Prnperty against
<br /> all c�aims and demands,subject#n any encumbrances vf record.
<br /> TH15 SEGURITY�NSTRUMENT combines uni�nrm covenants fa�national use and non-uniform
<br /> c��enan�s with I�mited var�atian�by�u�isd�ction to c�nstitute a uni�orm security inst�ument co�ering real
<br /> proper�y.
<br /> UN1F�Rf11�C�VENANTS.Barrower and L�nder covenan�and agree as fol�ows:
<br /> '1. Payment vf Princ�pa��lnt�r"�5t, Escraw ltems, Prepayment Cha�ges,and La�e Charges.
<br /> Bo�rvwer shaif pay wh�n due the principai o�,and interest vn,the deb#eviden�ed by th�Not�and any
<br /> prepaymen�charges and late charges due under the hlote. gorrawer sha11 als❑pay�unds for Escraw
<br /> I�ems pursuant tv S�ctivn 3.Payments due und�r the Note and this Security Ins�rument shall be made in
<br /> U.S.currency.Howe�er,if a��y cl�eck or athe�instrumen��eceiWed�y Lend�r as payment under the Nate
<br /> or this 5ecurit��nstrument is r�turned tv Lender unpaid,Lender may require that any vr a�l subsequent
<br /> paymen#s due underthe Nv�e and#hi�Se�ur��y 1ns�rument be made in ane ar mare afthe�o[[owing forms,
<br /> as se�ected by Lender:�a}�ash;���mvney❑rd�r;{c}cer�ifed check,bank check,freasurer's chec�C ar
<br /> cashier's check,prvWided any such check is d�awn upon an institufian whvse deposits are insured by
<br /> a�ed�ra�ag�ncy,instrumentality,ar enfity;or{d}Electranic Funds T�ansfer.
<br /> Payments are deemed receiWed by Lender when received at fhe locati�n d�signated in the Nate
<br /> or a�such o#her�ocatian as may be designat�d by Lende�in accordanc�vsrith the noti��prv�isiflns in
<br /> Section�5.L�nder may return any paym�nt��partiaf paymenf�f the payment or partiaf payments are
<br /> insu�cient ta bring the Loan Gurrent.Lende�may a�cepf any payment❑r partia�paymen�insuffic�ent to
<br /> bring the Laan current,without�►a��e�of any rights hereunder or prejudice tv its rights#v refuse such
<br /> payment❑r partia!payments in the'fufure,but Lender�s not�bliga�ed to app�y such payments at t����ime
<br /> such payrnents are accept�d. (�each P�ri�dic Payment is applied as of its schedufed due da�e,then
<br /> Lender need not pay interest on unapp�ied€unds.Lender may hold such unapp�ied funds until Borrower
<br /> makes payment tv br�ng the L�an current. If Borro►nre�-does no�do so w�thin a reasonable period of
<br /> time,Lender sha[�either apply�uch funds or r�turn�hem to garr�wer.If nvt appl�ed earlier,such�unds
<br /> will be applied t❑the oufstanding princ�pal balance under the Nvte immed�ately priar to��reclosure.No
<br /> offset or c�aim which Bvrrowe�mig��t have naw or in the�u�ure against Lender sha�l refieve Bar�o►nrer
<br /> frvm making payments du�und�r fhe Nate at�d this 5ecurity Instrument vr perforrn�ng the cfl�enants
<br /> and agreernen�s secured E�y th�s 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> �. Ap�licati�n vf Payments c�r PrvGeeds.Ex�ept as oiherwise described �n this S�ction 2,alI
<br /> payments accep�ed and applied by Lender shal[be appiied�n the follawing order of priarity:�a}intere�#
<br /> due under the Note;tb}principa�due under the N�te;��3 a�ounts due under Sectivn 3.5uch paym�nts
<br /> shal!be applied to each Periodic Payrnent in ti�e order in whic�it became due.Any remaining amounts
<br /> sha1�be app�ied frst�o iate cha�ges,second�o ariy a�her amounts due und�r th�s Security Instnrrnent,
<br /> and#hen�o r�duce the principa�balance o��he No��.
<br /> I�Lender rece�ves a payrnen�fram Borrower for a de�inquent Pe�odic Payment wh�ch ir�cludes a
<br /> sufficient amount tp pay any tat�charge due,the�aymenf may b�applied tv the delinquent payment and
<br /> the late charge.If more than one PeriadicPayment is ou�standing,Lendermay appiy any payment rece�ved
<br /> frvm Ba�ower to the repayment o�the Pe�iadic Paymen�s i�t and to fhe ex�ent that,each payment can be
<br /> paid in fu[l.To the extent that any excess exists after the payment is app�i�d ta the fulf payment of vne Qr
<br /> mvre P�riodic Payments,such excess may be applied to any Late charges due.Voluntary prepayments
<br /> shall be app[ied frs�tv any prepayment�harges and then as descr�bed in th�Nate.
<br /> Any a�piication of paym�nfs,�nsurance proceeds,ar Misc�llaneous Proceeds fo principa!due under
<br /> th�Nvte sha11 nvt extend or postpone the due date,ar change th�amount,of the Periodic Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds fvr Escrow I#ems.Bvrrower shal�pay to Lender on the da�Per�vdic Payments are due
<br /> under the Nvt�,unti[the Nate is paid in fulf,a sum�the"Funds�'}to pro�ide for payment vf amounts due
<br /> for:{a}taxes and assessments and other items which can attain p�iority over this S�curity Instrument as
<br /> a lien or encumbranc�an the Prope�ty;�b}Ieasehold payments vr�round rents on the Praperty,if any;
<br /> ��}p�emiums�ar any and a�l insurance required by Lender under Secfi�n 5;and�d}Martgage Insurance .
<br /> premiums,if any,or any sums payable��Barro►r�erto Lenderin l�eu vf the payment o�#V�o�gage Insurance
<br /> premiums in accardance with the p�avisions of 5eciion ��.These�tems are called"Escrow��ems."At
<br /> origina�ian ar at any time during the term ofi the Loan,Lende�may require#hat Gammunity Assaciativn
<br /> ❑ues,Fees,and Assessme��ts,�#any,be escrov�red b�r Bo�rawer,and such dues,fess and assessments
<br /> shal!be an Es�rt�w Item.Sorrower shall pr�mptly furnish#a Lende�all notices of amounts to be pa�d under
<br /> this Sectian.Bvrrower�hall pay Lender the Funds�or Escrvw�tems unless Lender wai��s gorrower's
<br /> abligation tv�ay fhe Funds for any or ail Escraw Items.Lender may wai�e Barra�nrer's obligation to pay
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fa�ni�Ma�lFredd'€�Mac UN[FQRM INSTRUtVIENT Farm 3028 1109
<br /> E11ie Mae,�nc. Page 3 of�� NEUDEED Q415
<br /> NEUDEE❑tC�S}
<br /> ��l�312417�1:33 AM PST
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