2� 17��841
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan Na: �4'1��3���� �Corltiriu�d� Page a
<br /> SECURiTY AGREEMENT; FINANCIN� STATE�VI�NTS. The �vllawing pr�a�isivns refating tv this Deed o� Trus� as a
<br /> securEty agreemen�are a part v�this Deed��Trust:
<br /> 5ecuri�y Agre�ment. This instrument sha[[ Gvns�itu�e a Se�urity Agreement to �he extent any o� �he Property
<br /> cons�i�utes fi�tures, �nd Lender sha�! have all of th� �ights ��a �eGured party under�he fJniform Commercial Code
<br /> as amended from t�me tv time.
<br /> Secu�ity Interest. Upon reques� by �.ender, Trustor shall ��k� whate�er action is �reques�ed by Lender �v per�ec�
<br /> and canCinue Lender's security in�C�r��� in the Fersflnal Prt�p�r�y. In additivn to recarding �his Deed ❑f Trust in �he
<br /> real property re��rds� L�nder may, a'� �n� time and withc�u� �urther author��atian �r�m Trustvr� file execu'Ced
<br /> counterpar�s, cop�es or reprodueti�ns c�� �his Deed af Trust �s a �inan�ing sta�em�nt. Trustor shal! reimburs�
<br /> L�nder for a�l expenses incurred in per�fe��ing ❑r con�inuing �his seGurity interes�. Upon de�aul�, Trustvr shall no�
<br /> remv�e. se�er ar detach �he Personal Praperty fram the Proper�y, Upvn de�auit, Trus�or �hall assemble any
<br /> Persvnal Prop�r�y no� a�fixed �v the Property in a manner and at a piace reasonably can�enien-t to Trustvr and
<br /> Lender and mal�e i�t a�ailable tv Lender wi�hin three t3} days after receipt v� written demand �rom Lender ta the
<br /> extent�ermitted by appli�able law.
<br /> Addresses. The m�iling addresses of Trustor {deb�vr} and Lender �secured party} �rvm which information
<br /> �vncerning �he securi�y interes� �ranted by �his Deed ❑�Trust may be abtained �each as required by the Uni�vrm
<br /> Cammercia[ Cod�y are as stated on�h�fir���age❑f this ❑��d Q�Trus�.
<br /> FURTHER A55l�RANCES: ATTaRNEY�IN-FAGT, The fallawing pro�isivns refattng �o �urther assurances and
<br /> attarney-in-fa��C are a part vf this Deed v�Yrus�;
<br /> Further Assur�nces. A�any time, and �rom tEme to time, upon request o� Lender, Trus�or vWill make, execu�e and
<br /> deli�er, or wif�cause ta be made. executed or defivered. to Lender or�v Lender's designee, and when requesfied by
<br /> Lender, cause ta be �iled, recvrded, re�EEed, or rerecorded, as �he case may be, afi such tim�s and in such o��i�es
<br /> and p�aces as Lend�r may deem appropriate, any and a1l such mor�gages, deeds o��rus#, security deeds� se�urity
<br /> agreements, financing statemen�s, �onttnuation statemen�s, instrumen�s v� �u��her assuran�e. G�rti�i�a�es, and
<br /> other documen�s as may� in�he soie apinion o�Lender, be necessary or desirable in order tv e�f�ctua�e, camplete,
<br /> perfect, continue, �r preser�e {�} TrustQr's obfigations under the N��er �his Deed ❑f Trust. and �he Re�ated
<br /> Dacumen�s, and �2y th� liens and security interests c��a�C�d by�his Deed ❑�Trus� �s �irst and pr�or liens on�he
<br /> Prapc�Cy, wh�ther nvw owned or here�f��r acquired by Trus�ar. Unless prohibi�ed hy I�w ar Lender agrees �a �he
<br /> c�n�rary in writing. Tru���r shal� r�imburse Lender �or ail �as�� and �x��nses incurred in �anne�tion with th�
<br /> ma�ters re�erred to in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-F���, lf Trustor�rails to do �ny a�#he things re�erred �n in the preceding paragr�ph, Lender may dv so
<br /> �vr and in the name vf Trustor and a�Trus�or's expens�. For such purpfls�s, Trus�o� hereby irre�ocably appoints
<br /> Lender as Trus�tor's attorney�in-�ac�for the purpose o�making, executing, deli�ering� �iiing, recarding, and dving aIl
<br /> o�her �hin�s a� may b� necessary or desirable, in Lender's s�le vpinion� to accvmplish�he matters re�erred ta in
<br /> the pre�eding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERFQRMANCE, If Trustor pays all the indebtedness, including wi�hout limi�a�ivn a�l �uture advan�es, when due,
<br /> and a�her►rv�Se perfarms a[� �he obliga�ions imposed upvn Trus�or under this ❑eed o� Trust, Lender shall execu�e and
<br /> deli�er ta Trus�ee a �-equest for full r�con�eyance and sha11 ex�cute and de�i�e� to Trus�vr sui�ak�[e statemen�s ca�
<br /> termination �� any financing statemen'� on �il� e�idenGing Lender's �eGurity int�rest En �he R�n�s� and the Person�l
<br /> Property. Any recan�eyan�e�ee requE�ed by law shall be paid by T�ustar, if p�rmitted by app�icabie law.
<br /> DEFAULT. At Lender's option,Trust�r wiff be in de�ault under�his ❑eed v�Trus�it any��F the fall��ving happen:
<br /> Fraud or lVlaterial Misrepresen#�tivn. Trustor commi�s fraud ❑r materia� misrepres�n�a�ion in connection with the
<br /> terms afi ths Na�e.
<br /> Payment Qe�auit. Trustvr�ails to m���the re�aymen�terms v��he Note�vr any vu�s�anding t�alance.
<br /> ��her Defauits. Trustvr`s ac� ar fiailure to a�� �d�ersely affects Lender`s securi�y inter�s� in �he Praperty, ar any
<br /> righ�v�F Lender's in such securi�y.
<br /> Right to�ure. If any defau��. o�her�han a default in paymen�� is �urable and i�Trus�or h�� nvt been gi�en a na�ice
<br /> vf a breach a�the�ame �rovision��thi� Deed at Trust within�th� pr�ceding twel�e �i�� mvn�hs, it may be Gured if
<br /> Trustar, a�'ter L�nder sends written np�ice�ti Trustor demanding cure o#su�h defaul�: ��} �ures the de�autt wi�h�n
<br /> ten ���} days; ar ��} if�he cure requir�s mare than ten {1�} day�, immediately initia�es st�ps which Lende�deems
<br /> in Lender's s�le discretivn�o be sufficient�Ca cure�he de�aul�and thereafter cvntinues and cample�es all reasvnable
<br /> and necessary steps suf�icient t� produce campliance as sann as reasonably practical.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REME�I�S �lV DEFAULT. l� an E�ent of Defau[t oc�urs under this �eed o�Trus�, at any time therea#�er,
<br /> Trus�ee or Lender may exercise any�ne ar mvre af�he�ollowing rights and r�medies:
<br /> A��elera�ion Up�on De#aurt; Additivnal Remedies. i�any E��nt o� De�ault occurs as per�h�terms of the Not�
<br /> secur�d hereby, Lender m�y d�clare all indebtedness secured by�his Deed ❑f Trust�v be due and payab�� �nd
<br /> �he same shaji tf�ereupon becom�due and payable w��h�ut any presentment, dem�nd, prv#est❑r no�ice a�any
<br /> kind. 7'her�atter, Lender may.
<br /> t�} Ei�her in persvn or by ag�nt� wi�h ❑r without bringing any action or pro�e�ding, or by a re�eE�er
<br />