2� 17��931
<br /> required to take any a�tian �n connectxon with tlle �nforcement of this Deed of Trust ��nless
<br /> inden�.ni�ed, ��1 �rit�ng, f�r all costs, compensation or e��enses whi�lz may be assoc�ated
<br /> therev�ith. �n addit�a��, Trustee may be�am� a purchaser at any sale of the Pra�erty �udiciai ar
<br /> und�r th�p���rer�f sale graiited lierezn}; p�stpane tlle sale of a11 or a.ny p�r��on of the Pr��er�y, as
<br /> pravided by �av�; or s��� tlze Pr��erty as a wlzole, or in s��arat� parcels or ��ts at T�-�.�stee's
<br /> d�scretio�-�.
<br /> 14, Fees and �xpenses. Ir�tl�e event Trustee se11s the Prapert�by e:�ercise of povver of
<br /> sale, Trustee sha��be entit�ed to apply any sa1��raceeds first to payment of a11 c�sts and e�penses
<br /> of e�er�ising power of sa�e, i�eluding al� Trust�e's fees, and Lender's and Trustee's atton�e��'s
<br /> fees, a�tua�ly �ncurred ta e�tent permxtted by ap�licable la�v. In th� event Borr�wer or Tn�stor
<br /> e�erc�ses a�1�� r�g�xt pro�ided by lativ to cure a,n Event of Default, Lender s�1ai� be entitled to
<br /> r�cover froYn Tri.�stor all casts a�1d expenses actually ii�curred as a resu�t of Tr�.�star's defaul�,
<br /> in�Iuding without �in��tation al1 Trustee's aa.zd attonley's fees, to tize e�.ten��erm�tted bv ap�Iica�I�
<br /> Ia���.
<br /> 1S. Miscellan��us Pr��isions.
<br /> �a} Ba�t�o��et�n�t relec�.sec� E:��ens�an af�he t�Y1�e for pa��men� or n�od�ficatian of a�nnr�iza�ion of
<br /> the suYns secur�d �y t��is Deed of Tr�.�st gra�ited b�� LeY-�der �o a�Z�� su��essor in interest of.
<br /> Barro�<<er shall no� aperate to release. in any° ��Zan��er, �he Iiabi��t�r of the orrgi�lal Borro���er and
<br /> Borro���er's su��essars in i��terest. Lender sha�� not be required ta cam�ne��ce proceedin�s �.�ains�
<br /> such SuCCe55�r �r r�ft�S� to extenC� �i��iZE f�r ��.Vm�n� �r a���er��ise 7�lodifu arnor�rzation af tl��
<br /> sun�s secur'ed bV tl��s Deed of Trus�b��reasan of an�� demands made b`��he orig�nal Borro��-er and
<br /> Borrov�rer's successors in iiiter�st. �
<br /> �b} Len����'s�'o��e�s. Witl�ou�affe�ti�zg�he I�ab�i�t��of a��v oth�r persar� Iiable f�r�he pati�ment of
<br /> an�� obli�atian �aere��� mentio�led, a�-�d w��haut affecting �he ��en or �har�e of tl-�is Deed of Tnzst
<br /> upon any portion of the Praper�y not�h�n or�heret�fare re�eased as securi��for the fi.�11 ama�.�nt of
<br /> a�� ��n�aid ob�igatio�zs, Lender�zlay, fram time to time a�1d w�t���ut��otice �x} re�ease a��y�erson sa
<br /> liable, �ii} e�te�ad tl�e ma�urity ar alter any of the tenns of any such obli�at�ons, �iii} grant �tl�er
<br /> ind�.��gences, �iv} release ar recanveU. or cause �a be re�eased ar reconv�yed at any time at
<br /> Lender's o�tio�� any par�e�, por�ion or a�I of the Pr�p�r�y, ��} ta�e or re�ease any other or
<br /> additional se�urity for any �b��gatio�� herein i1��ntioned, �r �vi} Yna�e �om�ositions or other
<br /> �.rrangements witl�debtors ��Z relatian t��ereto.
<br /> ��} �'�rbearc�nce �y L��rde��a�� ��i��r. A�.ly farhearance by Lender in e�ercising a�zy rig��t or
<br /> remedy hereunder, �r ot�zerw�se afforded �y a�p�i�a��� Iaw, sha.11 n�t be a �vaiver of�r pre�lude
<br /> the e�er�ise of any such ri�ht or r�medy. The procurernent of�nsuran�e or the payment of ta�es
<br /> ar other liens �r �harges by Lend�r sha�� not �e a waiver o� I�e��der's right to a��elerate tl�e
<br /> maturity of t11� indebtedness se�ured by th�s Deed af Trust.
<br /> �d} Successa��s anc��4ssigns B�u�c�; �Toin� crnc�S`�v��al�ia�ilrt�; �`a�tions. The �ovenants and
<br /> agreements l��rein c�ntained sha�I ��nd, and the r�g�lts hereunder sha�l �nure ta, the respective
<br /> su��essors and assigns of Le��der and Trustar. 1��� c��er�ants and agreements of Trustor sl�all be
<br /> joii�t and several. The ca�tio��s and head�ngs af the paragraphs af this Deed of Trust are far
<br /> �onvenience only and are not ta be used to �nterpr�t or de�.ne the provisions hereof.
<br /> �e� Rec�uest far N�tic�s. The�art�es her��y rec�t�est that a��py�f any�lat��e�f default hereunder
<br /> and a �a�y of any i-��tice of sa�e hereunder be mai�ed to eac�� par�y to this Deed of Tn�st at tl�e
<br /> address set forth above �n tlze n�anner prescribed by appl��able 1aw. E��ept fflr any atlzer noti�e
<br /> required under applicab�e law to b�g�ve�z in a�l�ther rnan�zer, any notr�e prov�ded for in this De�d
<br /> of T�-�.xs� shall be give1� b� n�a�l�zzg b� such �Z�tr�e by �er�ified �r regist�red ma�l addressed ta the
<br /> other par�ies, at�he address set far�h abav�. �ny ��ot�ce provrded for i�� this Deed af T�-�.�st �ha�l
<br /> be effec�ive upon mailing �n the ���anner desi���ated ��erein. �f Tr-�.tstar is more th�.n one ��rso��,
<br /> �-�otice sent t�tl�e address set forth a�ove shall be notice ta a11 su�h pers�ns.
<br /> �� I�s��c�ion. Le��der ma�� ma�Ce �r �ause to�e Ynade reasonahle entries upaY� and inspe�tions flf
<br /> ��7e Property, pr�vided that Le�lder sha�I g�ve Trustar n�t�ce prior to a��y su��� i��s�ectio��
<br /> specifying reasonab�e�ause therefar reiated�o Lender's ��l�erest in the Pr�per�y.
<br /> �g} �2eco�rve���crnce. U�an �a�Tn�ent of a�i sums secured b�r �his Deed of Tr��st, LEnder sha11
<br /> require a Tr�xstee to re�on��v the Proper�y and shall surrender this Deed of Tr-�.��t and all nates
<br /> e�id�Y�cing indebtedness se�ured b�� �h�s Deed af Trus� �a T�-�.�stee. Tr-l.�ste� sha11 recon�e�� th�
<br /> Pro��rt5r witl��ut ��arranty and wi�hau� c�zarge ta the person ar persons Iegall��� entitled tl�ereto.
<br /> ` Trl.istor shall �ay al� costs af re�arda��o�1, if a�zy,
<br /> �h} P�t�.snncrl Prr�pet�t�.r; Secut�rt�.�.�gre�rMe�r�. As addit�ona� security far �he payYnent of the Note,
<br /> Tr�.�stor here�y grants Leiid�r under �he Nebraska Un�form Commerciai �ode a s�cur�ty� interest
<br /> in a1� fr�tures, equipment, and other persona� property used in conne�tion uT�t�z ���e rea� estate ar
<br /> i��zprav��nents la�ated therean, and n�t otherv�r�se de��ared or deen�ed to be a �art flf t�1e rea�
<br /> �stat� secured hereby. This �nstru�ne�lt sha�� be �o�zstrued as a Se�ur�ty Agree�z�ent under sard
<br /> �ade, and the Lender sha11 have alI the rights a.nd remed�es of a secur�d�ar�y under said ��de i��
<br /> additi�n ta the rights aiid remedies �reated under a.nd ac�orded the Le�zder p�.�rsua��t to this De�d
<br /> of Trust; �r�vid�d tl�at Lender's r��hts and r�medies under this �aragra�h sha�� be cumulative
<br /> with, and �n no way a �in�.itatio��. on, Lender's r�ghts and re��zed�es under any �ther se�urity
<br /> agree���ent signed by Borrawer or Trustor.
<br /> �i� �rens c��d �neum�ranc�s. Trust�r here�y v�rarra�.zts a.��d represents that there is no defaL��t
<br /> under the }�r�visia��s �f any mor�gage, deed of trust, �ease or ��-chase �ontra�t des�ri�in� a�� or
<br /> any par� of the Property, or �ther �antract, instnuz�ent or a�reement ��nst�tuting a lien or
<br /> .
<br />