2� 17��839
<br /> Any app�xcat�on of paymen�s, �nsurance proceeds, ar Misce�lanenus Fro�eeds t�prin��pal due under the Na�e
<br /> �hall not ex�end or pos�pone�h�due date, or change th�amaun�, �f�h� Per�a�.�c Paym�nts.
<br /> 3. F'unds for Escrow Ite�ns. Borrower sha��pay�o Lende�r on the day Per�od�c Payments are due under�he
<br /> Note, un�il �h� Na�e is pazd �n fu��, a sum��he "Funds"} to prov�de for payment of amounts due f�r: �a� taxes
<br /> and asse�smen�s ar�d���.er items wh�ch can a��a�n priari�y a�er th�s Se�ur��y �ns�rumen�as a lien or
<br /> encumbrance on th�Proper�y; �b} �eas�hold pa�ments or ground rents on the Proper�y, if any; tc}pr�m�ums
<br /> far any and al� �nsuranc�r�quired by Lender under Sec��on 5; and�d} Mort�age�nsurance prem�.ums, �f any,
<br /> or any surn,s payab�e by B�rrower�o Lend�r�n I�eu af the paymer�t of Mor��age�nsurance premuum,s in
<br /> accordance v�r��h the pravis�ons af Sec�i�n �4. These items are cai�ed "Escrow �t�ms." A�ar�ginat�on or a�
<br /> any t�me dur�ng the�erm of�he Laan, Lender may require tha��ommu�ity Associati�n Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessments, �f anyy be escrowed by B�rrower, and such dues, fees and assessm.ents shall be an Escrow
<br /> �tem. Borrov�er sha.��pr�mp��y furn�s��o Lender al� notices�f amaunts��be pa�d under thi� Sect�on.
<br /> Borrovver shali pay L�nder the Fun�.s f�r Escrow ���ms unless Lender waiv�s Borrower's obligat�on�a pay
<br /> �he Funds for ar�y or aII Es�r�w��ems. Lender nlay wa��e Bnrr�wer's�bl�ga�ian�o pay�a L.�nder Funds for
<br /> any or aii Escrov�r ��ems at an�r��me. An� such waiver may on�y be in wri��ng. in the even�of such v�ai�er,
<br /> Barrov�er sha��pay d�r�cc��y, when and vvhere payab�e, the amoun�s due for any �scrow �tems for whic�
<br /> pa�ment of Funds has been wa�ved by L�nder ar�d, �f Lend�r requ�res, sha11 furn�s�.�o L.�nder rece���s
<br /> �v�dencing such payment wi�hin such time period a� L,ender may r�qu�r�. Barrower's obligat�an��make
<br /> such payments and to provid�recezp�s sha11 far ai.�purposes��d�eme�.tn�e a��venant and agreem�.en�
<br /> canta�ned in�h�s Security�ns�rument, as�he phrase "co�enant and agre�men�" xs used in Section 9. If
<br /> Barrower xs ob�igat�d�o pa�r Escrov� I�ems directi�, pursuant ta a wai�er, and BorrQ�rer fai�s to pay�he
<br /> amoun�due f�r an Escraw Item, Lender may exere�se its rxghts under Section 9 and pay suc�Z a�nount and
<br /> Borr�wer shali�hen be v���ga�ed under Sec��on 9�a repay��Lender any such amaunt. Lender rn�ay rev�ke
<br /> the waiver as�a any or aIl Es�row �tems a�any t�m�by a no�i�e given�n a�cardance w�th Section �5 and,
<br /> upan such revocat�an, Borrower sha�1 pay��Lend�r a�� Funds, and in such amounts y �ha�are then r�qu�red
<br /> under this Sec��on 3.
<br /> Lender ma�, at ar�y time, collect and hald Funds in an amoun��a} suff�cien�to permi�I�nder to app�y the
<br /> FundS a��he tirne specified under RESPA, and�b}not�o exceed�he ma�imum amoun�a�ender�an require
<br /> under RESPA. Lender sha�l estimate the amount af Funds du�on�he basis�f curr�nt da�a and reasonable
<br /> est�mates of expend��ures of future Escrow ��ems�r o�hex�v�rise in accordance w�th Applicab�e Lav�r.
<br /> The�unds sha�i be held in an�nstitu��on wh�se deposits are insured b� a federa� agency, �ns�rumentaii�y, or
<br /> �n���y(inc�uding Lender, if�n�er�s an ins�i�ut�on whose deposits are sfl insured} or�n any F�dera��o�n�
<br /> Laan Bank. Lender sha1l apply�he Funds to pay�he�scrov� ��ems na Iater tha.n the time s�ec�fied under
<br /> RESFA. L.�nder shal�no�charge Borrovver fa�ho�ding and applying�he Funds, annua�ly analyzing th�
<br /> �sernw ac�oun�, or�er�fy�ng�he Escrovv I�ems, uniess Lender pays Borrawer�nterest�n the Funds and
<br /> Appl�cab�e Law perrni�s Lender�o make such a�harge. Uniess an agreen�en�is made�n wr�ting or
<br /> App�xcab�e Lavv requires interest�o be pa�d on�he Funds, Lender sha.11 na�be required�o pa�r Borrow�r any
<br /> xnterest or earnings�n�ie Funds. Bflrrawer and Lender can agree�n wr��ing, however, �hat�n�erest�hall be
<br /> paid�n the Funds. Lender shall gi�e�o Borrovver, w��hou�charge, an annual accoun�ing�f the Funds as
<br /> required by R�SPA.
<br /> �f��ere�s a surp�us of Funds held�n escrow, as�.e�'inet�.under R�SPA, Lender shal� accoun��o B�rrower for
<br /> the�xcess funds in accordance w�th R�SPA. �f there xs a shor�age of Funds h��d in es�rovv, as def�ned under
<br /> RESPA, L.ender shal�n�t�fy Borr�wer as required by RESPA, and B�rro�v�r shall pay�a Lender�he amaunt
<br /> neces�ary to make up�he shar�age in accordance w�th R�SPA, bu��n n�mare than 12 mon�h�y pa�rm�nts. �f
<br /> there is a defic�en�y of�unds heid in es�row, a�de�ned under R�SPA, Lender sha�l notify B�r�o�er as
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Famify-Fanni�MaelFreddie Mac UN��aRM iNSTRUMENT Form 3D28 11Q'�
<br /> VMP Q VMP6�N�y[13D2}
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Finar�Gial Ser�ices Page 5 af 17
<br />