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2� 17��8�4 <br /> r�qu�red by RESPA, and Barrower shat�pay ta Lender the arnount necessary to make up the de�c��nc� �n <br /> accardance with RESPA, bu��n no mor�than �2 rnonthly paymen�s. <br /> Upan paymen� in fu���f a�� �ums �e�ured by th�s Secur�ty �ns�rument, Lender sha�� pr�mpt�y refund ta <br /> Bnrrower any Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Barrawer sha�l pay all �ax�s, ass�ss�nen�s, charges, f�nes, and imp�sition� at�ribu�ab��ta <br /> the Pr�perty�vhich�an a�tain priority��er this 5ecur�ty �nstrument, leasehold pa�men�s or ground ren�s�n <br /> th�Pr�perty, if any, and�ommunity A�sQcia�ion Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. Ta �he ex��n�that <br /> �h�se it�ms are E�cr�vsr ��ems, Borrower sha��pay th�m xn�he mann�r pra��ded�n Sect��n 3. <br /> Borrnwer sha��pramptly discharge any �zen which has prior�ty o�er th�s Security Instrument unl�ss <br /> Barrower: (a� agrees in writing t� the paymen�of th�obliga�i�n seGured by the li�n in a manr��r a��eptable <br /> ta Lender, bu�on�y �� l�ng as Borr��er�s performing such agreem�nt; �b}cont�sts the�xen�n g�od fazth by, <br /> or def�nd� aga�nst enf�rcem.�n�af th���en�n, �ega�pr�c�ed�ngs wh�ch�n Lender's�pinion operate tfl prevent <br /> the�nforcernent of the lien whi�e those prflceeding� are pending, but anly unti� such praceedings are <br /> Conciuded; ar�G}secure� fram the holder of the�ien an agreemen�satisfactor��a L�nder sub�rdinating the <br /> �ien to this Securi�y �nstrument. If Lender det�rmines�hat any part of�h�Proper�y is subject t�a��en v�h�ch <br /> can attain priority over th�s Secur��y �nstrument, Lender may g��e Borrower a notice iden��fy�ng�he��en. <br /> '�ith�n �4 days of the date on whi�h that no��ce �s g��ren, Borrow�r sha�l sat�sfy the lien or take one or mor� <br /> of the ac�ions set forth ab�ve in this Sec�ion 4. <br /> L�nder may r�quire Borrower to pay a one-�ime charge for a real estate tax v�ri��ation andlor reparting <br /> service used by Lender in c�nnec�ion with this Loan. <br /> 5. Prvperty Insurance. Borrav�er shall keep the�mprove�ment�now exis�ing ar hereaf�er�re�ted on the <br /> Proper�y insured agains�loss by fire, hazards included wi�h�n the term "ex�ended caverage," and any�ther <br /> hazards inctud�ng, but not limited�a, earthquakes and#`Io�ds, for urhich Lend�r r�quires insurance. Th�s <br /> insurance sha11 be maintaine� in the amounts ��n�ludinb deduct�ble 1evels} and for the per�ods �hat Lender <br /> requ�res. �ha� Lender requires pursuan��o�he preced�ng sentences can chan�e dur�ng the term of�he Loan. <br /> The �nsurance carrier prov�d�ng the �nsurance shall �e chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's r�ght�a <br /> d�sappro�e B�rrower's choice, �hich righ�shall not be exercised unreasar�ably. Lender ma� require <br /> Borr�wer t�pay, �n c�nnec�inn w�th�his Laan, eith�r: �a} a one-time charge f�r�1on�z�ne det�rminat�an, <br /> c�rtif��at�on and track�ng�erv��es; ar�b} a ane-�xme�harge far�lflfld z�ne de�erm�natzan and cer�i��ati�n <br /> s�rv���s and subsequ�nt charges each �ime r��napp�ngs or simi�ar changes accur which reasanably might <br /> affect such determ�natian ar cer��fication. Borrower shall alsa be responsible for the pa�ment of any fees <br /> imp�s�d by�he Fed�ra� Emergency Managemen�Ag�ncy in cannecti�n v�ith the re�iew of any fl�od zone <br /> d��erminatian r�sulting from an ob�ection by Borrotiver. <br /> If Borrflwer fai�s to ma�nta�n any af th�c��erages descr�bed above, L�nder may abtain in�urance co�erage, <br /> a� Lender's opt�on and Barrovver's expense. L�nder i�under no ob�iga�ion ta purchase an�particular type or <br /> amaunt of co�erage, Th�refor�, such ca�erage shal� co�er Lend�r, but might�r might nat protec�Borrower, <br /> B�rr�w�r's equ�ty in the Praperty, or�he cont�nts�f the Proper�y, aga�nst any risk, hazard or��ab��ity and <br /> m�ght prov�de greater or lesser coverage than was pre��aus�y �n eff�ct. Borrower acknflwle�ges tha�the cost <br /> af�he insuran�e co�erage so obtained m�ght s�gnificantl�exceed th�cost�f in�urance that Borro�er couid <br /> ha�e obtained. Any am�unt� disburs�d by Lender under�h�s�e�ti�n S shall became addit�ona�debt af <br /> Borrawer s�cured by th�� S��urity �nstrum.ent. These amoun�s sha��bear znteres�a�the No�e rate from�h� <br /> da��of di�bursemen� and sha��be payab�e, v���h suCh interest, upon natice fram Lender ta Borrawer <br /> requesting payrnen�. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami{y-�ar�nie MaelFreddie Mac UN(FaRM INSTRUMENT �arrrt 3028 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi{N�}�'f 3p2} <br /> Wvlters Klt�wer Financia!Ser�ices Page B of 17 <br />