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2� 17��841 <br /> aEEC� �F TRUST <br /> Loan Na: �Q1�98��� �Cantinu�d� ��ge 7 <br /> after Trustor's �ailu�e ta da sQ, �hat decision by L�nder wi11 no� a���ct Lender's righ�to de�lare Trustor in defauft <br /> and�a exer�ise Lender's remedies. <br /> Requ��t�or NvtiGe. Trustar, an beha�f o�Trustor and Len�ler, hereby reque��s�hat a copy��any fVQtice af❑e�ault <br /> and a Gapy v�any No�ice ❑�Sa[e under this ❑eed v�Trust be mail�d ta th�m a��he addresses set�Fnrth in the '�irst <br /> �ar�graph a��his ❑�ed ❑f Trus�. <br /> Attorneys' Fees, Ex�enses, lf Lender instEtutes �ny sui� �r acti�n �o en�or�� any o� �he terms of this Qeed ❑�F <br /> Trust, L��der shall be en��tled�v reco�er such sum as �h� �ourt may adjudge reasonable as a��arneys' fees at trial <br /> and upan any appe�l. 1�1lhether ❑r no� any caurt action is in�vived. and �a the ex�en�t nv� prnhibited by law. a�i <br /> reasnnahle exp�nses Lender in�urs tha� in Lender's ❑pinivn are necessary at any time �or the pro�ectian o� �ts <br /> �nterest ar the �nfarcement❑f i�s righ�ts shall ae�ame a part a�the lndebtedness payable an demand and shail bear <br /> in�erest at�he Note ra�e from the da�e of the expenditure un�il repaid. Expenses�v�ered by�his paragra�h snclude, <br /> withau� limitation, h�w��er subje��fio any �imrts unde� �pplicable law, Lend�r's a�arneys' �ees and Lender's Eegai <br /> e�cpenses, whether or not there is a lawsuit, including at�orn�ys' fe�s and �xpenses for bankruptcy proceedings <br /> {�ncluding e��nrts�o madi#y ar�acate any�u'�omat�� s�ay vr injun�tion}, appeafs� �nd any an�icipat�d post-judgmen# <br /> call�ctian �ervices, �h� cast af sear�hing re�vrdsr vb�ain�ng tit�e reparxs {inc�uding f�reGlnsure repc�rts}, �urveyars' <br /> reports, and apprais�l fees, �i�E� insurance, and �ees �or the Trus�e�, �fl the �ac�enfi permitted k�y appli��ble law. <br /> Trus�vr alsa wiEl pay any cvu�t costs. in addi�ion�a ail o�her sums prv�ided by law. <br /> Righ#s of Trus�ee. Trustee�haii haWe all���he rights and du�ies❑�Lender as se�fvrth in th�s s�ction. <br /> PQ�lERS AND QgLIGAT��NS �F TRUSTE�. The�allowing p�o�isians re�ating ta�he pa�rvers and�bligations af Trustee <br /> are part o��his Ueed qf Trust: <br /> Powers of Trustee. �n additian tp a!I powers af Trus�e� arising as a matter o�law� Trustee shall ha�e the �ower to <br /> take �he �v11Q�ring ac�ians ►nrith respeGt�a�he Prop�r�y upvn�he written reques�a�Lender and Trustar: �a�join in <br /> preparing and #iling a map or plat of th� Real Prvperty. inGluding the dedica�ivn ❑� s��ee�s ar o�her righ�s �o the <br /> publi�; (b� join in grantEn� any e�sem�r�t or �rea�ing any res�ri��Evn on th� Real Proper�y; and �G� j�in �n any <br /> subardination ar oth�r agreemen�a�fec�Cing�his Q�ed a�Trust ar the in�erest a�Lender under�his Deed�f Trus�. <br /> Trus#ee. Truste� shal� meet al! qualifica�ions required �or Trustee under appficable law. In addi��an tv the rights <br /> and remedies set farth abflve, with respect ta a!I or any part o� the Praperty. the Trustee shall haWe the right to <br /> #oreclvse by nvti�E and sale, and Lender will ha�e �he r�gh� to �vrec�ose by sudicia� �Qreclv�ure, in ei#her case in <br /> accvrdanGe with and�a the fu[f extent pravEded by applicable law. <br /> �ucce�sor Trust�e. Lender, at Lender's t�ption� may�rom��m�to�ime app�aint� successvr Trustee ta any Trus�ee <br /> appointed under� this D��d o�Trust by ar� instrumen� e�ecu�ed and a�knowledc�ed by Ler�der and recorded in the <br /> Q���ce af the recarder �f HALL. Caunty, S�ate v� Nebra�4�a. The ins�rument sha�l �on��in, �n addition to aEE ather <br /> mat'�ers required by state Iaw, �he names of �h� original Lender, Trus�ee, and Trus�vr, the bvok and page �or <br /> �omputer sys�em r��eren�e� where this Deed a� Trus� is recvrded, and �he name and address at the successor <br /> �rustee, and the ins�rumen�shall be execu�ed and a�knowledged by all�he b�neticiaries under�his Deed o�T�ust or <br /> their successors in interes�. The successvr trustee, withou� cvn�eyance o#ti�e Property, shal! succ�ed ta al! the <br /> t�tle. pawer, and duties con�err�d upon the Trustee in thi$ Deed af Trus�and by applicable law. This pro�edur�fvr <br /> substituti�n a�Trustee shaFE ga�ern�a the exGlusivn v�a!!o�her prv�isions�ar subs��tution. <br /> NOTtCE�. Any nvtice required to be gi�en under this Deed a�Trust� including withaut limitation any natice of de�raul� <br /> and any noti�e �� saEe shall be gi�en in writing, and shall be ef�ec�i�e when ac�ually deliW�red, when actual�y rec�i�ed <br /> by tele�a�simi[� �unless o�herwise required by�aw�, wh�n depasixed with a nati�naEly recognized aWerni�ht cau�ierr or� if <br /> mailed, when d�p�sited in�he �ni�ed 5ta�es mail, as�irs�class, cerfii�ied �r registered mail pastage prepaEd, dir�cted to <br /> the addresses shown ne�r the beginning ❑�this Deed o�Trus�. All cvpi�s o� no�sces v� foreclvsure �rom�he holder v� <br /> any lien wh��h has priority ❑ver �his Deed at Trust shall be s�nt ta Lend�r's address, as shown near �he beginning ❑� <br /> thfs De�d a� Trust. Any persan may change his or her address tar notices under this Deed o# Trus� by gi�ing fvrma! <br /> wri��en natice t❑ the other person ❑r persons, speci�ying that the purpose v� the natiGe is t❑ change �he person's <br /> address. For nvtice purpases, Trustor agr�es to keep Lender informed at a�l times�f Trustor's current address. lJnless <br /> ath�rwise pr�vided or required by law, i��th�r� is more than ane Trus�or, any no�ice gi�en by Lender t� any Trustor i� <br /> deemed�o be noti�e giWen to af�Trusta�s. lt will be Tru��v�'s re�pvnsibility��t�ll the t�thers c�t�he notice frnm L�n�er. <br /> MIS��LLANE�U� pRaV1510N5. The to�lvwir�� miscellaneous proWisions are a part v�this Deed of Trusx: <br /> Amendm�nts. VIlha� �s writt�n �n this �eed of Trust and in �he Related ❑oGumen�s is 7rustor's en�ire agre�men� <br /> wi�h Lender GonGerning the ma��ers cavered by�hi� Deed of Trus�. To �e eff�cti�e, any chan�e ar amendment t❑ <br /> this Deed v#Trus� mus� be in w�-iting and must be signed by whoever wi�! be bound ❑r obiiga�ed hy�he change or <br /> amendmen�. <br /> �ap#ivn Headings. Captian headEngs in this �eed o�T�ust are for con�enience purpos�s vnly and are no� ta be <br /> used t❑ int�rpre�or de�ine�h� proW�sions ❑f�his Deed o�Trust. <br /> Merger. There shall b� no merger❑t#he in�erest or estate cr�a�ed by�his Deed a�Trust with any a�her inter�s�or <br /> es�a�te in th� Proper�y at any time held by ar far�h� bene#��o� Lender in any Gap�city, wi�hou��he�vrit�en cvnsent <br /> v�F Lend�r. <br /> Choic� v� V�nue. I�F�here is a lawsui�, Trustar �grees upvn Lender's request�a submit to the jurisdic�ian o� the <br />