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2� 17��931 <br /> Proper��. and warrants that tl�e �ien�reat�d lzereby is a first and�rior liel� o�Z the Property, e:��ept <br /> f�r IieYzs and enc�.�mbrances set forth by Trust�r 111 writing and de�ivered to Le�ider befare <br /> e�:e�utiat� af this Deed of Trust, and the e�ecution and delivery �f this I7eed of Tr�.�s� d�es not <br /> violate any�ontract ar other�bligatian to�vhich Trustor is s�.�bject. <br /> 3. T�ces, Asse�sments. To pay before delinquency ail ta:�es, specia� assess�-�Zents and ail <br /> other charges against tl�e Property naw ar hereafter levied. <br /> 4. Insurance, To keep the Proper�y ��zsured against dan�age by f�re, h�.�ards in�luded <br /> ��v ith in the ter��� "e:�tended �nverage", a�-�d su�h other hazards as Lender may requ i re, in am oun�s <br /> a��d �.��ith compan�es acceptable to Lender, naY���ng Lend�r as an add�ti�nal named insured, �ti-ith <br /> loss pa��able to�he Lender. ��Z �ase of�ass under su�h po��c�es, �he LEnder is aL�tharized�o adjust. <br /> col�e�� and �o�n�romise, all c�a��z�s �hereunder and shall �-�ave the option �f applying all or �art of <br /> tl�E insurancE �r�ceeds �i} �o an� indebtedn�s� secur�d h�reb�� a��c� in su�h �rder as Lender ma�� <br /> determ�n�, �i�} t� tlze Tr-L.�star to be used f�r the repa�r or rest�ration of�he Pr�p�rty or �i�i� f�r anv <br /> ot��er pur�ose �r obj e�t sat�sfa�tory to Lender v��thout affecti���the lren of tlzis De�d of Trust for <br /> the fi��� an�o�.�nt secured h�reby �efar� such paynlent ever taak pla�e. Any ap�li�atian of <br /> pro�eeds tfl �nd�btedness shall �zot extend �r past��ne the due date �f any payments under the <br /> Note, or cure ai�y default ther�under�r�lereunder. <br /> 5. Escraw. Upon written dez��and by L�r�der, Trustflr sha�� pay to Lender, 111 sL�ch <br /> manner as Lei�der may des��nate, suff'r���nt sums to enable Lender to pay as they becolne due one <br /> or 111are af the fa��owing: ��} a��ta�es, assessments ar�d other charges agai�lst the Property, �11} t�lE <br /> prelniums �n t11� pr�p�r�y �nsurance required hereunder, �iii� the premiums an any �nartgage <br /> insurance, and ��v� f��ad insurance required b�the Lender. <br /> G. Maintenan�e, Repairs and Compli�.n�e with Laws. Trustar slzall �eep the Pro�erty <br /> in gaad caYzd�tion and repair; s1Za�� �ro�r��t1y repa�r, or re�Iace an� improv�nz�nt v���1IC�1 I11�.V ��' <br /> da�naged or destrnyed; sha11 ��ot c�m�nit or penZ��t any waste ar deterzorati�n of the Proper�y; <br /> sha�� not rem�ve, d�inolislz or substantially a�ter a��.� of the im�rQve��zents on the Pro�erty; 5�.1�,�� <br /> not �om�nit, suffer or permit a.ny act ta b� done in ar u�on the Praper�y �n v�o�atian of any �ativ, <br /> ordinance, or regulation; and sha�� �ay arid�y dis�harge at Trustor's ��st and e�:�e��se al� <br /> liens, e���un�brances and charges �ev�ed, �mpos�d or assessed against the Froperty or any part <br /> tizereof. � <br /> 7. Eminent Domain. Lender is herel�y assigned a11 ��mpensation, awards, danlages and <br /> other pa����er�ts ar re��ef���er�inafter "Pro�eeds"} �n ca�-�i-�e�tio�i u'1��1 C4I1C�e111�1cLt1Q�1 UI'�t�1�1"t�.�1llg <br /> of tl�e T�raper��- ar par� thereof ar for �o�zve�ance i�-� �ieu of c�nden�natiozz. Ler�der s��all �e <br /> entitled at �ts o�tio�� to �D1�1�.11�I1��, appear rY� ai�d prosecute �i� i�s o��v�� naY��e any actinn or <br /> �ro�eedings, a��d sl�al� also be �n�itled ta make an� c�Y-�zproYl�ise or settlement in �onn�ctio��. �ti�ith <br /> suc�a �akin� or da���age. �n the event ar�� p�rt�on of tlae Property is s� taken or da���aged, Lender <br /> sh�.�l l�ave tize optia�z, YY-� i�s sole and absolute dis�ret�on, to ap��y a�� sucl� Pro�eeds, �.f.ter <br /> deduc�ing therefro�lz aIl casts a��.d exp�nses incurred by �t in ��nne�tion �Vitl� su�l� Pro�eeds, u�o�� <br /> any �nde�tedness secured laereby and in such order as Lender �-�1ay d�termine, or t� ap�I�� ai l such <br /> Pracee�.s, after s�.��h dedL����ons, to t��e restoratian of the Propert��� upan su�h �o�iditioY�s as Lender <br /> �1�ay determi�le. A.ny ap�licati�n of Pro�eeds�a ��-�debted�zess sha�i no� e�.texzd or�ostpane tla��due <br /> da�e of any pa�����ents under the No�e, nr cure azi��default�hereu��der or hereunder. Any un�.pplied <br /> fi.�nds sha�� be�a�d to Tn�stor. <br /> S. Ferfo�-mance by Lender. L�pan the o��urren�e af an Event of Default ��ereunder, or <br /> if any a�t �s ta.ken ar Iega� pra�eed�ng c�mn�en�ed wh��h mater�a��y affects Le��d�r's interest in <br /> �h� Property, Lender may in �ts own discreti�n, but �vitiznut obligation to d� so, and witl�aut <br /> �lo�ice �a ar den�and upon Trustar and witl�out re�easirzg Trustor frori� alzy o�ligation. do an�� a�� <br /> ��vhlch Tr��stor has agreed �ut fails to da a.nd n�ay also do any otlier act it d�e�z�s ize�essary to <br /> prote�t the se�urity hereaf. Trustor shall, �m�nediately upon demand ther�far by Lender, pay ta <br /> Lender a�� �osts and expenses i���urred az�.d sum� e�pended by Lender �n con�zect�on with th� <br /> e�erc�se hy Lender of the forego�rig r�ghts, tt�gether w�th �nterest there�n at the default rate <br /> provided in the Note, v�rh�ch sha�� be added to t�e indebtedness se�ured hereby. Lender shall not <br /> in�ur a.n��iability be�ause af anything it may do �r�mit to��hereunder. <br /> 9. Hazardous Materials. Trustor sl�xall keep the Property in ��nzp��a���e ��vith a11 <br /> ap���cab�e Iaws, ord�n�lces and regulations re�ating ta industria� hygiene or �nvironmenta� <br /> pr�te�t�on �cal�e�tively referred to hereir� as "Env�ron�nental La�vs"}. Tn�stflr s��a�l �eep tl�e <br /> Praperty free fro�n a11 substa.�z�es deemed ta be ha.�ard�us or to���under any Environmenta� Laws <br /> ��ollective�y referred to here�n as "Hazard�L�s Mat�rials"}. Tn�star ��ereby warra�lts and <br /> re�resents to Lender that ther� are no Hazardous Mat�ria�s on or under t��.e Pro�erty. Tn.�stor <br /> hereby agrees �o �nden�nify a��d ho�d harnZless Lender, �ts d�rectors, �ffi�ers, en�ployees and <br /> age���s, and any su�cessor� to Lender's interest, fronz a��d against a�zy a1�d all claims, damages. <br /> Iosses and I�a��Ixtres arising in �ol�nection with tl�e presence, use; disposa� or transpar� of an� <br /> Hazardous Materia�s on, under, fro�n or about the Pr�per�y. THE F�REG�IN�-WARRANT�ES <br /> AND REPRESENTATI�NS, AND TR.UST�R'S �BL��A.T��NS PUR.SUANT T� THE <br />