2� 17��841
<br /> �E��a o� TRusT
<br /> L�an No: '1 D'I 298��2 ��ontinued� Page �
<br /> appvinted by a Court and wi�hvut rsgard to�he adequacy�f its secu�i�y, enter upan and take poss�ssivn
<br /> at the Proper�y. ar any part thereot, in its own name or in the name of Trustee, and do any acts which it
<br /> deems necessary vr desirab�e�a preser�e the �alue, marketability ❑r rentability of the Property, ❑r part vf
<br /> the Praper�y �r interest in th� Property; increase the income frvm the �rop�rty or protect the security o�
<br /> the Proper�y; and, wi�t� or withou� taking possession o� �h� Praper�y, sue �Fnr ar o�herwis� �a��ect the
<br /> ren�s, �ssues and prv�i�s af the Proper�y, including thas� past due and unpaid, and apply�he s�me, I�55
<br /> cvsts and expense�o�❑pera�E�n and �o[�ection attorneySr �ees,ta any indeb�tedness secur�d by th�s Qeed
<br /> Qf Trus�, al� in suGh order as Lend�r may determine, The entering up�on and �aking pvs��ssion vf the
<br /> Property, �he cvll�c�i�n a� su�h ren�s� is$ues and �ro�its, and the applica�ion thereo� shal[ nv� cure or
<br /> waive any default or natice v�de�aul� und�r this Qeed ��Trus�ar in�alida�e any a�t done in respanse to
<br /> such de�ault or pursuant to such notice v�default; and, notwi�hs�anding the c�ntinuan�e in p�ssessivn o�
<br /> �he Praperty vr the �a�llection, rece�p� and app�ication a� rents, issues ❑r prafits, Trustee ❑r Lender shall
<br /> be entitled fa exerci�e e�ery righ� pra�ided �or in th� Nate or the Related Dv�umen�s or by faw upon the
<br /> �GGurren�e Q�any e�en�Qf de�aul�, inciuding�he right to ex�rcis��he powe�af sai�;
<br /> {b} Cvmmen�e an a��i�n to foreciose this L�eed ot Trus�as a mQrtgag�, appaint a re�eiver�r specifically
<br /> en�orce any vf th� co�enants herev�; and
<br /> {c� Deli�er t�Trus�ee a wri��en de�l�rafiion�f defaul��nd demand far Sa�e and a wrE�ten na�ice o�default
<br /> and election�a cause Trustvr's in��rest in the Properfiy to be sold, which notice Trust�� shall cause ta be
<br /> duly#iled for re�vrd in�h� approp�iate offices of the Coun�y in which the Pr�perty is located; and
<br /> �d� V11ith respec�ta aIi or any part of the Persona! Praper�y, Lend�r shall ha�e all�he rights and remedies
<br /> a#a secured party under th� Nebraska llni�orm �vmmercial Code.
<br /> Foreclv�ure by Pow�r v�Sal�. 1�Lender eEects�v forecEase by exercise �f the Pa►rver of Sale herein cvntained,
<br /> Lender sh�ll noti�y Trust�E and shall deposi� with Trus�ee �his C�eed o�Trus� and �he Note and suGh receip�s
<br /> and e�idence of expendf�ures made and Se�ured by this De�� ❑�Trus#as Trus��e may require.
<br /> �a} lJpon receip�v�such no�ice fram Lender,Truste� �hall cause to be recarded, pu�lished �nd deli�ered
<br /> ta Trus�or such Notice o�f �efau�� �nd NatEce vf Sale as then requir�d by law and by�his Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, without d�mand on Trust�r, after such time as may then be requir�d by iaw and after
<br /> recordatian of such Notice af De�ault and af��� Nv'�ice of Sale ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, sell
<br /> the Proper�y at �he time and place ❑� sale �ixed i�y it in such Notice o# Sale, either as a whale, vr in
<br /> separate Iots or�arce[s vr items as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such order as it may determine,
<br /> at public aucti�n tv the highest bidder fvr cash in law�ui mvn�y ❑�-�he United �tates payable at�he �ime
<br /> n� sale. Trus#ee shall deli�er �o such purchaser ar purch��ers thereat i�ts �ood and sufticien� deed �r
<br /> deeds �on�eying �he pr�perty sv sald, but without any cv�enan� ❑r warranty, express vr implied. The
<br /> reci�tals in such d�ed ofi any matters ar �acts shall h� Gonclusi�e prv�v� of�the �ruth�ulness �hereof. Any
<br /> person, including without limitation Tru�tar, Trus�ee, ar Lend�r, may purGhase at such sale.
<br /> �b� As may be permit�ed by law, after deducting al! cos�s, fees and expenses of Trus�ee and o� �his
<br /> Trust, including casts ❑f e�iden�e of title in connec�ion with sale,Trustee shall apply the proceeds a�sale
<br /> to payment vf �i} all sums expended under the terms of this �eed af Trus�ar und�r the terms❑f the Note
<br /> not then repaid, including but not iimited to accrued in�eres� and fate �harges, {iiy all ather sums then
<br /> s��ured hereby. and �iiiy the remainder� i��ny,ta the persan or p�rsons [�gally�ntit[ed thereto.
<br /> �c) Trusre� may in th�manner pro�ided b�y la�r pQstpon�sale o�all �r any par�ion af the Pra�perfiy.
<br /> Remedies Nn� Exciusive. Trus�ee and L�nderr and each o� �hem, sha[[ be enti�led to en�vrce �ayment and
<br /> per-Fvrrnan�e❑�any indeb��dn�ss ❑r obligatians se�ured by this �3eed o�Trust and�o exercise all ri�h�s and pow�rs
<br /> under �his I]��d vf Trus�, unde� �he Nate� under any ❑�the R�lated Da�umen��, ❑r under any ❑ther a�reement �r
<br /> any �aws n�w vr hereafter �n t�rce; natwi�hstand�ng, some or all ❑f such indebt�dness and abiiga�tians secured by
<br /> �his Deed o'�Trust may now or hereafter be vther►►vise secured. whe�her by martgage, deed ❑f�rust, pledge, lien,
<br /> assignment or o�herwise. Nei�her the aGcep�ance af this ❑��d ❑� T�ust nvr its �n��rcement, whether lay caurt
<br /> action ar pursuant�a the p�wer of sale ar ather p�wers cvntained in this Qeed a�Trus�, shall prejudiGe vr in any
<br /> m�nner afrf��t Trust�e's ❑r Lend�r's right tv realize �tp�n or en�orce any �ther seGurity now or hereaf�ter held by
<br /> Trus�ee ar L�nder. it being agreed that Trustee and Lender, and each v�them, shall �e entitled�❑enf�r�e�his Deed
<br /> a�F Tru�� and any o#her seGuri�y now or herea�fter held by Lend�r ar Trustee in suGh order and mann�r as they ❑r
<br /> ei�her ��F �hem may in their �bsvEute discr�tivn deterrr-iine. Na remedy c�nterr�d up�n or reserved '�� Trustee or
<br /> Lende�, is intended t❑ be exclus�ve of any v�h�r r�medy in �hi� I�eed of Trust vr by iaw p�-o�ided or permitted, bu�
<br /> each shall b� �umula#i�e and shall be in add�t�on to e�ery o�her remedy gi�en in �his ❑�ed of Trust ar naw ar
<br /> hereaf��r existing at�aw vr in equ��y�r by sta�u�e. E��ry power ar remedy given by�he Nvte or any of th� Related
<br /> Documen�s to Trustee or Lender or �o ►nrhich eith�r o� them may be �ther�ise enti�led, may be ��ercised,
<br /> cancurren�iy ar independen�iy, frc�m time to time and as of��n as may be deemed expedient by Trustee �r Lender,
<br /> and �ither �f �hem may pursue inconsis�ent remedies. No�hing in �his Qeed of Trust shal� be construed as
<br /> prahibiting Lender�rom se�king a deticiency judgment against the Yrus�ar�❑the exten�Such action is p�rm�tt�d by
<br /> law.
<br /> Elect�on o� �iemedies. Ai� v� Lender's righ�s �nd rem�dies will be cumu�ati�e and may be �,�ercised alone ❑r
<br /> tvgether. 1� Lender decides �o spend maney or �❑ perform any ❑�Trustor's ablig�#ions under this �3eed of Trust,
<br />