2� 17� 1 ��4
<br /> DE�D �F TRUST
<br /> Laan No: �4345 �Cont�nued� Page 4
<br /> remo�e, sever or detach �he Persona! Property from the Property. �pon de�Faul�, Trustor shal� assemble any
<br /> Pe�-sanal Prvperty nat affixed to �he Property in a manner and a� a place reasonabfy canvenient to Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make i� a�aiIab�e t❑ Lender wi�hin three �3� days after receipt a� written demand from Lend�r �o �he
<br /> ex�ent perm�tted by applicable Iaw.
<br /> Addresses. The ma�iing addresses a� Trustor �debtvr} and Lender tsecured par�y� fram which informa�ion �
<br /> � concerning the security interes� granted by this Deed af Trus� may be obtained {each as required by the Uniform
<br /> Commercia� Cade} are as s�ated an the�irst page nf�his ��ed❑f Trust.
<br /> FURTHEFi A55URANCES; ATTORNEY-[N-FACT. The �oflaw�ng provisivns re�ating ta further assurances and
<br /> attarney-in-fa��are a part❑f this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. A� any time, and from time t❑ time, upan reques� ofi Lender, Trustar v�iI� make, execute and
<br /> de�iver, or iivi�l cause to be made, execu�ed vr deli�ered, to Lender❑r�o Lender's designee, and when r�quested by
<br /> Lender, cause �a be f�led, recvrd�d, re��[ed, ar rerecarded, as �he case may be, at su�h times and in such offices
<br /> and places as Lender may deem apprvpriater any and aII suc� mor�gages, deeds o��rust, 52Ct��1�I deed5, SeCUr[�1
<br /> agreements, �inancing sta�ements, cantinuatian s�atemen�sr instrumen�s d� �LI�h�t' assurance, cer�i�icates, �nC�
<br /> other documen�s as may, in the sole ❑pinion o�Lende�, be nscessary�r des�rable in arder to ef�ectua�e, complete,
<br /> perfect, continue. flr preser�e �17 T�ustor's obligatzons under �he No�e, this ��ed af Trus�, and the Related
<br /> Documents, and �2� �he �iens and securi�y interes�s cr�ated �y�his Deed o�Trust as ��rst and pr�vr Iiens on the
<br /> Praperty, whe�her now awned or hereafrter acquired by Trustor. Unless prohibited by law or Lender agrees �o the
<br /> contrary in writing, Trustor sha�i reimbur-se Lender �or all C�5�5 and expenses incurred in canne�tion wi�h the
<br /> mat�ers re�erred to in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fac�. If Trustor fails to do any v�t�e things re�e�red to in �f�e preceding paragraph, Lender may da so
<br /> �or and in �he name of Trustor and at Trus�ar's �xpense. For such purpases, Trustor hereby i�re�acab�y appoints
<br /> Lender as Trustor's attarney-�n-fa�t�or the purpase of mak�ng, executing, deIF�ering, filing, recarding, and doing a�[
<br /> other things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's sale opinian, to accampIish the matters re�erred to in
<br /> the p�-eceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERFORMANGE, If Trus�or pays all the �ndebf�dness, inc�uding 1rvi�hout�imitation aII �uture ad�ances, vvhen due,
<br /> and o�herwise perfarms al� the obligations imposed upon �rustor under this �eed o� Trusfi, Lender shall e�cecute and
<br /> deli�er to Trustee a request �ar �ul� recan�eyance and shal[ exeGute and deli�er to Trustar su�tab�e statements o�
<br /> termination �� any fiinancing statement on file e�idencing Lender's security interest in the �ents and t�e Personal
<br /> Proper�ty. Any recanveyance fee required by lav+r sha�[ be paid by Trustor, i�permitted by applicable [aw,
<br /> EVENTS OF DEFA�lLT. At Lend�r's aption, Trustor will be in de�au�t under this Deed of Trust i� any a��he �vllvwing
<br /> happen:
<br /> Payment DefauCt. Trus�kor�ails to make any paymen�v�rhen due under the lndehfiedness.
<br /> Break ��her Prom�ses. Trus�or breaks any promise made ta Lender or �ails to perForm promptfy at �he time and
<br /> strictly in the manner provided in thFs �eed of Trusfi or in any agreement re[a�ed to this �e�d ❑�Trus�.
<br /> Comp[iance D�faul�. Failure to camply with any other term, oh[igat�on, co�enan� ar candi�ion con�ained in �his
<br /> Qeed af Trust,the Nofie or in any of the ReCa�ed Dflcuments.
<br /> Defau�t on �ther Payments. Failure vf Trustor with�n�h�time required by�his Deed ❑�Trust�v make any payment
<br /> for�axes�r insurance, or any ather payment necessary to pre�ent�iling of ar to ef�ect dis�harge of any iien.
<br /> False S�atemen�s. Any represen'tatian or statement made ❑r�Furn�shed to Lender hy Trusto�or on Trustvr's behal#
<br /> under-�his ❑eed o�Trust or the Related Documents is false ar mis�eading in any materia� respect, etther n�vv or at
<br /> the time made or�urnished.
<br /> Defective Cat�ateralization. This Deed of Trus� vr any of �he F�e[at�d Dacuments ceases to be in fu�� �vrce and
<br /> efi�ect �inc�uding failure ❑� any calIateral documen� t❑ create a �a��d and perfected security interest or lien} a� any
<br /> time and�or any reason.
<br /> Death or lnsal�ency. The death❑f Trustvr,the insa[�ency vf Trustvr,the appoin�ment af a recei�er fvr any part o�f
<br /> Trustor's proper�ty, any assignment �ror �he benefi� ❑f �reditors, any �ype o�f creditv� workvut, or the
<br /> commencement ofi any proceeding under any hankruptcy or insoi�ency lavvs by�r agains�Trustor.
<br /> Tak�ng af the Proper�y. Any credi�or or gtrvernmental agency tries t� �ake any of �he Proper�y or any other of
<br /> Trus�or's proper�y in which Lender has a li�n. This in�iudes �aking a�, garnishing a� ar le�ying on Trustor's
<br /> accoun�s with Lender. Howe�er, i�Trus�ar disputes in good faith vvhether �he claim ❑n vvhich the taking a� the
<br /> P�oper�y is based is �al�d or reasanable, and if Trustor g�ves Lender wri��en no�ice a� the cfaim and �urnishes
<br /> Lender v�rith monies vr a sure�y bond sat�s�ac�vey�o Lender to sa�t�sfy the claim, then this defaul� pr��ision vvill no�
<br /> apply.
<br /> Breach of Dther Agreement. Any breach by Trus�or under�he terms af any other agreement be�ween Trustor and
<br /> Lender that is not remedied with�n any g�ace peri�d pra�id�d thereinr inc�uding without limi�a�ion any agreemen�
<br /> conGerning any indeb�edneSs or vther❑bliga�ian❑�Trustor to Lender, whether existing now or later.
<br /> Events Affec#ing Guaran�vr. Any o�F the preceding events ❑ccurs wi�h respect�o any guarantor, endorser, surety,
<br /> ❑r accommodafiion party a� any ❑f�he �ndeb�edne�s ar any guarantor, endvrser, sure�y, ar- accommodatian party
<br /> dies or becames in�ompeten�, ❑r re�okes or disputes the �a�idity ❑f, or iiabi�ity underr any Guaran� of the
<br /> Indebtedness,
<br /> rnsecur�ty. Lender in gaod fai�h be�ie�es itsel�insecure.
<br /> F�ight�o Cure. ��any de�auIt, other than a d��au��in payment, is curable and if Trustar has nat been given a n�tice
<br /> vf a breach ot the same pra�iszan ❑�this Deed o�F Trust within�he preceding�rvel�e ��2� manths,it may be cured if
<br /> Trustor, after Lender sends written nafiice to Trustvr demanding cure ❑�such de�ault: (17 cures�he default within
<br /> �ifteen {�5} days; or ��y if�he cure requ�res mare than �i�teen ���� days, immediately initia�es steps which Lender
<br /> deems in Lender's sole discretion to be suffi�ient to cure the de�auf� and th�reafter con�inues and completes aI�
<br /> reasonable and necessary steps suf�icien��o produce Gompliance as soon as reasonably practicaI.
<br /> R�GHTS AND FiEMED1E5 �N DEFAULT. If an E�ent ❑f De�au�t occurs under this Deed o�F Trust, at any�ime therea�f�ter,
<br /> Trustee ar Lender may exercise any❑ne❑r more of the�a�Eowing rights and remed�es:
<br /> A�celeration Upon De�ault: Additionai Remedies. l�any E�ent a� Defiault accurs as per the�erms of the Note
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may dec�are a�� Indeb�edness secured by this Deed o�F Trus�tv be due and payable and
<br /> the sam�shal�thereupan bec�me due and payab�e wi�hout any presentment, demand, protest or notice o�any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> �a� Ei�her in person or by ag�nt, with ❑r �rvi�hout bringing any action vr praceedingr or by a recei�er
<br /> appointed by a cvurt and v�ithout regard t❑ fihe adequacy o�i�s security, enter upon and take possessivn
<br /> ❑f the Property, or any par�there�f, in �ts�wn name ❑r in the name ❑�Trustee, and d� any acts vtirhich it
<br /> deems necessary o�r desirable�o preserve the �a�ue, ma�ketabii�ty or r�n�abi[zty���he Property, or part❑�
<br /> the Property or interest in the Property; increase fiF�e income fram �he Prap�rty ar protect�he seGuri�y o�f
<br /> the Praper�y; and, w�th or withoufi taking possess�on ❑fi �he Property, sue �or or a�herv�rise collect the
<br />