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2� 17��841 <br /> ��EC3 QF TF�L�S� <br /> Loan No: 'I�'i�g82�� t�o�ttinued� Pag� 4 <br /> encumbrances� and o�her claims. tBy �o pra�ide any required insurance on the F'rvperty. or �C} �o make repairs'�Q the <br /> Praperty �hen Lender may d� sv. I� any ac�i�n vr pro�eeding is commenced that wauid ma�eriafiy affec�t Lender's <br /> interests in �he Prvper'ty, then Lender vn Tru�tar's behaEf may, but is not requ�r�d �a, �a�e any aCtian �hat Lender <br /> belie�eS�v be appropri��e to protec� Lender`s interes�s. All �xpenses incu�red ❑r p�id by Lend�r for such purpvses wiEl <br /> then bear interes�at�the rate charged under the Note�rom the da�e incurred �r paid �y Lender to the dat� a�repayment <br /> b�Trustc�r. A�� such exp�nses wiil becvmE a part o�fihe �ndeb�edness and, at Lend�r's o��ian, will tA� be pay�bl� on <br /> demand; {By be added tn �he balance o� th� No�e and be appor�ianed among and be payab�e wi�h any ins�alimen� <br /> payments to be�om� due during ei�her {1 y the �erm o� any appli�abl� insuranGe policy; or ��} th� remainin� term of <br /> �Che Not�; or {�} be treated as a ballavn paymen�whiGh wiil be due �nd payable ���he N�te's ma�ur�ty. Th� Qe�d �# <br /> Trus� also wiil secur� payment��these amounts. The righ�s pro�ided �or �n �his paragraph shal� be in add��ion to any <br /> ather righ�s vr any rem�dies to whi�h Lender may �e entEtled on acc�unt ❑� any d�fauit. Any such actian by Lende� <br /> shall nc��be construed as curing the de�ault so as t� b�r Lender fram any remedy�h��it oth�rvi►ise wauEd ha�e h�d. <br /> WARRANTY; DEFEN�E DF TITLE. The�ollowing pro�isions re�a�ing t❑ownershi�a�the Praper�y are a part v��his Deed <br /> v�Trust: <br /> Tit�e. Trustar warrants that: ta� Trustar ho�ds good and marke�able tit�e of record to th� Prvperty in �ee simpie, <br /> free and cfsar �af all liens and encumbran�es ❑#h�r �han thvse Se� for�h in th� Real Property d�scripfiion t�r in any <br /> ti�le insurance policy, �i'�1e repar�, or finaj title �rpinian issued in fa�vr v�, and accepted by, Lender in connecti�n <br /> with this Deed of Trus�. and �bf Trustor has th��ull rigF�t, pvwer. and au�hori-ty�o execu�e and deEi�er�his Deed af <br /> Trust�a Lender. <br /> D�f�nse vf Tit�e. Sub�ect �❑ the e�ccep�ian in �he paragraph abv�e, Trus�o�- warran�s and vuil! �Forever defend the <br /> title �o�he Pro��rty �gainst the law�u! ciaims of al! pers�ns. In �hc e�en�any action or pro�e�ding �s comm�nced <br /> tha�questions T�ustor's �i�ie vr�he�nterest n�Trustee or Lender unde�this Deed ❑f Trus�, �'rus�ar shall de��nd th� <br /> ac�ian at�rustor's ex�ense. Trus�ar may be th� naminal �arty in such proceeding, but Lender shal� �e entitled tv <br /> par�icip��e in the pro�e�d�n� and �v be represEn�ed in the prv�e�d�ng by caunsel vf Lender's ❑wn chaic�, and <br /> Trus�or will deliW�r, or cause�v be de[iWered, �❑ Lender such instruments as Lender may request�r�m �ime �o�ime <br /> �o pe�mi�such participation. <br /> Campliance Vlrith Laws. Trus�or warran�Cs th�t the Pt�vperty �nd Trustor's use a� #he Prraperty compli�S with all <br /> exis�ang appl�Gabl� [aws, ardinances, and r�gula�ions o�go�ernmen�a�authori�ies. <br /> Survi�al of Prvmises. All promis�s, a�re�ments, and stat�ment� Trustor has made in �his Dee� af Trust sh��l <br /> sur�iWe the executian and deii�ery vf this �3�ed a�Trust, shall be cvn�inuing in nature and shall remain in fulE -Farce <br /> and ef�ect un�i] suGh�ime as Trus�ar's lndeb�ednes� is paid in full. <br /> C�NDEIVINATI�N. The fo[lawing pro�isions rela�ing�o�andemna�Eon pr�ceed�ngs are a par�vf this ❑�ed ❑f Trus�: <br /> Proc�Ed�ngs. It any proceeding in �andemnatian is fiied, Trus�or sha1� pramp�ly nv#ify Lend�r in writin�, and <br /> Trustar shall prorript[y�ake such steps as rnay be necessary�a defend �he actian and obta�n the award. Trustor <br /> may�e�hs nvminal par�y in such pr�ce�ding, but L�nder shall be en�it�ed tv par��cipate in the prQceeding and tv be <br /> r�pre�en�ed in the proceeding by counsel o�f i�s Qwn �hoic�, and Trus�vr wi�E deii��r vr caus� �o be deliW�red �tv <br /> Lender such instruments and do�umentation as may be requested by Lender �r�m time tv time �o permit such <br /> participatian. <br /> AppliGation of N��Proc�eds. I�all or any part v�the Proper�y is �ondemned by eminent domain proce�dings❑r by <br /> any prac�edin� vr purchase in 1'teu o�candemnati�n, Lender may a�its el���iQn require tha�all ar an�p�rti�n�f the <br /> net praceeds ❑� �he award be applied to �he Indebtedness or �he repair vr res�oration Q� �he �'r�per�y. The net <br /> proceeds of�he award shal� mean the award after payment o�all reasonable costs, expenses, and attvrneys' ��es <br /> in�urred by Trustee or Lender in connec�ian wEth the candemnatian. <br /> IMP�SITI�N �F TA�CES. FEES ANf� CHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTH�RiTIES. The fv�lawing prvuisivr�s relating <br /> �a gQ�ernmen�a�taxes,�ees and charges are a part of this Deed v�Trust: <br /> Current Taxes. F�es and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Trust�r shail execu�e su�h dacuments in addition tv <br /> �his Deed a�Trust and �ake wha�ever other ac�ivn is requesYed by Lender t� per#ec� and cvn�inue Lender's li�n an <br /> �he Re�l Praperty. Trustor shall reimburse L�nder for aE� taxE�, as descr�bed bel�w, ta��ther with all expenses <br /> in�urred in recording. perfe��ing or continuing �h�s De�d a� Trus�, includ�ng withaut Eimita��on aEs ta�ces, �ees, <br /> dvcum�ntary stamps. and ather charges�or rec�rding vr regis�ering this De�d ❑f Ti rust. <br /> Taxes. The tollvwing shall Gons�itu�e tax�s to which #�is section applies: �i y a speci�ic tax upon this type af <br /> �eed vf Trust �r u�an all ar any part o�the Indebtedness �ecured by �his ❑eed a�Trust; �2f a s�ecific tax on <br /> T�ust�r which Tru��ar is au�hori�ed or requ�red ta deduct�rvm paymen�s on�he lnd�b�edn�ss secured hy�his type <br /> o�Deed vf Trus�; �3y a�ax or��his type o�❑eed ❑�Trust chargeabte agains�the L�nder or the holder o��he Nvte; <br /> and �4y a specitic�aac�n all vr any por'�ian a�the Indeb�edness or an paymen�S af principai and interest made by <br /> Trus�vr. <br /> Subsequen� Taaces. 1� any �ax ta which this sec�ion app�Ees is enacted subs�quen# to the da�e v� this Deed a� <br /> Trus�� �his event shaii hav� the ��rr�e ettect as an EUent v� G�e��u�t, an� L�nder may exercise any ❑r all o� its <br /> a�ailable remedi�s far an Even� of Defaul� as pr��ided belaw unless Trus�ar either t 1� pays the �ax be�ore i� <br /> becames delinquent, �r �Zy contests the tax as prv�ided abv�e in�he Taxes and Liens sect�on and d�pasits with <br /> Lend�r cash ar a su��Ficient c�rpar��e surety bond❑r other securi�y sa�isfa��vey�o L�nder. <br />