2� 17��947
<br /> �. GC3NVEYANCE. Fvr gaod and �a�uabie cansideration, �he receipt and su�ficiency ❑f which �s acknowledged,
<br /> and to secure the Secured Deb� thereafter defined}, Trustar irre�ocably grants, conWeys and se�ls �a Trustee,
<br /> in trust for �he �enefit ❑f the Beneficiary, w�fih powe� o�f sal�, the follawing described property:
<br /> 5��ATTACH��EXHiBIT rrA"
<br /> The praperty is located in HAI.L at
<br /> {C�untyy
<br /> , �ONIPHAN , Nebraska 68832
<br /> 4Address} �City� 4Zip Cade}
<br /> To�ether with all righ�s, easements, appurtenances, royalties, m�neral rights, vil and gas rights, crops.
<br /> timber. a(! diWersion payments or third party payments mad� fio crap producers, and all exis�ing and fu�ure
<br /> impro�ements, structures, fixtures, and replacements that may now, or at any time in the futiure, �e par� af
<br /> the real es�ate described abo�e �ali referred tv as "Praperty"}� The term Property alsv includes, but is not
<br /> {f�ited ��, any ar�d ali water welfs, wat��, difi�h�s, reser�oirs, reser�vir sites and dams focated an �he reai
<br /> estate and a�l riparian an� water righ�s assoc�a�ed with the Property, howe�er esta�lished.
<br /> 3. MAXtMUiVI �BL�GAT[�N L[M[T, The to�a� principal amaunt of the Secured Debt �hereaf�er definedy secured
<br /> by th�s D�ed of Trust at any one time shall nat exceed $ 47 D��,�� . This
<br /> lim��at�on vf amount does nv'� include interes�, Ioan charges, comm�tment fees, brakerage �ommissions,
<br /> attorneys' fees and o�her charges �alidly made pursuant to this ❑eed of Trust and does not apply to
<br /> adWan�es �or interest acGrued on such ad�an�esy made under the terms of this Deed o� Trust t❑ pro�ect
<br /> genef�ciary security and to perform any af the co�enants cantained in this Deed �f Trust, Future ad�ances
<br /> are contemplated and, along with other future o�ligations, are secured by this Deed o� Trust e�en though all
<br /> ❑r part may nvt yet be adWan�ed. Nathing in this Deed of Trust, however, shall const��ute a commitmen� �o
<br /> make additiona� or fu'�ure loans ar ad�ances in any amount, Any such commitment would need t❑ be agreed
<br /> to in a separate wri�ing. .
<br /> 4. SECUR�D DEBT DEFINE�. The term "Secured Debt" inc�udes, but is not iimited to, the fal�vwing;
<br /> A. The pramissory nate�s�, �ontractts�, guaranty{ies} or other e�iden�e of debt described below and a��
<br /> extensions, renewals, modifications or subst��ut�ons tE�idence of Deb�}. (V4lhen referen�ing the debts
<br /> below it is sugges��d that you include i�ems such as barrawers'names, rra�e amourrts, irr�erest rates,
<br /> maturity dates, etc.]
<br /> B. All future ad�ances #rom Beneficiary �a Trusfiar ar o�her future vbligations of Trustor to Beneficiary
<br /> under any promissory note, contra�t, guaran�y, vr vther e�idenCe of debt exist�ng now or e�cecuted
<br /> a#ter this Deed vf Trust whether or not�his Deed ofi Trust is speci#ically referred to in the e��dence o#
<br /> deUt. .
<br /> C, All obligativns Trustor owes tv Seneficiary, which now exis� ar may later arise, �a the exten� not
<br /> prohibited by 1aw, including, but not limited to, liabili��es �vr o�erdrafts relating ta any deposi�
<br /> account agreemen� between Trustar and Beneficiary.
<br /> D, A�l additional sums ad�anced and expenses incurred by 6eneficiary far insuring, preser�ing or
<br /> o�herwise pro�ecting the Property and i�s �alue and any other sums ad�anced and e�penses incurred
<br /> by Bene�iciary under �he '�erms af �his Deed ❑f T�ust, plus interes� at the highest rate in effect, fram
<br /> time to time, as prvWided in the E��dence v� Debt.
<br /> E, Trustor's perfiormance under the �erm� a� any instrument e�idencing a deb� by Trustor ta Benefic�ary
<br /> and any Deed of Trus�securing, guarantying, or otherwise relating to the de�t,
<br /> 5ecurity[nst�ument-CvmmerGiallAgricUltural-N� AGC�-R�SI-N� 71112U�1
<br /> VMPC�7 Bankers 5ystemsTM VMP-059�4NE� {1 lD7f.�D
<br /> Walters Kluwer Finan�ial Ser�ices�1993,2Q1 1 Page 2 af 9Q
<br /> ` ; y F::
<br />