2� 17��7�7
<br /> Tran�fer of the Property ar a�enefi�ial Interest in Borrower.If a��ar any par�o�'�he Praperty or any�nterest
<br /> zn �t �s �old �r transferred �or if'a �eneficial in�e��st in Borrovtrer is sold or �ransferred and Borr�w�r is no� a
<br /> na�ural persan�� w��hout Lender's prior�vr�t�en cansent, Lender may, a� ��� op�i�n, ret�uire imrn�diate paym�n� in
<br /> full o�' alI sums secured by th�s Security �n��umen�. Haw�ver, this optiom shal� no�t be exercised by Lender �f
<br /> exercise is pro��ibited by federal l�w as of the�a�e�f this�ecuri�t^y Instrume��.
<br /> If Lend�r exercises this option, Lender s�aal� give B orrower nfl�ic� of ac�el�ra�ton. The no�ice shall pr�vid� a
<br /> period �f no� less �han �he minimum number �f d�.ys es�abl�s�.�d by App�icable Lau� from the date �he n���c� is
<br /> deliver��l or mai�ed vv��hin v�rhich Barrower must pay a�l sums seciared b� t�is Secu�rity Ins�rument. Tf Barrawer
<br /> fails t� pay the:se su.ms prior to �h� expzra��on af��is peri�d, Lend�r may r�nvoke an�r remedies permi��ed by�his
<br /> S ecurity�nstru�nent wi�hou�fuz ther nflt�ce nr d��and on B orra�ver.
<br /> B�rr�w{er'� l�.ight to Reinstate. �f Barrawer zne��s cer�ain conditior�s, B�rrawer ��ha�I have the right �a have
<br /> enforce�ment�#'�his Security�ns�rument disc�ntinued at any��me prior�a �h� ear�zer+�f: �a� 5 days �ar such o�her
<br /> periad a�Appl:�cab�e Law may spe�ify for reins�.t�ment}b�f�re sal�af�he Fropert�pursuan��o an�potiver af sa�e
<br /> contained ir� tl�is 5ecuri�y �ns��ment; or �b� �ntry of a judgm��.t �nfarcing this Secu.ri�y �nst�ument. Those
<br /> �ond��ia�� are tha�B�rrower: �a� pays Lender �lI �u.n�s which �hen v�au�d be due under�his 5ecurity �ns�rumen�
<br /> and�he�antra��t as xf n�a�eelerat�on had occurr�d: (b}cures an�de�au��of any o�her c��venan�s or agreemen�s; �c)
<br /> pays al��xpens�es incurred in enf�rcing th��Secur�ty Instrument, in�ludi�g,but no��im�ted to,r�asonable at�orne�s'
<br /> fees to the ex����.�permitted by lavv; and �d} �ak�s such ac�ion as Lender may reas�na���y requ�.�re�o assure�hat the
<br /> �ien�f�his Secur�fiy�nstrument,Lender's rights in�h�Pro�erty and�orroW�r's obliga�:ion�o pay the sums secured
<br /> by this �iecur��y Ins�rument sha1� cant�nue uzzchang�d. Upvn r��nstaterr�en� by Barrav�rer, this Securi�y �ns�rumen�
<br /> and th.e ��b�iga#:ians secured here�ay sha�l r�ma�n fu��y effe�tive as if no accelera��on��ad occurred. However, this
<br /> right��reinstat:e shal�nat apply in the cas��f accel�ra�ion under�h�sect�ar�titled Tx�rnSfer af the Property or a
<br /> Bene�cial In���rest in Barrovver.
<br /> Ha�ard+au�Substances.�3axxow�r shall not cause ar permi�the preser�ce,�.se, d�spos���, starage, or release of any
<br /> Hazardaus Substances on ar i�th�Propert�.Borro�er shall nat d�,n�r a�l��v ar�yon����se to do,any�hing affecting
<br /> �he Praper�y��at i� in vio�atian �of any Er�viron.m��.ta� Law, The pre�ed�ng �wo sent�ences shal� not apply� to the
<br /> presence,us�,c�r s�arage�n�he P�operty af sma.11�uan�i�ies of Ha�ard�us�ubstances tha�are general�y recognized
<br /> �o b�apprapria.�e�o�.�rma�resid�ntial uses and t�maintenan�e flf�he Pr�p�.rt�.
<br /> Barrovv�r shal�pramptly g�ve Lender writ��n n�t�ce of any�nvestigatian,c�air�, deman.d,Iawsui��r�ther ac�ion by
<br /> any gav�rnmer�tal or regu�atory �.gency ar priv�.�e �ar�y invo�vi�g the Praperty and ��ny Hazardous Substance ar
<br /> Environmen�.� Lavsr of v�rh�ch :Borro�ver has ac�ual knou��edge. �f Barrovver lea:rns, or is natif ed by any
<br /> gov�rnm�ental cfr regula�ory au�hority, �hat any r�moval or o�her rem�d�a�ian of any H��zardous Substance affec�ing
<br /> the Proper�y is nec�ssary, Borra�v�rer shall pr�mp��y �ake al� necessary remedial �ac�inns in acc�rdance �rith
<br /> Er�vironmen�l LaW.
<br /> As used�n�h�s paragraph, "Ha�a�-dous Su�s�ances" are th�se subs�ances d�efr�ed as tc�xic or hazardous subs�anc�s
<br /> b� Envirronme�i�al Law and the foliaw�n� substances: gasoi�ne, k�r�senep o�her flammable or �flxic petroleum
<br /> products, to��c pes�ic�des and hPrbicides, vo��.�i�e solven�s, materia�s contain.�ng asb�estos or formald�hyde, a.nd
<br /> radi�acti.ve ma��erials. As used in this paragraph, "Environ�en�a�La�v"means f�deral:�aws and�aws of the state af
<br /> Nebraska that r�elate ta health,saf��y or enviror.�mental pro�ec�ian.
<br /> Acce��ration; Rem�dies. Lend�r shall give ���ice to Borr�wer pr�or t� a��elera.��on falloVving �orr�wer's
<br /> breach of any co�enant�r agreem�nt in th���eG�.r�t�Instrument ar th��ontra�l:under�which acceleratian
<br /> fs p�rm�tted (��u� �ot pr�or to ac���eratior� under the s��tion t�t��d Transfer of th�e Property�r a Bene�ci.al
<br /> Interest in ��:rrower, unless A�ppixcable La�v pr�vides otherw�s�}. Th� no�ic� 5h;�.I� specify: �a� the default;
<br /> �b� the acf�orn required t� cure the defau��; �c� a date, not l�ss ��an the r��inimum number �f days
<br /> establish�c�by App�i�able Law from the da��th�n�tiGe is gi�ven t��arrower,by which the defau�t n�us�be
<br /> cured; ��n� td:) that failure to rure th� default �n or �aef�re �h� date �pec��ed i:n �he n�tice may r�sult in
<br /> acce�eration of �he sun�s secu�ed by thY� S�curity Instrurnent and sa�e flf th�� Property. To the e�tent
<br /> perm�t�ed b�l.aw, the no�i�e shall fur�her infrorrn Borr�yver of the r�g�t to reins��a�e after acceieratian and
<br /> the righ��t�bring a court activr��u asser�th����-existence of a d�fault or any�t��er defense Qf�vrr�wer to
<br /> a�celeration a:nd saie.If the de�Fau�t is not�ured �n vr befor� the date ����if�ed�.n the not�ce,Lender at�t5
<br /> opt�om may require �mr�ediate payment �� fu�� of a�I sums s��ured b� th�s SeE:ur�ty Ins�rumer�t without
<br /> fur�h�r de�n�r�d and may inval�e the p�wer �f sale and any other rem�edi�s p�rxr�i.�ted by Appli�ab�e Law,
<br /> To th� exte�� pe�mitted by lay�, Lende� shall be entitled to c��Ie�t al� expense� �ncurred in pursu�ng the
<br /> reme�ies prav�c�ed in thiS Sect��an,including,�u�not limited�o, reasona�le attflr�r�eys' fees and�osts vf titxe
<br /> evfdence.
<br /> If the pnwer of sal��s in��ked,Trustee�ha��ec�rd a n�tic� af d�fau��in �ach �crunty in vvh�ch any part af
<br /> the Prop�rty i�s�oc�ted and sha��mail��p����f�uch notice in the manner pres�ri�bed�y App�icable Law��
<br /> B�rrow�r and �� the a�her pers�ns prese�i�Qd �y Applicab�e La�v. Af�er the ��r�e required by Appl�cab�e
<br /> Law, T��ustee shall g�ve public notice af�a�e tv �he p�rsans an� in th� manner pre5�r�bed hy Appli�able
<br /> Law.Trus�ee,�wi�hvut demand on Borrov���,shall sel�the Fro�a�rty at pub�i� au+�tion ta fh�high�5t bidd�r
<br /> at the t��n�anc�.place and under�he terms d�sig�a�ed in�he no�i�e�f s�Ze ir�one��r m�re par��Is and in any
<br /> order Trust�e determines. Tr�xstee may p�stp�r�e sale of all vr an� p�rce� vf the Property by publ�c
<br /> ann�un�em�n�:a�the time and�place af any pre���us�y schedul��.�ale.Lender or it5 de5�.gnee a�nay pur�hase
<br /> the 1'rv��erty a.t aa�y sa�e. �
<br /> Upon receipt z�f pa�ment of th�pr�ce bid, �`r�st�e shall deli�er t� �he purchaser Trustee's deed �vnveying
<br /> the Pr��ertye 'The reci�al.s in �h�Trus#ee's deed �hall be prima f��ie evid�n�� of i:he tru�h�f�he statements
<br /> C�2fl�4-2�15�amp�iance Systems,Inc.6I8A-429D-2a]S.1Z,3,1,1115
<br /> Cansumer Real Estate-5e�urity Instrumer�t DL2q36 Page 4 of S www.comgliancesyste�ns.com
<br />