2� 17��947
<br /> If more than one person signs th�s ❑eed of Trust as Trus�or, each Trustor agrees that this ❑eed of Trust will
<br /> se�ure all future advances and future ob�igat�ons described aboWe �hat are gi�en to or incurred by any one ar
<br /> more Trust�r, �r any one or mare Trustor and a�hers. This Deed of Trust wi�� no� secure any ather debt if
<br /> Beneficiary faiis, w��h respect �o such other deb�, to make any required discl�sure abaut this Deed of Trust
<br /> or if Beneficiary fails �o gi�e any required notice of the right of rescission.
<br /> 5. PAY�ENTS. Trustor agrees to make al� payments an the Secured Debt when due and in accordance with
<br /> the terms of the EWidenG� of Deb� ar this Deed of Trust.
<br /> �, �IVARRANTY OF TITLE. Trustor coWenan�s �hat Trustor is lawfu�ly seized of �he es�a�e con�eyed by this
<br /> Deed of Trust and has the right to irre�ocably �ran�, conWey and se�� to Trustee, in firust, wi�h power �f
<br /> sale,the Praperty and warrants�hat the Property is un�ncumbered, except fo� encumbrances of record,
<br /> 7, CLAIMS AGAINST TITLE. Trustor will pay a�l taxes, assessments, liens, encumbrances, lease payments,
<br /> ground rents, uti�ifiies, and ather charges relating to �he Praper�y when due. Beneficiary may require Trustor
<br /> fio pro�ide �o Beneficiary copies o� a1l nvtices that such amounts are due and the receipts e�idencing
<br /> Trustar's payment, Trustor will defend title to the Property agains� any c�aims tha� would impa�r the lien of
<br /> th�s Dee�1 0� Trus�, Trustor agrees to assign �o �ene�iciary, as requested by genef�c�ary, any rights, cla�ms
<br /> or defenses which Trustor may ha�e against parties who supply labor or materia(s to improWe ar maintain
<br /> the Property,
<br /> S. PR[flR SECURITY INTERESTS. With regard to any o�her mo��gage, deed of trust, secu�ity agreemen� or
<br /> other lien document tha� created a pri�r security in�erest or encumbrance on the Praperty and that may
<br /> ha�e priority a�er this Deed �f T�ust, Trustor ag�ees:
<br /> A. �To make all payments when due and ta perfarm or comply trvith a!I c��enan�s.
<br /> B. To p�ompt�y d��i�er to Benefic�ary any notic�s that Trustor recei�es fr�m the h�lder,
<br /> C. Nflt �o make or permit any modificatian or extensi�n of, and not �o request or accept any future
<br /> ad�an�es under any note ar agreemenf secured by, the other mor�gage, deed of trust o� security
<br /> agreement unless 6enef�ciary cansents in writ�ng.
<br /> 9. ❑UE �N SALE OR EN�V�LI�BRANCE. Beneficiary may, at its optivn, dec�are th� en�ire balance of the Secured
<br /> Debt �o be immediately due and payable up�n the creation of any lien, encumbrance, �ransfer, ar sale, or
<br /> contract for any of these an the Property. Hawe�er, if the Property includes T�ustor's residence, this
<br /> section sha�� he sUbject to the restr�ctions �mposed by federa! law 41� �,F,R, 59�j, as app�icable, For the
<br /> purposes of �h�s section, the term "Pr��erty" also includes any interest ta a�� or any part af the Property,
<br /> Th�s covenant shall run wi�h the Property and sha�( rema�n in ef�ect until th� Se�ured �3ebt is paid in full and
<br /> this Deed of Trust is released,
<br /> 7 U. TRANSFER �F AN 1NTEREST iN THE TRLlST�R, If Trustar is an ent�ty ather than a natura� person �such as
<br /> a corp�ration or o�her ot�gan��ation}, Beneficiary may demand immediate payment if ��� a beneficial in��rest
<br /> in Trustor is so�d or transferred; ��} the�� �s a change �n either tha identi�y or number af inembers of a
<br /> par�nership; or �3� �here �s a change in ownership of mvre than �5 percent vf the W�t�ng s�ock of a
<br /> corporati�n. Howe�er, Beneficiary may nnt demand paymen# in the ab��e sifivations if �t is pr�hibited by law
<br /> as of�he date af this Deed a�Trus�,
<br /> 17. ENTfTY WARRANT[ES AND REPRESENTATf�NS. If Trust�r is an ent��y other than a na�ural persnn �such as
<br /> a corporation ❑r other organizati�n�, Trustor makes �o Benef��iary the foll�wing warrant�es and
<br /> represen�ations which shall be cvntinuing as Iong as the SeGured Deb� remains outstanding:
<br /> A, Trustor is an entity which is duly vrganized and �al�dly existing in �he Trus�or's state af incvrpvration
<br /> �or organiza�ion�, Trus�ar is in gnod s�anding in a�l states �n which Trustor transacts bus�ness, Trustor
<br /> has the power and �uthc�rity �a a�n �he Pro�aert� and �o carr�,� on its business as nvw b�ing
<br /> conduc�ed and, as applicable, is quaiif�ed to da so in each state in which Trustor flperates,
<br /> 6. The executian, deli�e�y and per#armance flf this Deed o� Trust by Trustor and the obligation
<br /> e�idenced by the E�idence vf Debt are w��hin the pawer of Trustar, have heen du�y authori�ed, ha�e
<br /> rece��ed all necessary gv�ernmental approWa�, and will nat Wivlafe any prvWision of law, or order of
<br /> court or governmental agency.
<br /> �. ��her than disclosed �n writ�ng Trustor has nat changed its name �nrithin the las� ten years and has
<br /> no� used any other �rade ar ficti�ious name. Wi�hout Beneficia�y's privr writ�en consent, Trustor d�es
<br /> not and will not use any other name and will preser�e its exist�ng name, �rade names and franchises
<br /> un�il the Secured Debt is sa�isfied,
<br /> Security 1r�s#rument-Commer�iaflAgricultural-NE AGCD-R£SI-NE 7I11�D11
<br /> VMPC�Ban[�ers 5ystems�� VMP-0595�N�� �1 iQ7j.DD
<br /> Wvlte€s K�uwer Financia[Ser�ices��993,2d9 i Page 3 vf 14
<br />