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2� 17��841 <br /> �EED �F TRUST <br /> Laan No: 1 C]���8��� {C�ntinued� Page 3 <br /> right� title ❑r int�rest in �he Real Praper�y; whethe� legal, beneficial or equi�able; whe#her valuntary vr in�c�luntary; <br /> whe�her �y outright saie, deed, instalfinent sal� cvntrac�, land cvntract. cvntract �or deed, lea�ehald interest wrth a <br /> �erm greater than three {3f years, lease-vption contract, a� by sal�, assignmen�, ar�rans�er of any bene�icia� interest in <br /> �r�� any land trus� hvlding �itl� �� the Real Property, or by any ❑�h�r m��had a� conWeyance v� an in�eres� �n the Real <br /> Prvper�y. Hawe��r, �hiS a��ion shali not be �xerGised by Lender i� such exerc��e is prahibi�ed by �ederal law vr by <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> TAiCES AND LIENS. The �ollowing provisions reiating t❑ the taxes and liens vn ths P�operty ar� par� o�this Deed a# <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustar shal� pay wh�n due �and in all e�en#s prior�o delinquencyf ail tax�s. specia!taxes, assessmen��, <br /> �harges t�nc�uding water and sewer}f �ines and impvsi�ions l�Wied against ❑r on account o�the Property, and sha�� <br /> pay when due al� cfaims �or wor� done an or f�r ser�ices rend�red ar ma��rial �urnished �a the Property. Trus�ar <br /> sh�ll main��in�he Prvp�rty�ree of all liens having priority o�er❑r equal �v�he in�erest v�Lender under this Deed of <br /> Trus�, excep� �or- �he lien vt �axes and assessments nat due and e�cept a� v�herwis� pra�ided �n this Deed o� <br /> Trust. <br /> Right to Cvn#ss�. Trustor may withhold payment o�any ta�, assessmen�, ar claim in connecti�n ►►vith a govd faith <br /> dispute o�er�he obligativn ta payr s❑lang as L�nder`s in�erest in�he Prvper�y is n�t jeapardized. If a lien arises ar <br /> is fiied as a �-esult of nvnpaymen�, Trustor sha11 r►v�thin i`ifteen ��5y days aft�r �he iien arises or, if a lien i� fi�ed, <br /> wi�hin �ifteen �Z 5} days after Trustar has na�tice vt the f���ng, secur� �he discharge vf the iien, ❑r i� r�quested by <br /> Lender, d��osit with Lender cash❑r a su#ficien�corporate sure�y bond vr o�her securi�y satisfactv�y t� Lender in an <br /> �mvun�su��icien��❑ discharge�he lien plus any costs and at�vrneys' fees� Qr a�h�r charges�that cauld accrue as a <br /> r�su��❑�r a�oreclvsu��or sale und�r the lien. In any contest,Trus�or shall de��nd i�sel�r and �.ender and shal�satisfy <br /> any advers�judgm�n��e�Fore enfar�emen�against�he �roperty. Trus�or sha�! name L�nd�r as an additianal Q�ligee <br /> under any surety bvnd�urnished in the contest p�viceedings. <br /> E�idence o�Paymen�. Trus�ar shall upan demand fu�-nish�o Lender satis�a��ory e�idenc� a�payment�f�he taxes <br /> or assessmen�s and shall autharize#he appropria�e gv�ernmen�a� of�iGial�o de�i�er�v Lender at any time � v��itten <br /> statem�nt��the taxe�and assessments �gainst the Praper�y. <br /> Nv�ice vf�vnstruc#ion. Trus�or shall no�i�y Lender at Ieast�ifte�n ��5} day� b��vre any w�rk is commenced. any <br /> servi��� ��� �urnE�hed, vr any materiais are suppiied to the Property, i�F�ny mech�nic's 1ien, ma��rialmen's lien, or <br /> ❑ther lien cfluld b� asser�ed vn account vf th� work� serWices, or ma�eria�s. �"rus�t�r wEll upan reques� �� Lender <br /> furnish to Lender �d�ance assurances sa�tis�fac�ory �o Lender �hat Trustar can and will p�y �he cas� ❑f such <br /> impro�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The�vliowing proWisians relating ta �nsuring�he Proper�y are a par�vf this D�ed ❑� <br /> Trust. <br /> Nlain�enanc� o� insurance. Trus�ar shall procur� and main�a�n paEici�s �� �ire insurance ►rvith standard extend�d <br /> co�era�� �r�d�r�ements ❑n a fair �alue basis tor �he fui! Ensura�afe WaEu� co�ering all lmpro�ements on the Real <br /> Praperty in an amaunt sufficient.�a a�oid application ❑f any coinsurance cla�as�, and wi�h a standard mar�gagee <br /> �lause in fa��r a�Len�ler,�vgether w��h such other hazard and liabi[ity insurance as �.endEr may re�svnably require, <br /> Polici�s shall be ►nrri�t�n in fvrm f amvunts, cv�re�ages and basis reasonabiy acceptable to Lender and issued by a <br /> �ompany vr companies reasonably acceptabie �o Lender. Trus�or� upon request a# Lender. will deli�er to Lender <br /> fram time to time th� p�licies or certi�ica�es af Ensurance in form sa�isfac�ory ta Lend�r, incfuding stipuEatian� �hat <br /> ca�erages v►riEl not b� cancefEed ❑r diminished withc�u� at �east ten ��Q� days �riar writ'ten notice to Lender. Each <br /> insuranc� p�li�y alsv sha[[ include an endorsemen� prv�iding �ha� Go�erage in�avor a� Lender wili nflt be ir�p�ir�d <br /> in �ny way by any a�#, a�missian ❑r defauit�f Trustor or any a�her person. Should the Reai Prop�rty b� located in <br /> an area designa�ed hy the Admini��rator of the Federal Emergency Man��em�n�Agen�y as a spe�iaf flood hazard <br /> area, Trustvr a�r�es �ta ab�ain and main�ain Federal F�ood Insurancs, i� a��i�ab�e, f�r �h� fu!! unpaid principa� <br /> balance❑��he �van and any privr liens on the property se�uring the loan, up��the ma�cimum policy�imits set under <br /> th� Na�ional F�oad Insurance Prvgram, ❑r as othervrrise required by Lender� and �� main�ain such insuranGe for the <br /> term o�th�laan. <br /> Applic�tian of Pro�eed�. Trus�or shall pr�mptiy notify Lender af any lass ❑r damage tv the Prvper�y. Lender may <br /> make prvo� o� [vss if Trustor �ails ta da so �ithin tifteen t"!5� days af the ca�ual�y. Whe�her or n�t Lender's <br /> securi�y is impaired, Lender may. at Lender's el�ctivn, receive and r��ain �he prviceeds o�any insurance and apply <br /> �he p�viceed� �a �he reduction of the indebtedness, paymen� o� any lien ���e��ing the Property, or the restvra�i�n <br /> and �epair ���he PrQp�rty. If Lender elects to ap�1y�he proceeds to res�ora�ivn and repair, Trustor shal! repair ar <br /> replaGe �he dama��d vr des�rayed �mprvvem�nts in a manner satisfa�tory �� Lend�r. Lender shall, upan <br /> sa�istactary prov# o� SUGh expenditur�, pay ❑r reimburse Trus�tor �rom the prviceeds �or �he reasvnable cost v� <br /> repair or r�staration i� Trustvr is no� in d�fau[t under �his aeed t�f Trust. Any proceeds which ha�re nat been <br /> disbursed within 18D days aft�r �heir receipt and which Lender has not camm���ed to the repaEr vr rest�ration o� <br /> #he Praperty sha�1 be used first tv pay any amaunt nwing �v Lender under this ❑eed o�Trust. then to pay accrued <br /> in�erest� and the remainder. i� any, shaE� be app�ied ta the principal balance o�th� In�ehtedness. i� Lender holds <br /> �ny prvc�eds af�er �aayment in �ull of the Indebtedness, such pr��e�d� �h�ll ae paid �v Trustor as Trus��r's <br /> inter���� rri�y�ppear. <br /> LENDER'� EXPEND1TUaES. �� Trus�or faEls {Ay to keep the Property �ree a� a[� �ax��� iiens, �ecurity interes�s, <br />