2� 17��947
<br /> 1�. PRC]PERTY C4NDITI�N. ALTERATI�NS AND �NSPECTI�N. Trustor will keep the Property in good condition
<br /> and make ali repairs that are reasonably necessary, Trustor wili gi�e Bene#iciary prompt no�ice o� any lass
<br /> or damage to the Proper�y, Trustor wili keep the Praperty free of noxiaus weeds and g�asses, Trustor will
<br /> not ini�iate, join in or consent tv any change in any pri�a�e restricti�e co�enant. zaning ordinance o� other
<br /> public or pri�ate res�riction limiting or defining �he uses which may be made of the Praperty or any par� of
<br /> the Property, withaut Bene#ic�ary's prior written cansent. Trustar will natify Benef��iary of all demands,
<br /> proceedings, claims, and acti�ns agains� Trustor or any other owne� made under �aw or regulafiifln regarding
<br /> use, ownersh�p and vccupancy ❑f the Proper�y. 1"rus�or wi�� cvmply with a�l legal requiremen�s and
<br /> res�ric�iflns, whe�her publ�c ar pri�ate, wifih respect to the use of �he Property. Trustar also agrees �hat the
<br /> nature of the vccupancy and use will not change wi�hou� Bene#iciary's prior w�itten cflnsen�,
<br /> Na pvr�ion of fihe Proper�y wi�1 be remo�ed, demolished or materially alte�ed wi�hflut 8eneficiary's prior
<br /> written �onsen� excep� that Trustor has �he right t❑ rema�e ��ems of personal prvperty comprising a par� af
<br /> the Praperty fiha� become worn or flbsolete, pro�i�ed tha� such personal proper�y is replaced with other
<br /> personal prvperty at �east equal in value �o the replaced persflnal property, free from any ti�ie reten�ion
<br /> de�ice, security ag�eemen# or vfiher encumbrance. Su�h replac�ment af �ersvnal p�-operty will be deemed
<br /> subject �o '�he securi�y interest created by this Deed of Trust. Trustor shall not partition ar subdi�ide fihe
<br /> Property without Seneficiary's prior writ�en cvnsent. Beneficiary ar 6enefic�ary's agen�s may, at
<br /> Beneficiary's option, en�er the Property at any �easonable �ime #or the pUrpose o� inspecting the Property.
<br /> Any inspectian af �he Property shall be entirely for Beneficiary's benefit and Trustvr will in no way re�y nn
<br /> Ber��fic�ary'� :n�p�ctian.
<br /> '13. AUTH�RITY TC� PERF�RM. If Trustor faiis �a per�orm any af Trus�or's duties under �h�s Deed o� Trust, or
<br /> any other m�rtgage, deed vf trust, securi�y agreemen� or vther lien document that has priority v�er �his
<br /> ❑eed vf Trusfi, Bene�iciary may, w��hau� notice, perform �he duties or cause �hem to b� performed, Trus�ar
<br /> appaints Beneficiary as at�arney in fact to sign Trustor's name vr pay any amnun� necessary for
<br /> performance. If any cflnstru�t�on on the Proper�ty is discontinued or not carried on in a reasona�le manner,
<br /> Bene#iciary may do whate�er is necessary to protect Sen�fic�ary's security �nterest in the Prop�rfiy, This
<br /> may include cornple�ing �he c�nstructivn.
<br /> Beneficiary's right �o perfarm for Trustor shall nofi crea�e an flbiigation to �erform, and Bene�i��ary's failu�e
<br /> ta p���orm will not preclude Bene�ic�ary �rom exercis�ng any of Beneficiary's othe� rights under the law ar
<br /> this Deed af Trust, Any amounts paid by Beneficiary far insuring, preser�ing or otherwise pr�tecting the
<br /> Property and 6�ne�ic�ary's security interest will be due on demand and will bear interest fram the date af
<br /> the payment unti� paid in full at the in�erest rate in effect from '�ime to time according to the terms v� �he
<br /> E�iden�e af Debt.
<br /> '14, ASS[GNMENT �F LEASES AND RENTS. Trustar� �rrevocably assigns, grants and con�eys to geneficiary as
<br /> additionai security a�l rhe right, titie and in�erest in th� �ollowing �Propertyj.
<br /> A, Exis�ing �r fu'�ure leases, subleases, licenses, guaranties and any other written or �erbal agreements
<br /> �or �he use and flccu�ancy o# the Pra�er'�y, including bu� not limited ta, any extensions, renewais,
<br /> modifiGations ar replacements �Leases},
<br /> B, Rents, issues and profits, including but not ��mited to, se�urity depasits, minimum ren�s, percentage
<br /> rents, additianal rents, comman area maintenance charges, parking charges, real estate taxes, other
<br /> ap�licable taxes, insurance prem�um con�ributiQns, liquida�ed damages following defauit, canceliatian
<br /> premiums� "I055 of 1'PC�tS'� insurance, guest re��ipts. re�enues. royalties, praceeds. bonuses,
<br /> accoun'�s, contract rights, general infiangib�es, and all riyhts and c�aims whi�h Trustor may ha�e tha�
<br /> [n any way pertain fio ar are on account of the use or occupancy �f the whole or any part o# the
<br /> Property 4Rentsy.
<br /> ln the e�en� any item listed as Leases flr Ren�s is determined to be personal property, �h�s Assignmen� will
<br /> a[so be re�a�ded as a,security agreem�nt, . . . .
<br /> Trus�or will �romptly pro�ide Benef�ciary with copies vf the Leases and will certify these Leases are �rue
<br /> and correct capies. Th� existing Leases will be prvW�ded on executivn of �he Assignmen�, and aIl future
<br /> Leases and any ather information w��h respect to these Leases will be pr��ided immedia�ely after they are
<br /> execu�ed. Trustor may callect, recei�e, enjoy and use the Rents so Ivng as Trustor is nat in default, Trust�r
<br /> wi�l not callect in ad�ance any Rents due in future lease periods, unless Trus�ar first �btains Lender's
<br /> written consent, Upon �efau��, Trustor will recei�e any Rents �n trust fvr Benef�ciary and Trustflr will not
<br /> commingle the Renfis with any ather �unds, When Benef�ciary so directs, Trustar will �ndorse and deliver
<br /> any payments o� Ren�s from �he P�flperty to Beneficiary. Amaunts collec�ed will be applied afi Benefi�iary's
<br /> Security lnstrt�ment-CvmmerciallAgricuit�ral-NE AGC�-RES[-NE 71�f2��1
<br /> VMP�Bank�rs Systems�� VMP-0596tN�) ���07�.D�
<br /> Waiters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices 01993,2��1 Page 4 vf 1 ti
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