2� 17� 1 ��4
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> L�an Nv: �4345 �Continued� Page �
<br /> and remedies set �arth abo�e, with respect ta a[� or any part of the Property, the Trustee shall ha�e the right to
<br /> �o�eclose by not�ce and sale, and Lender will ha�e the right tfl foreclose hy �udicia� foreclosure, in ei�her case in
<br /> accordance with and to fihe fuil extent pro�ided by applicab[e [aw.
<br /> Su�cessor Trustee. Lender, a� Lender`s optFan, may�ram�ime to time appoint a su�cessor Trustee#o any Trustee
<br /> appainted under �his Deed ❑t T�-us� by an instrument execu�ed and acknow�edged by Lender and recorded in �he
<br /> office a� the recorder o� Hal! Cvunty, Sta�te of IVebraska. The instrumen� shall contain, in additivn ta ai� other
<br /> matters required by s�ate law, the names of the originaf Lender, Trusfiee, and Trustorf the bavk and page {or
<br /> campu�er system re�erenGe} virhere �h�s Deed ❑f Trus� is reGvrded, and the nam� and address of the successor
<br /> �rustee, and the instrument shall be executed and acknawledged by ail�he l�eneficiarFes under this Deed ofi Trust ar
<br /> �heir suGcessvrs in interest. The su�cessor trus#ee, �rvi�hout �an�eyance of�he Property, shalt succeed t❑ al� the
<br /> titIe, power, and du�ies ��nferred upon the Trustee in tn�s Deed vf Trust and by applicab[e la�nr. This procedu�e for
<br /> suI�stitution of Trustee shaI� go�ern to the ex�lusian o�a[[v�her pra�isions�or substitution.
<br /> NC]T�CES. Any noti�e required to be gi�en under�this ❑eed ❑f Trust, inciuding withou� �imitation any nv�ic� o�de�faulfi
<br /> and any notice af safe shall be gi�en �n writing, and shall be e�fecti�e when actua��y de�i�ered, �hen ac�ually recei�ed
<br /> by tele�acslmile �unless othervvise requ�red by lawy, when deposited wi�h a natiana[fy recogni�ed ❑vernigh�caurier, or, �f
<br /> mailed, when deposited in�he Uni�ed States mail, as�irst�[ass, cerkified ar register�d mail pastage prepaid, direc�ed�❑
<br /> �he addresses shov�n near the beginning of�his Deed ❑f Trus�. AI[ copies ❑f no�i�es of�orec�vsure �rom �he ho�der ot
<br /> any iien which has priarity o�er this Deed of Trusfi shalf be sen� to Lender's address, as shown near the beginning o�
<br /> this Deed of Trust, Any person may change his ar her address far n��i�es under this L]eed o�Trust by giving farmal
<br /> writ�en no�tice �o the vther persan vr persons, speci�ying that the purpose of �he natice is t❑ change the persnn`s
<br /> address. Far noti�e purposes� Trustor agrees to keep Lender in�o�med a�all times o�Trustor's current address. Unless
<br /> ❑therv�ise pra�ided or required by law, i�there is mnre than one Trusfior, any notice given by Lender to any T�-ustor is
<br /> deemed ta be na�ice gi�en�a a(i Trus�ors. It uvi�� be Trustvr's respvnsibii�ty t❑tell the others of the no�i�e from Lender.
<br /> M15CELLANE�US PROVIS[��1IS. The fial�awing miscellaneous pravisions are a part❑��his Deed of Trust;
<br /> Amendments. What is written in �his Deed af Trust and in the Reiated Dvcuments is Trustvr's entire agreemen�
<br /> with Lender concerning the matters �overed by this Deed af Trust. Ta be effective, any �hange vr amendment to
<br /> this Deed of Trus� mus�be in wri�ing and must b� signed by whoever wiII be bound ar❑b(igated by the change or
<br /> amendmen�.
<br /> Captian Headings. Captian headings in this Deed o� Trust are �or �onvenience purp�ses onIy and are nat to be
<br /> used�fl interpr�t or de�ine the prvv�sions vf�his Deed ❑�T�ust.
<br /> Merger. There shal! be n❑ merger of the interes�❑r estate crea�ed by th�s ❑eed a�Trust with any ofiher�nterest or
<br /> es�ate in the Proper�y at any tzme he�d by❑r for�he bene�it o�Lend�r in any capaci�y, without�he written cvnsent
<br /> ot Lender.
<br /> Governing Law. This Deed of Trust wii� be govern�d by federal !aw appiicab[e to Lender and� tv the exfent nof
<br /> preemp�ed by federal [awr the [aws o��he State o�Nebraska wi�hou�regard to i�s confIic�s of[aw pro�isions. This
<br /> Deed of Trust has been accepted by Lender in the State o�Nebraska.
<br /> No Waiver hy Lender. Trustor understands Lender will no�give up any o�Lender's rights unde�this Deed vf Trust
<br /> �nless Lender does so in writ�ng. The fac� that Lender deiay� or ami�s ta exercise any right wiIl no�mean that
<br /> Lender has given up tha� right. If Lender dt�es agree in writing fia gi�e up one o�F Lender`s rights, that does not
<br /> mean Trustor vvill not ha�e to �nmply with the other pra�isions a�this De�d af Trust. Trustar alsv understands
<br /> �hat i� Lender daes consent t❑ a reques�, �hat does not mean that Trustor will no� ha�e t❑ get Lender's �v.nsent
<br /> aga�n i�the si�uatian happens again. Trustflr further u.nder's�ands that just because Lender cansents to ane or more
<br /> o�Trustor's requests, that does nat mean Lender v►rill be required tv consent to any o�Trus�or's �uture requests.
<br /> T�ustor wai�es presentment, demand�or paymen�, protest, and notic�o�F dishonar.
<br /> 5everab"rlity. If a court finds tha� any pravis�on o�this Deed ��Trust is not �alsd or shau�d not be en�orced, tha�
<br /> �act by �tse�f wil� not mean tha#the rest o�this Deed ❑f Trust wi�� not�e�alid or en�orced. Th�refare, a caur�will
<br /> enforce the r�st o�f�the provisians ❑f this Deed of Trust e�en if a pro�ision ❑�this fleed o�Trust may be fvund tv be
<br /> in�alid or unen�orceabfe.
<br /> Successors and Assigns. Subjec��o any iimitations s�ated in this Dee� flf Trust on trans�er ❑f Trustor's interest,
<br /> this Deed ❑f Trus� shall be binding upan and inure �o �he bene�it o-� �he part��s, their success�rs and assigns. ��
<br /> ov►�nership ��the Property bec�mes �es�ed in a person ather than Trustor, Lender, wi�haut natice to Trus�ar, may
<br /> deal with Trustor's successors with reference�o this Deed a�Trust and the Indebtedness by way of�arbearance or
<br /> ex�ension without refeasing T�ustor�rom�he ❑b�igations o�this ❑eed a�Trust or iiability under t�e lndebtedness.
<br /> Time�s ❑�f�he Essen�e. Time is o�the essence in the performance o�th�s Deed ❑f Trus�.
<br /> �11laiver vf Hvmestead Exemp�ivn. Trustar hereby releases and wa��es aI� righ�s and bene�its ❑� the hamestead
<br /> exemption [aws❑f the Sfate of Nebraska as tp aII Indebtedness secured by this Deed ��Trust.
<br /> DEFIN�TIQNS. The faflvwing words shall ha��the following meanings when used in fihis Deed of Trust:
<br /> Bene�iciary, The word "Beneficiary" means Heartland Bank, and its successars and assigns.
<br /> Borrorr►rer. The ward "Borrower" means Char�es f� Christenson and includes af[ co-signers and cv-mak�rs signing
<br /> the Note and all�hsir successors and assigns.
<br /> Deed of Trust. The words "�eed af Trus�" mean this Deed o�F Trus� among Trus�vr, Lender, and Trus�ee, and
<br /> inc�udes withau� Iimi�atian a�l assignment and se�urity interes� provzs�ans rela�ing �a the Persona[ Property and
<br /> Ren�s.
<br /> Enviranmental Laws. The words 'rEnviranmen�af Laws" mean any and a�i state, federaf and local s�a�ufies,
<br /> regula��ans and ordinances reFa�ing ta the protection�of human heaIth or �he env�r�nment, including withaut
<br /> Iimita�ivn the Comprehensi�e En�ironmentaI F�esponse, Comp�nsation, and Liabili�y Act o� �98Q, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. 5ect�an 960�� et seq. �"CEF�CLA"7, the Superfund Amendments and F�eautho�izat�on Ac� o� �98�r Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99--499 �"SA�A"�,�he Hazardaus lUfater�als Transparta�ion Ac�, 49 U.S.C. Sec�tian 18��, et seq.,the Resource
<br /> Canser�ation and R�co�ery Ac�, 42 U.S.C. 5ection 69D'I, et seq., ar other appficab�e sta�e or federal laws, rules,
<br /> ❑r regu�ativns adopted pursuant thereto.
<br /> Even�of De�ault. The�rards "E�ent❑�De�au[t" mean any�-F the events o�defiau[t se�farth �n this Deed of Trust in
<br /> the e�en�s❑�defau[�section o�th�s Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Guaranty. The ward "Guaran�ty" means�he guaranty fram guarantar, endorser, surety, ❑r accammadation party to
<br /> Lender, inc[uding without limi�ation a guaran�y of a�� or par�of�he Note.
<br /> Hazardous Substances. The wards "Hazardous Substances" mean materials tha�t, because vf their quanti�y,
<br /> cancentration ar physica�, chemical or �n�ecfiious characfieristics, may cause o� pose a presen� ❑r patentia� ha�ard
<br /> to human heal�h or the env��onment when imprvperly used� �reated, stored, disposed nf, generated, manufaGtured,
<br /> firanspor�ed or otherwise hand�ed. The words "Ha�ardous Substances" are used in �heir very laroades� sense and
<br /> incIude without limitation any and a�i hazardous vr taxic substanGes, materials or waste as defined by �� �isted
<br /> under�he Envi�anmentaI Laws. The term "Hazard�us Subs�ances" aIso includes, wi�hout limi�a�i�n, petro�eum and
<br /> pe�rv�eum by-praducts❑r any fractian�herev�and asbestos.
<br />