2� 17� 1139
<br /> LC3AN#:a�ao�7z8s�
<br /> �E} "Note"means the prflmissory note signed by gorrower and dated February'�4,ZO'['T.
<br /> The Nate states tha�Bo�rower owes Lender �3NE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE TH�USAN�AN�
<br /> NO1'�����*�**�*��*���*�****���****�***���*�****����*��***,���*****�****
<br /> *�r*�r�**�r��**,r��r�***�*�**�***���***���r�r*�����**�**��*�*****xr��x�Do�fars
<br /> €LJ.S.$'�2�,OU�.D� }p�us interest.Borrvwer has pramised to pay�h�s debt in regular Peri�dic
<br /> Payments and ta pay the debt in fu11 nat[ate�than lUlarch'!,2�47,
<br /> (F} "Pro�erty"means the p�ope�y that is described be�vw under the heading"Transfer af Rights in
<br /> fhe P�op�r�y."
<br /> ��} "L�an"means the debt e��d�nced by the Nate} p�us in�er�st, any prepaymen�charges and late
<br /> charges due under th�Note,and all sums due under this S�curity Instrumen�,plus interest.
<br /> �H} "R�ders"means alf Riders�a this Security Instrument that are exe�uted by Bor�awe�.The fo[(a►nring
<br /> Riders are to be executed by go�rvwer�check bax as applicable�:
<br /> �..�Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Rider :�.� Second Home R�der
<br /> ,---:
<br /> 1�..; Bafloan Ride� P�anned Unit Qevefopment Rider ._ ❑ther�s}[spec�fy�
<br /> �----.: --�,
<br /> �._...; '�-�Farnily Rider �_._.i Biweekiy payment Rid�r
<br /> i.__.;V.A.R�der
<br /> ��} "Applicabie La►nr" means a[[�nntro�{ir�g applicable federa�, state and �oca!stafutes, regulations,
<br /> ordinances and administ�afiWe rufes and arders�that hav�the effect uf 1av�r}as we��as a[�applicabfe
<br /> fnai,non-ap�ealahle judic�a[opinions.
<br /> �J} "Gommun�tyAssocia�ian❑ues,Fees,and Assessments"means ali dues,f�es,assessments and
<br /> other charges�hat are imposed on Bor�o►��rer orthe P�operty by a condominium assoc�ation,hameowners
<br /> assaciation or simi(ar organization.
<br /> {K} "E[ec€ranic Funds Transfer"means anytrans�eroffunds,ath�rthan a t�ansaction origina�ed by check,
<br /> draft,❑r s�mi[ar paper instn.ime��t,wh�ch is ini��ated through an�iectronic t��minal,te[ephonic instrument,
<br /> computer,or magnetic tape sa as#o vrder, instruc�, ar autharize a f nancia[institutivn to debif vr credi�
<br /> an accoun�.Su�h term in�ludes,but is not fimifed to, point-of sale transfers, automated te���r machine
<br /> transact�vns,trans�€ers initiated by tefephone,w�re trans�ers,and autamated clearinghouse transfers.
<br /> 4L} "Escrvv+r I�ems"means those items that are described�n Section 3.
<br /> �M}"�1►�is�eNanevus Prviceeds"means any car��pensation,sett��m�nt,awa�d of damages,or proceeds
<br /> paid by a€�y fhird pa�y�ofher than insurance proceeds paid under fhe coverages d�scribed�n Secfion
<br /> 5}for:�i}dama�e tfl,or destructian nf,the Property;�ii}cpndemna#ivn or other taking�f a�l or any part
<br /> of the Property;�ii�}conveyance in��eu o�condemnat�on;or�iW}misrepresentat�ons af,or omissians as
<br /> to,the va�ue andlor cv�difivn o�the Prape�y.
<br /> �N� "Mo�tgage�nsurance"means insu�ance protect�ng Lender against the nonpayment of,or default
<br /> on,�he Loan.
<br /> �
<br /> {a� "P�rivdic Raymen�"�ne�ns���e regul�r[y scheduled amount due far�i}prin�ipal and interest under
<br /> the Nate,plus{ii}any amounts unde�Sectian 3��this Security instrurnent. •
<br /> �P} "RESPA" means the Reai Estate Settlement Procedures Act ��� U.S.C. §ZfiD1 et seq.} and its
<br /> implement�ng regufativn,Reguiati�n X�12 G.F.R.Part���4},as th��might b�amended fr�m tirne�o time,
<br /> or any additional��successor legislation vr regu[at�on that gv�ems the same sub�ect matter.As used in this '
<br /> Secu�ty Ins�ument,"F:ESPA"refersto a11 r�quirements and restrict�ons that are imposed in regard tv a"federa(ly
<br /> related mo�tgage�oan"even ifth�Loan does not qua�i�jr as a"fede�allyre�ated mo�tgage loan"und�r RESPA.
<br /> ��} "Successor in�nterest of Barro`r►►e�"means any party�haf has taken title to the Prvperty,whether
<br /> or nat that party has assumed Borrower's obl�gatians under the Nvt�andlvr this Security�nstrument.
<br /> This 5ecurity instrument secures to Lender:ti}the repaymen�af the Laan,and afl renewals;ex#ensions
<br /> and modificat�ons af the Nate; and �ii} the p�rFor�ance o� Borrawer's cvvenants a�d agreem�nts
<br /> under th�s 5ecu�ity lnstrumer�t and the No�e. Far this purpose, garravu�r irre�ocab�y grants and
<br /> con�eys to T�ust�e, in trust, with pvw�r of sale, the fo��o�ing described prvpe�y lo�ated in the
<br /> �Du17�]I ETYp�nf R�ca�ding.lur�sdictivrt]Of H�II
<br /> [Name nf Reca�dir�g,Jurisdictionj:
<br /> Lot 5ix 4s},glack Two{�},Vtilaodland Park Second Subdivision,�n�he Ci#y o��rand[s�and,Hat[
<br /> Coun�y,Nehraska,
<br /> APN#: 4004�51'14
<br /> NEHRASKAw-5ingl�Family--Fanr3ie iV�aelFreddie fVlac UNI�QR[Il#INSTRUAIlENT Form 3�28 11�9
<br /> El�ie Ma�,inc. Page�of�0 NEUDEED 04�5
<br /> NELIDEE❑�CLS}
<br /> !Y "
<br /> 7 �
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<br /> i "J`
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