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2� 17��8�4 <br /> far the repa�rs and restora�i�n in a szng�e paymen� or in a series of progress payments as the wark�s <br /> comple�ed. �f the insurance or condemnat�an proceeds are not suff�cient�a repa�r or r�st�re the Proper��, <br /> Borr�w�r�s nat re��eved of Borrower's obligation for�he camplet�on of such repa�r or restorat�on. <br /> Lender or�ts agent may make reasanable en�rz�s upon and inspect��ns�f the Praper�y. �f�t has reas�nable <br /> caus�, L�nder may inspeC�the interior of the improvemen�s on the Property. Lender shal� g�v�Borrawer <br /> not�ce at the time af or prior to such an�nteriar�nspection�p���fying such reasonable caus�. <br /> S. Bvrrower's Lvan Applicatian. B�rrawer sha�� be in defaul�if, during th�Loan appl�cation pr�cess, <br /> Barrower or any p�rsons or en�ities act�ng a��he d�rection�f Borrower or w�th Barrower's knowled�e or <br /> �onsent gave mater�ally false, misleading, nr ina�curate �nformat�an or statements to Lender�or fa��ed ta <br /> pr�vide Lender w�th materia� information} in connect��n��th�h�L�oan. Ma�erial representat�ans includ�, but <br /> are n�t limited t�, representations concerning Borrotiver's accupancy of th�Prapert� as Barrawer's principa� <br /> res�den��. <br /> 9. Protection �f Lender's �nterest in the Praperty and Rights Under this S�curity Instrunnent. �f�a} <br /> Borrow�r fai�s to perform the cov�nants and agreernen�s contain�d in�h�s Se�uri�y �ns�rument, �b} �her��s a <br /> �ega� pr�ceeding that m��gh�s�gn��cantiy affect L�nder's interest in the Prflper�y andlar rights under this <br /> Security �n��rum�nt �such as a proc�ed�ng �n bankruptcy, pr��ate, for condemnat�on or fnrfe��ure, for <br /> �nforcement af a��en which may attain priar�ty o�er this�ecurity�nstrument or ta enf�rce law�ar <br /> regulat�ons}, or�c} Borr�wer has abandan�d the Proper�y, then Lender may da and pay for wha�e�er is <br /> reasonabie ar apprapriate to prot�c� Lender's interest in�he Proper�y and ri�hts under this Securi�y <br /> �ns�rument, including protecting an�.lor assess�ng the vaiue of�he Proper��, and securing andl�r repairing <br /> the Pr�per�y. Lender's actions can inciud�, but are na��imit�d t�: �a} paying any sums secured by a lien <br /> which has pr�or�t�a�er�his 5ecurity Instrument; �b} appearzn� zn�our�; and �c}pay�ng r�asonabie at�orneys' <br /> fe�� ta protect its interes� �n the Praper��andlor righ�s under th��Secur�ty�nstrument, �nclud�ng its �ecured <br /> positi�n in a bankrup��y proceeding. Securing the Property includes, but is no��imited ta, entering �he <br /> Proper�y t�make repazrs, change�ocks, replace or baard up door� and windov�s, drain water from pip�s, <br /> e�i�n�na�e bu�ld�ng or other cod��ia�ations or dangerous conditians, and ha�e uti�iti�s turned�n or aff. <br /> Although Lender may take actifln und�r�his Sect�on 9, Lend�r does not have�o do so and is n��under any <br /> duty ar ab�igation�o da so. �t is agreed that Ler�der in�urs n� l�ab����y for not taking any ar all actions <br /> authoriz�d under�his Sectian 9. <br /> Any am�unts d�sburs�d b� Lender under�hi� SeGt�on 9 shal�becQme additiona� deb�of Borrower secured by <br /> th�s S��ur�ty �nstrument. These amaunts sha�I bear intere��at the N���e rate from�h�date of d�sbursem�n� <br /> and shall be payab�e, w�th su�h interes�, upan natice fran�Lender to Borr�vwer reques�ing payrnent. <br /> �f�hx� Se�ur�ty �nstrument is on a�easehold, Borrower shall camply�vi�h al� �h�pro��sions of the��ase. If <br /> Borrawer acqu�res fe�titie�o the Prap�rty, �he�easeho�d and th�fee ti�le sha�� no�mer�e un�ess Lender <br /> agrees to �he merger zn wri�in�. <br /> �D. M��tgage Insurance. �f Lender r�qu�r�d Martgage Insurance as a condzt�on of making the Loan, Bnrrower <br /> shal�pay the premiums required to maintain�he Mortgage �nsuran�e in eff�c�. �f, for any reason, the <br /> Martgag� �nsurance co�erag�requ�red by Lender C�ases to be ava��a��e frorn the nzortgage �nsurer that <br /> previ�usly pra�ided such �nsurance and Barr�wer was required t�make separa�ely designat�d payments <br /> �oward the premiums for Mortgage �nsurance, Borrawer shall pay the premiums requ�red to ob�ain�ov�rage <br /> subs�antza��y equ�valent to the Mor�gage �nsuranc�pre�iausly in effect, at a c�st su�stant�a��y equ�va�ent tfl <br /> �he cost to Borrawer af the M�r�gage Insurance prev�nus�y in effeCt, from an alternate mortgage insurer <br /> selec�ed b�Lender. �f subs�ant�a�Iy equ��alent N�ar�gage�nsurance coverage is no�available, Borrower sha�� <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�ami[y-Fannie MaelFr�ddie Mac UNl�QRM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3�28 11Q1 <br /> VMP[�] VMPfifN�i t13�2� <br /> Woiters K�uwer Fina�cia!5ervices Fag�8 0#17 <br />