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2� 17��931 <br /> F�REG�IN� INDEMN�TY, SHALL SURV�VE RE�C�NVEYANCE �F THIS DEED �F <br /> TRUST. <br /> l�. Assignment �f Rent�s. Tri.�stor hereby assigns ta Lender the r�nts, �ssues a��d �rof��s <br /> of the Pra�erty; prov�ded that T�-i.�stflr sl�.a�l, u��til the accurrenc� �f an Even� of Defa�.�lt <br /> h�reunder, have the rig�zt ta �ollect a��d reta��� such rents, issues and profit� as they �eco���.e due <br /> and �ayab�e. U��n the o��urre�-�ce of an Event of Defau�t, Lender may, either xn �erson �r �y <br /> agent; With or ���thaut bringing any a�tion or pro�eedilzg, �r �y a re���ver appointed b�� a ca�.�r� <br /> and wi�llo�.�t regard to the adequacy of its security, ent�r upon and take possessian of the Proper���, <br /> or a.ny�ar��hereof, �n xts ow�� name or�n tla.e na�r�e of tlze Trustee, a��d do any a�ts wh�ch it de�ms <br /> ne�essar�r or des�rabie ta �res�rve the value, rnarketa�ility ar rer�tability of t1�e Property or an�r <br /> par� thereof or interest th�r�in, xn�rease the in�ome therefram �r protect the security h�reaf and, <br /> vvitli or witlzaut ta�ing possessian of the Praperty, sue for or atherwise ��Ile�t the rents, issu�s <br /> a�zd pr�f�ts thereof, ���cluding thase �ast due and unpa�d, a.nd apply the sa�ne, �ess costs and <br /> expenses of �perat��n and colle�tion �n�luding atto�ney's fees, upon any �ndebtedness se�ured <br /> hereby, aIi �n su�h order as Lender n�ay determine. Trustor, Trustee and L�nder agree that a <br /> r�ce�ver �an be appo�nted u�oi� tlie request af Trustee at any t��ne after the f�I�ng af a Nfltice af <br /> Defa�.��t or �n a�1y action to enfor�e the ass�gnment of r�nts provided �1ere��z or otherw�se. T�Ze <br /> entering upon ar�d taking possessio�l of the Praper��, th� co�Iect��n af such rents, �ssues and <br /> �rofits and the applicatian thereof as afaresa�d, shal� nat �ure or waive any defau�t �r �.ati�e of <br /> default hereunder�r in�ralxdate any a�t done �n r�sp�r�se to su�h defauit or pursuant to su�h notice <br /> �f default and, notwithstand�ng the c�nt���uance �n p�ssess�on of the Property or the �olXect�on; <br /> recei�t and ap�li�ation �f rents, issues or profits, a�.d Trustee and Lender slzall be entitled �o <br /> exer�ise every right provid�d far in any af the Loan Instrumel�ts ar �y law upon occurrence of <br /> any Event of Default, in�iud�ng wxtizaut 1lmitatian the right ta e�.er�ise the �av�rer of sale. <br /> Fur�her, Lender's ri�hts and remedies L�nder this paragraph sl�all be �umu�at�ve with, and in ��a <br /> ti�ray a ��r-���tation �n, Lender's rights and remedies under azzy assign�ne�-�t af Ieases and rents <br /> re��rded �.gainst the Pro�erty. Lender, Trustee and t�le receiver sha�� be 1�able to ac�a�.�nt anl�� for <br /> those re��ts a�tually re�eived. <br /> 11, E�ents af I3�fauit. The fo�lo�vi�lg sha11 constitute an Event of Defau�t under this <br /> De�d of Tn�st: <br /> �a} Failure �� pay a��v r�lstallYnent of pr�n�ipal or interest or any �ther s�.��-�1 secured hereb�� ���hEn <br /> due after wr���en notr�e and ex��rat�on of�we���y �2�} day p�ri�d to cure; � <br /> ��} A breach af or default under a��y �rovision �ontaixied in the Note, tl�is Deed af Tr��st, a��yo uf <br /> �he Laan �nstruments, ar any other�ien or e�zcun�bran�e upon the Prapert`�; <br /> �c} A v��rit of e�e�uti�i� or attac1��11er1t or any s��i�ilar �rocess sha�� be e�ltered �.gax��.st Tn.rstor <br /> w��ic��shall �e�ome a�ie1z on the Pro�er�y�r a�zy porti���thereof or�nterest therein; <br /> �d} Ther� s��a�l be �led by or aga�nst Trustor ar Barrov�er an actio�l und�r an� present or fi.�ture <br /> federal, s�.te or other statute, �aw or r�gulat�on r�Iating to �bank�-�.�ptcy, in���vency or ather re�i�f <br /> for debtors; or there sl�all be appo�nted any trustee, r��eiver ar ��quidat�r af Trustor �r Barro�y er <br /> ar of all or any�art of the Pro�erty, ar the rents, �ssues ar prof�ts thereof, ar Tr�.�star ar Borrower <br /> sha11 make any general ass�gnment fflr the benefit of�red�tors; <br /> �e} The sale, transfer, 1ea�e, assigr�ment, ��nveyan�e or further e��cumbran�e �f a11 or arly part af <br /> ar any ���terest �n th� Pro�erty, either valuritarily or xnvoluntarily, witla.out tlze expr�ss wr�tte��. <br /> �onsent af L�nder; provided that Trustor shal�b��ermitted to execute a lease of the Prop�rt��that <br /> d�es not coilta��1 an optian to purclzase and the term of which daes not exc�ed ane year; <br /> tf} A�andonment of the Proper-ty; or <br /> �g} �f Trustor is a legal entity, the �ssua�zce, sale, transf�r, assig�lment3 conveyance or <br /> en�L�����erance o�mnre tlzan a total af Ten Percent �1�°I�} of the ownersh�p �nterest i��the entity. <br /> 12. Remedies. Acce�erat�fln U�an Defau�t. �n the event�f any Ev���t of Default Lender <br /> ��.Zay, without n�ti�e ���e�t as requ�re�by l�,w, declare all i�ldebtedness sec�.�red hereby ta be due <br /> a.�-�d pa�ab�e a��.d the same shall thereupon �e�ame due and payable witlzout any presentment, <br /> d��iland, protest or not��e of any l�ind. Tlzereafter Lender 1nay: <br /> �a} I�emaxzd that Trustee e�er�ise the P��ER �F SALE granted her�in, and Tr�.�st�e sha�� <br /> thereafter �au�e Trt.�stor's interest in the Pro�erty to be sold and the proceeds to b� distrYbuted, aIi <br /> in the ���a��ner�r�vided in the Nebra�ka Trust Deed Act; <br /> �b} E:��r�ise any and al� r�ghts prov�ded for in an� af the Loan �nstrL�nzents ar b�� �a�ti� Lipfln <br /> o�curren�e of a1��Eve�zt af I]efault; and <br /> �c} �0�11�-�Zence an ac��on t� fflrec�ase �h�s Deed �f Tr�.�st as a m�r-�gage, a�poi��t a re�ei�er, �r <br /> speci�ca��_y enfarce an��of the �ovena�-�ts h�reof, <br /> �o remed�- h�reir-� ca��ferr�d upo�1 or reserved to TrusteE or Le�-�der is intended to be e:�c�t�si�e of <br /> an�! other remedy l�erein, in tlze Lo�.i� Ins�run�en�s or h�� law provided or pern��t��d_ bu� ea�h shai� <br /> be cumulativ�, sl�all be i�i �.dditian �o ��ery ather remedy g�ven hereunder, in the Loan <br /> �nstr�.�ments or now or hereafter e��st�zig a� Ia��v ar i�1 equ�ty or �� statute, a��d ma�i b� e:��r�ised <br /> co��currentl�r, i�ldependen��y or st�ccessivel�. � <br /> 13. T��ustee. Ti1e Tn�stee may resign at any time «��thatxt caus�, a��d L�ndEr ���a�� at an`� <br /> t��ne and w����aut ca�.�se appo�nt a su�cessor or substit��te Trustee. Trustee sl�all no� �e 1 iable to <br /> a���� par��Y. including without lx���.itation Lender, Borro�ver, Tri�stor or a��y pt�rchaser of the <br /> Property, for any loss �r da�nage u�lless due to re�kless or wi11fi�1 �1liscondu�t, a�zd sha�� na� be <br />