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2� 17��841 <br /> DEFC� �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 7�7�9826� ���ntlnu�d� Rage � <br /> ANY ANQ ALL �BLIGAT�QNS UNDER THE NOTE, THE RELATED Q�CUMENTS, AN❑ THIS DEED �F fRUST. TH15 <br /> ❑EED QF TRUST[S �lVEN AN[]ACCE�TED�N THE F�LL�111TiNG TERl1�l5: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RM�INGE. Ex�ept as ❑therwise pr��ided in �his Deed at Trust, Trustar shal� p�ay #a L�nder all <br /> amounts secured by �h�s Desd a� Tru�� as #hey be�vme due, and shal� strictly and in a tim��y mann�r p�rform all afi <br /> Trus�or's abliga�ivns �nder the No�e, �hEs Deed o�Trus�, and the Rela��d Dvcumen#s. <br /> P'4�5E551�3N ANC� MAINTENANGE �F THE PR�]PERTY. Trus�or �grees that Trus�or's pvssessivn and use ❑� �he <br /> Praperty shali be c�o�erned by#h��v��awing pro�isivns: <br /> PossessiQn and Llse. Un'�i[ the occurrenc� af an EWent �� pefauEt, Trustor may ��} remain in pvssession and <br /> cantrol o�the Praperty; ��y use, operate vr manage the Property; and {3} collec��he Rents t�am the Property. <br /> Duty to Mainta�n. TrustQr shal� maintain the Prvperty in goad �vnditivn and promptly pertorm a�E repairs, <br /> replacements. and main�enance necessary�o preser�e its�alue. <br /> Cvmpliance Wi�h �nvironmenta! Laws. Trustor represen'�s and war�ran�s to Lender�hat: �1 y During the period o� <br /> Trustor's own�rship❑f�he Prvper�y, �here has �ae�n no use, g�n�r��ian, manufac�ur�, storage, tre��ment, disposal, <br /> r�l�ase vr �hre�tened r�leas� v� any Ha�ardaus �ubs�ance by �ny persan vn, under, abaut ar �rvm the Pr�per�y; <br /> {�y Trustar has n� knowledge ❑�, ❑r reasan �o befie�e that�here has been, exGept as p���iausly dis�fosed to and <br /> ackno►rvledgcd by Lender in v►rriting, �a� any breach or �ivla�ion �f any En�ironmen#al Laws, �b� any u�e, <br /> g�neration, manu-Facture, storage, treatmen�, dispQsal, release or�hreatened release ❑� any Hazardous Substanc� <br /> an, under, abou� or �rvm the Property by any prior owners or vccupants ot the Praperty. or ��� any a�tual ❑r <br /> threatened litiga�ion ar �laims o� any kind I�y any persan reEating ta such matters; and �3y Except as pre�E�usly <br /> disGlvsed to and acknowledged by Lender in wrtting, ta} neither Trustor nvr any t�nant, can�ractor, agent❑r other <br /> authariz�d user a'F the Propsr�y �ha�l use, g�nerate, manu�aGture, storer trea�t, dis��se o#❑r release any Nazardous <br /> �ubstance vn, under, a��ut or�rvm the Prvperty; �nd {b� any such acti�Ety shal[ be conducted in Gompiianc�with <br /> all applicable �ederal, sta�e, �nd �ocal ��ws, regulations �nd ordinances, including withvu� limitatian aj� <br /> EnWiranmen��� Laws. �'rus�ar authori�es Lender and its a�en�s to enter upon the Prvper�y to mak� sucl� <br /> inspectians �nd tests, at T"r�ast�r's expens�� as Lend�r may deem appropria�e t� de�ermin� campliance o� ��e <br /> Proper�y wi�h this sectivn o� th� Deed o� Trus�. Any inspec�ions or �ests m�de by Lender �hall be �ar Lender's <br /> purposes anly and shall nv�be construed �o �reate an� responsibility or�iabiIity an the part�f Lender�❑Trustar�r <br /> ta any Qther p�rson. The representa�ions and warranties can�ained herein are based ❑n Trustor's due diligence in <br /> inWes�i�a��ng the Prflperty �Far Hazardaus Substances. Trus�or he�eby {1} re�eases and wai��s any #u�ur� �laims <br /> agains� Lender tor iridemn�ty or �antribu�ion in the e�ent Trustar becames [iable �vr cleanup �r ather cvs�s under <br /> any such �aws; and �2} agrees �a ind�mni�y, d�fend, and ha�d harm[ess Lender against any and aIl claims, losses, <br /> �iabi�i�ies, dam���s, penalties, and �xpenses which Lender may direct[y❑r indirec�ly sustain or�u��Fer resulting �rom <br /> a breach vt this ��ctian �-F the Deed ��F Trust ar as a �ansequence o� any use, r��neration, m�nufacture, stnrag�, <br /> disposal, r�le�se o�threatened re�ease�ccurrEng prior to Trus��rr's❑wnership or interest in�he Prvperty, whether or <br /> r�o� the same was or shauld ha�e be�n knvwn �v Trustvr. �'he pra�ision� of tF�is se�tivn a� �he Deed af Trus�, <br /> including�he obliga�ion to indemni'�y and d�fend� shall sur�i�e�he payment v��h� Indebtedness and the sa�isfactivn <br /> and recon�eyan�e o��he [ien a�this Qeed of Trust and sha[� nv� be affected by Lender's acquisition❑�any interes� <br /> in the Praperty, whether by tor�closure ar o�herwEse. <br /> Nuisance. Waste. Trustor shall not cause, canduct or p�rmi� any nuisance nor commit, permi�, or suffer any <br /> s�ripping af �r wa�te vn ❑r to the Prap�r�y ar any par�tion �f the Prop�rty. 1Nithou� lim�ting �h� ��nerality o�F the <br /> �vr�going, Trustc�r wiEj not remQ�e, ar gran�to any fl�her party the right to remv�e, �ny�rimber, mineraEs �in�luding <br /> vil and gasj, �val, clay. scaria, svii, gra�el ❑r rvck products wi�hau�Lender's privr written �ons�n�. <br /> Remaval of Improvements. Trusfior sha[� nv�demalish ar remca�e any Impro�em�nts frvm the F�eal Pr�perty wi�ho�t <br /> Lend�r's privr►nrritten �nnsen�. As a condi�iot�tv the �emn��l v�any [mpro�ements, Lender may require Trustor�❑ <br /> make arrangements sa�isfactary ta Lender �a replace suCh Impro�ements wEth Impro�emen�s af at �eas� equal <br /> �aiue. <br /> L�nder'$ �ight to Enter. Lender and Lender`s agents and r�presen�a�i�es� ma� enter upan the Real Proper�y at all <br /> r�asanabfe �imes tv attend to Lender's interests and to inspe�� the F�eal Praperty �For purp�vses ❑f `�rus�or's <br /> compliance vuith�he terms and Conditions o�th�s Deed vf Trust. <br /> Cvmp[iance wi�h Go�ernmen�a[ Requiremen�,s. Trust�r sha�� promptly comply wi�h a�i laws, ardinanGes� �nd <br /> reguEations, nvw ❑r hereafter in effect, v-� al[ �v�ernmental au�hr�rities applicable ta the use vr occupancy o� �h� <br /> Praperty. Trus'�or may cantes�in gaod�aith any such law, ardinance. vr regula�ian and withhold campliance during <br /> any pr�Geedingr including appropria�e appeals, so iong as Trus�o� has na�ified Lender in wri�ing prior�o doir�g s� <br /> and s❑ Ic�ng as, in Lender's sale ❑pir�ion, Lender's interests in the Prvperty are not je�pardi�ed. Lender may �equEre <br /> Trustor t�pvst adequate seGurity or a surety bvnd. reasanably satisfa��ary tv proteGt Lender's interest. <br /> Duty to Prvtect. Trustor a�rees neither �v abandon ar lea�e unattended the Proper�y. Trustvr shall dv all vther <br /> ac�s, in additi�n to�hase a��s se��vr�h abv�e in�his se�tion. which�rvm the �harac�er and use o��he Praperty are <br /> reasvnahiy nec�s�ary to pro�ec�and preser�e the Property. <br /> DI�E I�N SALE-CC3NSENT BY LENDER. Lende�may, ��Lender's op�i�n, de�lare immediately due and payable all sums <br /> s�cured by this Deed a�Trust upon�he sale or tr�nS�er, wi�haut Lender's privr v►rri���n cansent, a�a!� ar any part o��he <br /> Real Property, or any interes� in�he Rea! Praperfiy. A "sale �r trans�er'= m�ans th� Gon�eyan�e o�Rea! Proper�y vr�ny <br />