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2� 17��8�4 <br /> AI� �nsurance policies requ�red b� Lender and renewals af such pol�cies shall b�subjec�to Lender's righ�to <br /> d�sapprove su�h policies, shail inc�ude a s�andard mortga�e clause, and shall nam�L�nd�r as m�r�gagee <br /> andl�r as an additional loss pa��e. Lend�r sha��ha�e the right�o ho�d the paliGies and rene�val c�r�if�ca�es. �f <br /> Lender requir�s, B�rrov��r shail promptly gi�e to Lender a�� recei���of paid premiums and renewal nati�e�. <br /> If B�rrower o�bta�ns any form of insuranc�coverage, not otherwise r�quired by Lender, far damage�o, or <br /> destructian of, �he Propert�, such polzcy sha�� include a s�an�ard martga���lause and shall nam.e Lender as <br /> mor�gag�e andlor as an add�tional loss paye�. <br /> �n�he event of loss, Borrow�r shall gi�e promp�no�ice t�the insurance�arri�r and Lend�r. Lender may <br /> make proof of�oss �f not made promp��y by Borrower. Unless L,ender and Borrower otherwise agree in <br /> wr�ting, any insurance pro��eds, whe�her�r no�the underlying insurance was requ�red by Lender, shall l�e <br /> appiied to rest�rat�on or repa�r of the Property, if�he res�ora�ian or repair is econom�ca��y feas�ble and <br /> Lend�r's security �s na�Iessened. Dur�ng such repair and restoration period, Lender sha��ha�e�he righ��o <br /> hold such �nsurance proceeds unt�l I.ender has had ar�opportunity to inspec�such Pr�perty tn ensure�he <br /> work has�e�n comple�ed�o Lender's sa��sfaction, pro�ided�hat such inspection sha��be und�rtaken <br /> prompt�}�. Lender ma�disburs�proceeds for�he r�pa�rs and res�ora�ion in a single payment or�n a series of <br /> progres�paym.en�s as the work is comp�e�ed. '(..)n�ess an agreemen�is made in wri�ing ar App�icab�e Law <br /> requires in�eres�to b�paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shaii not be required ta pa�Borrower any <br /> �nter�s�nr earnings on such proceeds. Fees f�r public ad�us��rs, �r other�hird par��es, retained b� Borrower <br /> sha�I not be pa�d out of the insuranc�proceeds and shal�be the sole ob��gation of Borrovver. �f the res�oration <br /> or repair is nflt ecanomica�ly f�asible or L�nder's security�r�uld be iessened, the insurance proc�eds shal�be <br /> appi�ed to the sums secured by�his �ecurit� �n�trumen�, vWhether or not�hen due, v�r��h�he excess, �f any, <br /> pa�d to B�rr�wer. Such �nsuranGe proce�ds shall b�ap�lied �n�he ord�r pro�ided f�r�n Sec�ion Z. <br /> If Borrav�rer abandons�he Proper�y, Lender ma� fi�e, negotiate and sett�e any availa��e �nsurance claim and <br /> related mat�ers. If Borrower does nat respond��vit�in 34 da�s t� a notice from Len�er�hat th�insurance <br /> carr�er has offered to set��e a��aim, ��en Lender mag�negotiate and settle the c�aim. The 3�-da�per�od w�l� <br /> b��in when the notice is g�ven. In�i�her e�rent, or�f L..�nder acqu�res �he Propert�under Sectian�2 or <br /> o�herw�se, �3orrower h�r�b� assigns�a L�nder�a} Borrov�r�r's rights ta an� insurance pr�ceeds in an a�oun� <br /> no��o ex�e�d�he amounts un�aid under th�Note or this S�curi�y �nstrum�nt, and �b} any o��er flf <br /> Borr�wer's righ�s �other than the r�ght�o an� r�fund of unearned premiums paid by Borrav�r�r� under ai� <br /> �nsurance po�ic�es c�vering�he Prop�rt�, �nsofar as such rights are app�icable to�he�o�erage�f�he <br /> Property. I.ender ma�use�he�nsurance pro�eeds either�o repair or res�ore�he Proper�y or t�pay amaunts <br /> unpaid under�he No�e or th�s Securi�y Ins�rument, vvhether flr not then due. <br /> C. C]ccupancy. Borrawer shall occupy, estabiish, and use�he Proper�y as Borrower's pr�ncipa� residence <br /> within 64 days af�er the execution af�his Securi�y Ins�rument and sha�l c�ntinue�o occup�the Property as <br /> Borrawer's princ�pal res�dence for at leas�one year af�er the date of occupancy, unless L�nder o�h�rwise <br /> agrees in vvri�ing, which consent shall no�b�unreas�nably v���hhe�d, or unless extenua�ing c�rcumstances <br /> ex�st which are bey�nd Borr�wer's c�n�roi. <br /> 7. Preservation, �flaintenance and Protecti�n of the Prope�ty: Inspecti�ns. Borrav�er s�a�� no�destro�, <br /> damage or im�air the Prop�r�y, allo�v the Property��deteriorate or commi�was�e on the Praperty. Whether <br /> ar not Borrawer is residing in the Prflper�y, Barrower shall main�a�n the Pr�per�y in order�a pre�ent the <br /> Proper�y from deter�orat�ng or decreasing �n�ralue due to i�s condition. �Jnless i� is determi�.ed pursuan�tn <br /> Se��ion 5 tha�repair or re�tora�ian is not economically feasib�e, Borr���r sha��pr�mpt�y repair�he Proper�y <br /> �f damaged to avoid fur�her de�er�orat�an or damage. If insurance or con�iemnation proceeds are paid in <br /> connect�on wi�h damage to, or�he tak�ng�f, �he Prop�r�y, Borro�rer shal�be r�sponsible for repair�ng flr <br /> res�oring�he Property only if Lender has re�eased proceeds f�r such purposes, Lender rnay disburse proceeds <br /> NEBRASKA-Singie Family-Fann�e Mael�reddie Mac UNI��RM INSTREJM�NT Fvrm 3Q28 11Q1 <br /> VMP� VMPfitNE�{1342J <br /> Wafters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Page 7 af 17 <br />