. 2� 17� 1 ��4
<br /> �FED L7F TRUST
<br /> Laan Na: �434� �Cont�nueC�� Page �
<br /> rents, issues and profits ❑f the Pr�perty, inc[uding �hase past due and unpaid, and appfy the same, �ess
<br /> cvsts and expenses❑f operation and cvllec�i�n atCarneys' �e�s,ta any�ndebtedness secured �y th�s D�ed
<br /> o� Trust, af� in such ❑rder as Lender may det�rmine. The entering upon and ta�ing possession of the
<br /> Praper�y, �he ca�Ie�tion o� such ren�s, issues and prvfii�ts, and the appficatian �herevf shaIi not cure ❑r
<br /> vuaive any d�fault ❑r natice of default under this Deed of Trust or in�alidate any act done in response ta
<br /> such de�auI�or pursuant t❑such nvtice a�defauIt; and, na�wi�hstanding�he continuanee�n possessian ❑�
<br /> the Prap�rty ar �he �ol�ection, re�eipt and applica�ion of rents, issues or prvfits, Trus�ee ar Lender sha[[
<br /> �e en�it[ed to exercise e�ery right pro�ided for in the Note or the ReIa�ed Dacuments or by lavir upon the
<br /> oc�urrence o�any event❑�default, including the rFght to exer�ise�he pov�rer❑f sale;
<br /> (b} Cammence an a�tion�o �vr�cIose this Deed o�Trus�as a mortgag�, appoint a rece�ver vr speci�ica[[y
<br /> en�orce any af the covenan�s hereo�; and
<br /> �c} De�i�er ta Trustee a writ�en dec�ara�ivn of de�aul�and demand far sale and a wri�en n�tice of de�au[t
<br /> and eIection t❑ cause Trustor�5 interest in the Pr�per�y�o be sold, which no�ice Trustee sha�i cause to be
<br /> duly�Fiied for record in the apprvpriate offices af the CoUn�y in which th� Property is loca�ed; and
<br /> �d3 V1lith respect tv all ❑r any par�ofi the Persflnai Property, Lender sha�� ha�e all �he rights and remedies
<br /> of a se�ured party under the Nebraska Uni�orm Cammercial Cod�.
<br /> Forec[osure by Power o�Sa[e. l�Lender ele��s�o foreclose by exercise o�the Power o�Sale herein Gontained,
<br /> Lender shal� not�fy Trustee and shaII deposi� with Trustee this ❑eed af Trust and the Nate and su�h receipts
<br /> and �vidence of expendifiures made and secured by�his Deed of Trust as Trus�ee may require.
<br /> {a} Upon receipt of such no�ice �rom Lender,Trustee shall �ause�o he recarded, pubfished and delivered
<br /> �o Trus�or such Notice of L�e�au(t and No�ice o� Sa�e as then required by �aw and by this Deed ❑f Trus�.
<br /> Trustee sha��, wi�houfi demand on Trustor, after such t�me as may then be required by law and after
<br /> recardation o�such Natice o� Defaul# and after No�i�e of 5ale ha��ng been gF�en as required by Iaw, seI�
<br /> the Property af the time and place v� sa�e fiixed hy it in such Natice ❑� 5a�e, either as a vvhoIer ❑r in
<br /> separa�e lots or parcels ❑r items as T�ustee shall deem expedien�, and in such order as i� may determine�
<br /> at puh�ic au��ian �o the highest bidder far cash in favv�u� money of�the United S�ates payab�e at the time
<br /> vf saIe. Truste� shal� deliver t❑ such purchaser or purchasers thereo� �ts good and suf�icient deed ❑r
<br /> deeds con�ey�ng the praperty sv svfd� bu� wi�hvut any covenant ar vvarran�ty. express �r implied, The
<br /> recita�s in such deed of any matters or �a�ts shal[ be conclusi�e proflf fl�the truth�ulness �hereo�. {-�ny
<br /> pers�n, includ�ng wifihout Iimitatian Trus�or,Trustee, or Lender, may purchase at suGh sa[e.
<br /> �b} As may be pe�rmitked by law, af�er deducting afl cos�s, fees and expenses of Trustee and ❑f �his
<br /> Trust, inciudFng �osts ❑�e�idence o�title in cannectivn with sa�e,Trus�ee shalf apply ths proceeds o�saIe
<br /> to payment of �i} a�f sums expended under the terms a�F this Deed vf Trust or under the terms vf�he Note
<br /> nat then repaid, incfud�ng but nv� limifed to aG�rued interest and la�e charges, tii7 all other sums then
<br /> secured hereby, and {iii} �he remainder, if any,�v the persan or persans [egaIIy enti�led there�a.
<br /> �c3 Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by law postpone sale❑f all vr any por�tion af�he Property.
<br /> Remedies Not Ex�lusive. Trustee and Lender, and each of fihem, sha�I be en�itled to enforce payment and
<br /> p�rformance o�any�ndeb�edness or obliga�ions seGured by�his ❑eed ❑f Trust and to exercise aI� r'rgh�s and powe�s
<br /> under this Deed Q�F Trust, under the Nvte, under any a�the Re�ated Documents, or under any ❑�her agreement or
<br /> any lavvs now or hereafter in �orce; natwi�hstanding, some or af l o�such indeb�edness and ❑bIigatians secured hy
<br /> �his Deed ❑�Trust may now or hereafter be ❑ther�rvise secured, whe�he� by martgage, deed ❑�trust, p�edge, lien,
<br /> assignment or otherwise. Neither �he acceptance a� this Deed vf Trus� nor its enforcement, whether by �ourt
<br /> actian ❑r pursuant t� the povUer of saIe or other powers cantained in this Deed of Trust, shaIl prejudice or in any
<br /> � manner a�fec� Trustee`s ❑r Lender's right to ��aiize upan or enfvrce any a�her securi�y now or hereafter held by
<br /> Trus�ee or Lender, it being agreed that Trustee and Lender, and each o��hem, shall be en�itled t� enforc�this Deed
<br /> o�Trus� and any nther securi�y now ar hereafter held by Lender ❑r Trustee in suGh ❑rder and manner as they or
<br /> e��her o� them may in their absvlute discre��an determine. No remedy �anferred up�n ❑r reserved t❑ Trus�ee or
<br /> Lender, is intended �to be excIusive of any ��her remedy in �his �eed o��Trus� or by law pro�ided flr permit�tedr but
<br /> each shall be cumuIa�i�e and shall be in additian �o e�ery o�her remedy given in �his Deed �f Trust ❑r now ar
<br /> hereairter existing a�law ar in equity ar by s�a�u��. Every power❑r remedy gi�en by the Note or any o�the Related
<br /> ❑acuments to Trustee ❑r Lender or tv which either a� them may be otherwise ent�t�ed, may be exercised,
<br /> concurrentIy ar independentIy, �ram �ime to time and as often as may be deemed e�cpedient by Trustee ❑r Lender,
<br /> and �ither o� them may pursue incvnsisfient remedi�s. Noth�ng �n �his Deed �� Trust sha�[ be cons�rued aS
<br /> p�ohibiting Lender�r�m seeking a det�c�ency judgment against the Trustor ta the extent such action is permit�ed by
<br /> law.
<br /> Elec�ian of Remed'res. All o� Lender's rights and remed�es will be cumulative and may be exercised a[on� or
<br /> �vgether. I� Lender de�ides to spend money ❑r t❑ perform any a�Trus�o�'s ob�Fga�ions under�his Deed a�Trust,
<br /> after Trus�or's failure t❑ do so, �hat de�isian by Lender will not afFect Lender's righ�ta dec�are Trus�vr in default
<br /> and�o exe�-cise Lender's remedies.
<br /> Request�vr Notice. Trustar, on hehalf o�Trustor and Lender, hereby reques�s tha�a copy o�F any Notice o�❑e�ault
<br /> and a copy❑�any Nati�e o�Sale under this Deed o�Trust be ma��ed�a them at the addresses s��farth in �he��rst
<br /> paragraph af this Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> Attorneys' Feesr Exp�nses. If Lender �ns'�itufies any suit or ac�ion tfl enforce any of the terms o� �his Deed o�
<br /> Trust, Lender sha�i he enfiitled �o �ecover such sum as the court may adjudge reasanable as attorneys' �ees a�tr�a�
<br /> and upon any appeal. Whether ar no� any court activn is in�ol�ed, and ta '�he ex�ent nat prohibi�ed by faw, all
<br /> reasanabfe expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's opinion are necessary at any time �ar the protectivn o� its
<br /> in�eres�t❑r�h�en-�orcement�f its rights shail become a part o��he Indebtedness payable on demand and sha[I �ear
<br /> in�eres�at the No�e rate�rom the date ❑f�he e�cpenditure until repa�d. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph inc[ude�
<br /> wi�haut limitativn, however subject to any fimits under applicable iaw, Lender's a�orneys' �ees and L�nder`s legaf
<br /> expenses, vtirhether ❑r n�t there �s a lawsu�t, including attarneys` fees and expenses �or bankrup�cy proceedings
<br /> �inc�uding effar�s to madify or�acate any automatic stay or inJunc�ion�, appeals, and any ant�cipafi�d past judgment
<br /> collection s�rvices, �he cost of sear�hing reco�-ds, ❑�taining titfe repa�ts �including forec�asure reports}, surveyars'
<br /> repar�s, and appraisal fees, �itle insu�-ance, and tees �or �he Trustee, '�o the extent permitted by appliGab�e lalrv.
<br /> Trus�vr alsv�rviI! pay any caur�costs, in addi�ian to aI� other sums pra�ided by lav�r.
<br /> F�igh�s af Trustee. Trustee sha�i ha�e al! v��he rights and duties o�L�nder as set forth in�his se�tian.
<br /> P4V11ER5 AND �BL[GATI�NS OF TRUSTEE. The fall�v�ring pra�isians rela�ing �a�he pvwers and obIigations of Trusfiee
<br /> are part of this Deed o�T�-ust:
<br /> Powers o�Trustee. In addition to a�� powers vf Trustee arising as a matter❑�law,Trustee shaIl have the power to
<br /> take the fol�owing ac�ivns with respect�o the Property upon tF�e writt�n request❑f Lender and Trus�ar: �a} jain in
<br /> preparing and �i[�ng a map or pla� o�F the Real Proper�y, inG�uding the dedicati�n ❑f s�r��ts or other righ�s t❑ the
<br /> public; �b7 j��n in granting any easement ❑r creating any res�riction ❑n the Rea[ Praperry; and �c} join �n any
<br /> subordinatian o�o�her agreemen�affecting this �eed vf Trust or the interest a�Lender under�his ❑eed��Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall meefi all qualifications requ�red �or Trustee under applicable faw. �n addition ta the rights
<br />