2� 17��7�7
<br /> Pay�n�n��of Pr��nc�pa�and IntQr�s�; Uther Charg�s.Borr�vver shall prom�����r pay vv.hen due the princ�pa�o�and
<br /> in�eres�an�he�iebt owed under���e�ontract�nd late charges or an�vther f��s and cha�rges due und�r the�fln�rac�.
<br /> Ap�li�aule La.w. 1�s used in �h�s Security Instruxnen�, the �e�m '�Applicable Lavv" shal� mean al� con�r���ing
<br /> app�icab�e federal, s�ate a.nd loca� s�a�u�es, r�gula��ax�s, ordinances �nd admin�s�rative rules and nrders ��hat have
<br /> the effec�t of lavv}as tivel�as a��ap�licable final,nan-a�pealab�e judicial opinians.
<br /> Charges; L��n�s. Borrow�r sha�� pay a�l �axes, �5S�5S�11���5, charges, f n�s and imposi��ons at�ribu�a.hle ta the
<br /> Property vvhich may a��ain priar�ty over this Security�nstrument, and Ieasehold paym��n�s ar ground ren�s, �f any.
<br /> At the request c�f Ler�der,Borro�v�r sha�l promp�Iy furn�sh�a Lender receip�s ev�dencing the paymen�s.
<br /> B�rro�ver shall pror�.ptly dischar�� any�ien�rh�ch has prz�rifiy over this Se�uri�y Ir�st��ument unless Borrovver: �a}
<br /> agrees �n wri�i�zg �o �h� payme�� of the ob�i�a�io� secured by the lien in a��nanne�r accep�able �fl Lender; �b�
<br /> Cont�s�s in gofld faith the lien b�r, or defends agai�s� enforcement �f the ��e�. in, 1eg,�I proceedings which in the
<br /> Lende�'s opa.�ic�n aperate tfl preven� the e�forcementi af�he lie�; �r �c� s�cures frflrn �he h�lder of�.e ��en an
<br /> agreex�.e�z�sa�isfactory�a Lender subardin�.�in�the Iier��o �his S�cu��ty Instrt�ment. �f Lender de�ermines tha�any
<br /> part of th� Pr��a�rty is subj ec��o a �ien tivhich ma}�attain priority over th�� Se�ur��y��:�s�rumen�, L�nder may g��e
<br /> �3�rro�er a notice identifying th� lien. Borro�er shall satisfy the lien or ta�e one ar rnore of the actiion� s�t forth
<br /> abave u�ith�n l.�)days Qf the givin�of na�i�e.
<br /> Hazar°d ar P�rcrperty Insurance. Borrovver shall k�ep �he �mprovements naw exzsti.n�;or hereafter erected vn the
<br /> Proper�y insured against�oss by�re,ha2ards ir�c�uded vvithin the term"ex�ended cove��age" and anv oth�r hazards,
<br /> including floo��s ar flooding, fo�� v�hich Lender requires ir�surar���. This insurance sha1l be maintair�ed i�. �he
<br /> amoun�ts and f�r�he periods that Lender requires, The insurance carrier providing the insurance sha�l be ch�s�n by
<br /> Borro�ver sub��,ct �o Lender's approval vvhich shall not be un�ea�onably vvi�hheld. If Barrovver fails to main�ain
<br /> cav�rage described abave, Lender may, at Lender's opt�nn, obtain c�v��age to pr+�teCt Lender'� rights in the
<br /> Properfiy in acc��rdance�vi�h secti�n titled Prot��tion af Lender�s�ghts�n�he Pr�p�;rty.
<br /> AIl insurance p aZicies and renetivals shall be a�ceptab�e �❑ Lender �nd sh�1l inc�ude �� s�andard mortgage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha�l have the righ�to h�ld the po��cies and renetivals, If Lender r��uire�,Borro�ver shal�promp��y gi�e�v
<br /> Lender al�rece:�pts af paid premi�xms an�r�ne�al no�ices. In the even�of Ivss, Borrotiver shall give pr�mp�n�tice
<br /> to�he�n�uran�e�carrier ar�.d Lexz��r.Lender magr�nake proof Qf loss if not rr��de pronzpl:Iy�y Barrower.
<br /> Un�ess L,ender and Borrovtjer o��erwise agree in �rri�ing, insurance proce�ds shall �fe applied �� res�vrati�n or
<br /> repa�r of'the P��aperty damaged, �f, in Len�er's �o�e d�scretion, the res��ration or rep air �s econon�ically feasible
<br /> and Lender's se:curi�y is no� lesser�ed. If, ir�Lender'� sole discret��ns �he r���oration a:r repair is n�� ecannmica�ly
<br /> feaszble or L�nc�er`s security vvould be lessened,the;insurance pr�c��ds shal�b�app�ie�L to�he sums secured by this
<br /> 5ect�r�ty �nstru�men�, �vhether or n�� then due, with an� excess paid �a Borrower. If Borrovver aband�ns �he
<br /> Property, �r do+�s not ans�er within�he nurnber of days prescribed b�.�.pplirab�e La�a�se�forth i�a no�ice from
<br /> Lender tc� Sa�r-��wer that the insuranc� carr�er has offered�o s���1e a c�aim, �hen Lend�;r may collect the �nsurance
<br /> praceeds. Lender may use �he proc�eds to repair �r restare the Pro�aerty or t� pay sums secured by this Security
<br /> �ns�rume��.,wh�:�her ar na�.then d��e.The period�f�ime far Borrovver to an�wer as set��or�h in�he no�ice vv��1 begin
<br /> when�he na��ce is given.
<br /> Un��ss Lender,�.nd Borrower o�h.�;rwise agree �n writ�ng, any applic�.tian�f proceeds t:�principa� �ha�I no�extend
<br /> or p�s�pone�he du� date of�he p�yments due un.der the ��n�ra�t or chang� the amou�lt of the payrnen�s. �f und�r
<br /> the sec�ion titled A►c�eler�.t�an; �emedie5, the �r�per�y is acquire�by Lender, Borrower's rigk�t�o any�nsurance
<br /> policies and pr��ceeds resul��ng fx�m damage �o �he Property priflr �o �he acq�i�i�ion �ha�I pass t� Lender ta �he
<br /> extent flf the su�:ns secured by�his Security�ns�ru�nent immediately p�or tfl th��.cquisi�ion.
<br /> Pre�e�a�tion, Main�enance and ProtQctiorn af the Property; �orroYver's Loan �ipplication; Leas�hQlds.
<br /> Borrovve�r shal�nat des�roy, damage or ixnpa�r th�Property, a�1aw�h�Prop�rty to de�eriora��, or cc�rnmit v�aste on
<br /> the Praper�y.B��rrovSrer sha�l be i�r�defau�t if an�r farfei�ure ac�ifln or proceedin�,wheth��r civi�or crimrnal,�s b�gun
<br /> tha�in L�nder's g��d faith judg�r�en�cnuld result in forfeiture of�h� Prop�rty ar o�h�.rvvise materially impair�he
<br /> �ien created by this 5ecurity Ins�rument ar Lender's security in��res�. B�r�flwer m��y cure such a d�fau�t and
<br /> rein��a�e, as pre�vided in section���led Borrow�r's l�ght to ReinState, by�au�i�g�.�: act�on or pr�ceeding��be
<br /> dismissed vvi�th;�ru�ing that,in L�nder's good fai�h detez�runation,�r�c�udes f�rfe�t�re{af�he Borr�wer's interest in
<br /> the Prop�rty �r� ���er material inr�pa�rrnen� af the �ien c�-ea�ed by �his Se�urity Instrument or Lender`� security
<br /> in�erest.�3�rro�r�r sha�I also be in defaul�if B�rrovver,during the I�a�a.pp�iea�ian process,gave ma��rzal�y false or
<br /> inaccurate infa�-ma�ion or statem�nts �o Lender �or fai�ed �� prov�de Lenc�er w��h a��y materia� �nfornlatzon� in
<br /> connec�ion vvitr�the �aan evidenc�d by the �ontract. If this Security Tns�rurnent is an ��.��asehold, Borrvwer sha��
<br /> comply v�i�h all the pr�v�sia�.s�f��he lease. �f Borrau�er acquires fe�t���e to the Properly,�he l�as�ho�d and the fee
<br /> title sha�l not m+�rge un�ess Lender agrees��t�ie merger in wri�ing.
<br /> Pr�t�cti�n af ]Len�ier's RightS �n the Prop�r�y. �f Borr�vv�r fails �o p�rform the co��nan�s and agre�n-�en�s
<br /> conta�ned in this 5ecurity�ns�rum�nt,ar there is a��gal prnceeding tha��ay signif car��Iy affec�Lend�r's righ�s in
<br /> the Prop�:r�y (s��ch as a praceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for candemnation ar forf�,i�u�e ar �o enf�rce �a�rs �r
<br /> regula�io�zs}, �i��n Lender may dn ax�d pay far �ha�ever is necess�.ry �� �r�tect �he value Qf�he Praperty and
<br /> Lender's r�ghts i�n the ProperCy. Lender's a�ti�ns may include paying any surns secured by a lien whzch has priflrity
<br /> over th�s Secu.ri�y Instru.men�,appearing i.n.�ourt,pa�ing zeasonable at��rn�ys'fees and�n�ering on�he Proper�y�o
<br /> make repairs.A�though Lender m�.y�ake act�or�under�his sec�i�n,Lender�aes nQt have�a do so.
<br /> Any amoun�s d.isbursed by Lend�;r under this se��ion shal� becom� addi�ia�Zal deb� ��f BorroWer �ecured by th.�s
<br /> Securi�y Ins�rurnent. Unl�ss Borrovver and Lender agree tv otrier ��rms �f paymen�., �hese amaun�s shal� bear
<br /> C�2D04-2�I 5 Gom�liance Syst�ms,�nc.618A-429D-2�15,12.3.I,t 115
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-SE:curity�ns�rument I]L2035 Fage 2 of 5 www�.�ompliancesysterr�s.cvm
<br />