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2� 17��7�7 <br /> �n�eres� from the da�e of disburseme�t at �he same ra�e assessed an ad�rances under the ��n��ract and shali be <br /> payable,v�r�th��.�e�re��,upon notice from Lender to Borrov�er requestir�g payrnent. <br /> Inspe�t��n. Lender �r i�s agen�may make reasonab�e �ntries upon and zn�pec�ians of the Property. Lender shall <br /> give Borrower na�i�e a��he time of or pr�or�o ar�i�spec�ion spec�fying reasonable cause for�he�nspec�io�. <br /> �ondexnnat�on. The prQ�eeds nf any avvard ar claim f�r�a�a.ages, direct or�onsequentxa�, in connec�ion wi�h any <br /> condemnat�on or o�her�a1{ing of any par�af�he Praperty, or far con�eyance �n Iieu af candernna�ion, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha��be pa�d ta Lender. <br /> �n the event af a �ata� �ak�r�g of the Praperty, �h� proceeds sha�� be app�ied to the sums se�ured by th�s Secur�ty <br /> �n��rumen�, whe�her ar nat �hen due, w��. any e�cess paid �� Borrawer. In t�a.e ev�n� of a par��al �aki,ng of the <br /> Property �r�wh.�ch the fazr marke�va�ue af�he Propez-�y zmrnedzately before th� tak�ng xs equa� t� or grea�er than <br /> the amaunt of the sums secured by this 5ecuari�ty Ins�rum�n� immediate�y befare the �ak�ng, unl�ss �3�rr�wer and <br /> Lender otherwise agree in wrz�zng, the sums se�ured by this Security Ins�rument sha�I be reduced by�he amaun�af <br /> �he pr�ceeds rnultiplied by the follovving frac�ian: �a�the t��a� amaunt of the sums secured�mmed�a�ely before the <br /> ta�ng, div�ded by �b} the fa�r ma�-ket�a�ue of the Propert� zmmed�ate�y bef�re the ta.king. Any baxance sha�l be <br /> paid �o Borrov�er. Iri the event of a partia� taking of�he Praper�y zn which �he fair market value of�he Praperty <br /> �mmed�a�e�y b�fore �he takin� is l�ss �han the amount af�he sums secured �xedia�e�y before �h.e taking, unless <br /> B�rro�ver a�.d Lender�ther��se agree in wr�ting or unless Applicable Lav�r a�herwzse prav�des, �he praceeds shal� <br /> be app��ed to�he sum�secu�-ed by th�s Securxty�nstrum�nt v�rhether or nat the sums are th�n due. <br /> �f�he Property is abandaned by�orrower, or if, after no�ice by Lender tv Borrower that the�on.dem�.�r tiffers�� <br /> ma�e an ativard or set�Ie a claim for damages,Barrower fa��s to respond�o Lender vvi�hin the minimum number of. <br /> days es�ab�zshed by App��cab�e Law after�he da�e�he n���ce�s g�ve�.,Lender zs au�hor�zed�o ca��ect and app�y�he <br /> proceeds, at i�s �p���n, either t� restora�ian ar repair of�he Proper�y �r to �he sums secured by th�s Security <br /> �ns�rument,�he��ier�r na��he�due. <br /> Unless L�nder and Borrower o�herwise agree in�rrz�zng, any app�zcation af proceeds to pr�nc�pa�sha�� na��x�end <br /> or pas�pone�he du�dat�of the payrne�.�s due und�r t�.e��ntract�r change the amvurit af such pa�ments. <br /> Borr�wer Not l�eleased; Fnr�earance I3y Lender No� a �aiver. Extension of �he tirne �`or paymen� ar <br /> mod�f�catzon �f am.or�iza��on �f�he sums secured by this Securi� Ins�rumen� �;ran�ed by Lender ta �orrower or <br /> any su�cessor zn �nt�res� af B�rrower sha�� not operate ta re�ease the 1�ab���ty of th� origina� �orrnWer ar <br /> Borrower's suc�essors in i�.�erest. Lend�r sha��not be requ�red t� cammence proceedings against any successor�n <br /> interest ar refuse ta extend t�me far paymen�or othervv��e m�d�fy am�rt�za�ian of�he sums secured by this Security <br /> �nstrument by reasan �f any d�ma�d made by the origi�.a� Borrower or �orrovt�er's success�rs i� in�erest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exerc�szng any r�gh�.or rexnedy sha�I na�be a waiver of or preclude �he exerc�se of any <br /> righ��r remed�. <br /> Success�rs and Assigns Boundy Ja�nt and Severa� L�ability; Accommodat�nn S�gners. The �avenants and <br /> agreements af�hzs 5e�urz�ty�nstrument sha�1 bind and benef t the successors and assigns af Lender and Borro,wer, <br /> sub�ec� �o �he prav�sians of sec��on t�t�ed Transfer of �he Prnperty or a Benef�c�a� Interest in Barro�ver. <br /> B�rra�ver's covenants and agreemen�s sha1l be j�in�and several. Any person who ca-signs this Security�nstrument <br /> bu� has n� �erso�aa� liability under the Cant�ract �"AcGammoda�ion Signer"�: �a} �s �a-sigz��ng �his Security <br /> �nstrum�n� ar�ly �o mar�gage, gran� and convey tha� AcGommodat�on Signer's interest in �he Property under the <br /> terms af �he Security �nstrument; (b} is not personal�y obx�gated �.a pa� the sums secured by �hi.s 5ecur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen�; and�c} agrees that Lender and any other B�rrawer may agre��o extend, m.�dify, forbear�r ma�e any <br /> acc�mmoda�ia�.s vvzth regard�a�he terms of this Se�ur�ty�nstrument or#he Co�trac�vvzthou��hat Ac�ommoda�ion <br /> Signer's corisent. <br /> I�oan Charges. �f the �flan secured �y this 5e�ur�ty Instrumer�t is subjec� to a Iaw ,wh�ch se�s maximum laan <br /> charges, and�hat lav�is f na�Iy xn�erpre�ed so tha���e i�.�eres�or other loan�harges callec�ed or to be co�lec�ed�n <br /> c�nnectiian with �he �aan e�ceed the p�rmzt�ed I�m��s, �he�: �a� any su�h ��an charge shall be ret�uced by �he <br /> amount necessary t� reduce�he charge �a �he p�rmi.tted lirruts and �b} any sums a�read��ol�ec�ed from�3arrotiver <br /> wh�ch �xcee�.ed pernai�ted ��mits will be refunded to �o�rr�v�rer. Lender ma� choase to ma�� t�iis refux�d by <br /> reducing �e prz�.��pal av�ed under �he Cantrac�or��ma��g a dir�c�payxn�n�t� �orr��uer. �f a refund reduces <br /> prin�i�al,�he�reduct�an�i���be treated as a partial prepa�rmerit wta.der�he Co��ract. <br /> Notices. Any notiice �a B�rrov�er provided for �n this Security Instrumen� sha�l be given by de�zver�.g �� or by <br /> mailing it by f rs�c�ass mail unless A.pplzcab�e Lavv requ�res use af another me�h�d. The not�ce sha��be direGted�o <br /> the Propez-�y A.ddress or any��her address Borravver deszgna�es by na�ice �o Lender. Bflrrotiver agrees �� pravzde <br /> Lender vvzth B�rrower's mos�curren�mai�ir�g a�dress, as zt may change from�i�me�-ta�time. Any noti�e ta Lender <br /> shai�be give�.by f rst c�ass mai��o Lender's address s�ated herein ar any ather address Lender des�gna�es by not�ce <br /> �o BorroWer. Any not�ce prQvided f�r���his Se�ur�ty Ins�rurnen�shal�be deern.�d to have b�en given tfl garrower <br /> or Lender v�rhen given as pro��ded�n�his paragraph. <br /> � La�; Severability,This Securi�y��xs�rument shall be governed by federal�aw and�he IaWs of�h�sta.te <br /> af N�ebraska. in the eve�t th�� any provzs��n ar clause of�h�s 5 ecur�ty Instrum.e�.t or the Cantrac� ��nfl�cts �v��a <br /> Appl�ca��e Lavv, such conf��c� sha�1 not affec��ther pra�isions af�his Securi�y Instrumer�t or th� Con�ra��which <br /> can be given effec�w��hout the canflzc��ng provision. Ta th�s end the prov�sians of�s 5ecurzty Ins��and tihe <br /> �on�rac�are declared�o be se�erab�e. <br /> B�rrawer's�flpy.�orrawer shal�be g�ven one c�py of th�s Security�ns�rumen�. <br /> C�2��4-2D I S Compliatice 5ystems,��8A-429D-24�5.I2.3.1.1 i l 5 <br /> Cansumer Iteal Estate-SeGurity Inst�mettt bL2�35 Page 3�f S www.campliancesystems.cvm <br />