2� 17��751
<br /> �EEL� �F TF�LJ�T`
<br /> L�an N�: �7������4 {��nt�nu�d} �ag� �
<br /> law upon th�accurrenG��f any���nt flf default, including the right to exer�ise the pawer af sale;
<br /> {�} Cammenc� an action ta foreclose this D�ed o�Trust as a m�r�gage, appoint a recei�er or specifica[!y
<br /> enfor�e any�#the cvv�nants hereof; and
<br /> {c� De[iver t�Trustee a written de�[arafiion �f default and�emand for sa�e and a written nati�e of defau�t
<br /> and election ta cause Trustor`s interes� in�he Property to �e soldr which nQtice Trustee shall cause tv be
<br /> du�y filed�ar���ard in�h� �ppropriate o#fic�s o'f th� ��unty in which the Praper�ty is i�cated8 and
<br /> {d} Vl�ith respect to al� or any part of th� Per�anal Praperty, Lend�r shali ha�e ali th� rights �nd remedi�s
<br /> vf a se�ured party under th� Nebraska Uniform Cammercial Cad�.
<br /> Fc�recl�sur� Ihy Pow�r a��a[�:. !� Lender e��cts to f4reclose by�x�r�ise❑f the Pawer af Sale herein �ont��nedP
<br /> - Lender shal� notffy Truste� �r�d shall d�posi� �with Trustee �his �e�d of Trust and th� Cr�di� Agreem�nt and
<br /> �uch receipts an� eWidenc�af expendi�tures rnad� and secured by this �e�d��Trus�as Trus�e� rr�ay requir��
<br /> {a} �1pfln r�c�ipt��such noti�e fram Lender, Trust�� $hall �aus�t� be re�vrd�d, pubEi�hed and de[iWered
<br /> t� Trus�or such Nat�ce �� []e�ault and 1�atice af Sa[e as th�n requ�r�d by law and by�he� C�eed �-�Trusts
<br /> Trus-�ee sha[1, �rvithau� dennand an Trvstar, after such time as nnay then he r�quired by law and a�ter
<br /> r�cvrdati�n �f�uch Natice of D�fiault and aft�� N�tic� af Sa[e haWing be�n given �s required by �awr seli
<br /> �he Praperty at the �ime and p�a�e �# sa�e fixed by i� in su�h N��i�e of Sal�� eifiher as � whole, or in
<br /> � separat� lots or parce�� ar items as Trust�e sha[I deerr� expet�ient, and in such arder as 6�may determine�
<br /> a� public au�tian ta the hi�hest bi�lder far cash in Eavtirfu[ maney a�f�the L�nited States paya�le at the fiime
<br /> �f sale. Trus��s shall deliW�r t� such purchaser ❑r pur�has�rs fihereof its �ood and suf�Fi�ien� deed ar
<br /> deeds c�n�eying the pr�p�rty so so[d, �ut wi#hout any cavenant or warrant}�r express ar ir�p�i�d. The
<br /> reci�als in such �ieed of any matters ar �a��s shalf be �vn�jusiv� praof af the truthfuln�ss ther�of� An}r
<br /> �ersan, en�[uding wi�hau'�Iimita�i�n Trusto�,Trustee, ar Lender, may purchas�a�su�h$ale.
<br /> 4ka} As ma� be perr�n[tt�d by �av�, aft�r deduc�ing ail �osts� �ees and expenses o# Truste� and ❑� thi�
<br /> T�uste including �os�s af eu�den��❑f titie in cvnn�ction with s�[e� T�ust��shall apply fih�pr�c�eds of sale
<br /> �o paym�n� ❑f {i� al� sunn� exp�n�ed under the terms ❑fr �his C7��� of Trus� ar under the ��rms af the
<br /> Cret�it Agreement �at the� r�paid, inGluding bu� nat limited �� accrued int�rest and late charges, {ii� al�
<br /> vth�r surns then secured heret�y� and {�ii} the remainder, ifi any, �v fihe pers�n �r persons lega[ly en�itled
<br /> �hereto.
<br /> {c� Trust�e may in the mann�r pr��Eded by lavv pastpone sale of all�r any partian of�he P�-op�rty.
<br /> F�emed��s No� E�c�tusiv�. Trustee and Lender, and each af them, sha[1 b� �ntitled tfl enforc� payment an�
<br /> perforrnance vf any indebtedness vr abligations se�ured by fihis Deed af Trust and t� exer�is�a[I rights �t�d paw�r�
<br /> under this Q�e�1 �f Trust, under the �redit Agr��ment, under any �� th� R�I�ted D�cuments, �r`under any �th��
<br /> agreem�n� or �n� �avvs �ow ar h���aft�r in fvrce; nafiwithstanding, some ar all ❑f such indebt�dness and
<br /> ❑biigations �e�ured by this De�d af Trust may n��n► �r hereafter b� otherwise secured, �vhether by rnar�ga�e, deed
<br /> vf trust, p�ed�e. [ien, assignmen� ar oth�rwise. f��ith�r the a�ceptan�e ❑f this Deed �f Trust nar its enforcem�nt,
<br /> vvhether by eourt actEor� or pursuant to the p�w�r o� sale or ath�r pawers �an�ained in t�is Qeed �f Tru�t� shal!
<br /> prejudice or in any manner affect Truste�'s or Lender's right t❑ rea�i�e upon ar en-�arc� an�ather security n�w or
<br /> hereaf��r heid b}�Trustee or Ler�der, i��aeing agreed that Trustee and L�nder, and each af thern, �hall �� �n�itIed to
<br /> enf�rce th�s �]eed �t Trust ar�d any oth�r s�curity now or her�aft�r he[d b� Lender ar Trustee in such �rder and
<br /> rrtartner as �he� vr �ither of them may in th�ir absalute discr�tian d�terrnine. Na r�medy ��nf�rr�� upon or
<br /> r�ser��d tv Trustee vr L�nder, is in�ended ta be excfusi�e �f any ❑�her r�m�cfy in �his Qe�d of Trust �r by lav►�
<br /> praWided or p�rmitted, but �a�h shal[ b� �umu�ati�re an�i shall be in additi�n fi� eWery �ther remedy giv�n in th�s
<br /> Deed ❑f Trust or n�w ar her�a�t�r existing at Iaw or in equity �r b�r s�a�u��a E�ery power �r remedy g�W�n by the
<br /> Gredit A��eement �r an� �f the R�latsd ao�uments �a Trustee v� L�nder ❑r �v whiGh �i�her �f �hem r�na� b�
<br /> �therwEs� entitled. may b� eacercissd, con�urrer�tIy ar �ndepen�en#1y, -�r�rr� t�m� ta time and as ❑�ten as rr�ay be
<br /> deem�d e�pedient by Trustee �r Len�1�r, an� either of them may pursu� in�Qnsisfent remedi�s. N��hing in this
<br /> Qeed �fi Trust sha�! be cans�rued as prahibitir�g Lend�r fram seeking a de#ici�ncy�udgment against the �'rus�or ta
<br /> the extent su�h action is permitted �y law.
<br /> Ele�tean af Remedies. �►li ofi L�nder`s rights and remedies will i�e �urmulativ� and may �� exercised a�a�e or
<br /> t�gether. i� L�:nder decides t� sp�nd mon�y or tv perform any ❑�Trustor's flb[iga��ans und�r this D�ed of Trus�,
<br /> after Trustvr's failure to da so, that decisian by Lend�r wil� not a€���t Lender�s righ� to dec[are Trustor an �e��uft
<br /> and�a exercis� Lender's remedi�s.
<br /> Re�uest for [V�ti�e. Trus�or, �n beha[�af Trustor and Lender, hereby t�eques�s that a �opy Qf any No�ice vf De�au[t
<br /> and a ��py af any [Vatice o� Sale under th�s C�eed v�Trus� be mai�ed t�them at the addr�sse� set��rth in the first
<br /> paragraph o�r th�s Deed o�Trusta
<br /> .�►�arn�y�' F�es: Expans�s. �f L�nder inst�tu��s any suit �r acti�n tQ enfor�� any �f the ��rm� ❑f fihis aeed o�
<br /> Trus#, Lender shal� be entitled to recov�r such sum as the caurt may �djudg� reas�nab[� as at�orney�' #e�s at tria�
<br /> and up�n any app�al. Whether �r no� any �aurt actic�n is in�ol�ed, and �a the e�€�ent nvt pr�hibi�red by lawf all
<br /> reasona�le expenses Lend�r En�urs �hat in Len�ler°s opinion ar� n���ssary at �ny tirne far the prate�ti�n �� �ts
<br /> interest�r the enforc�ment❑�ifis rights shal� became a part o'f the Indebtedness payable on demand and sha![ bear
<br /> interest at the �r�dit A�reement rate �ram th� date of the expenditur� until repaid. Exp�nses c�Wered by this
<br /> paragraph in�lude. withaut �imitati�n, hvwever subj��t to any limits und�� applicabl� law, Lender`s a�-��rrneys' t��s
<br /> and L�nder°� I�gal e�€p�nses, �vh�the� or no� ther� is a lavvsuit, incl�ding a��a�neys' �ees and �xp�n�es �ar
<br /> ban�Crupficy pr�ceedings �including �##orts to modi�Fy �r vacate any �utamatic stay or injun��iony, app�aIs, and any
<br /> anti�ipated p��t-judgment c��[ec�ion services, �he cost ❑f sea�ching recQrds. t�b�a�ning title ��parts �inclu�ing
<br /> fvreclosur� r�p�rts}, sur�ey�rs' reporfis, and appraisal fe�s, �titl� insurance, an� fees f�r the Tru�tee, ta�he extent
<br /> permitted by ap�licable�aw. Trustor a[s�wilf pay any caurt c�s�s, in additiQn t� a[1 �th�r Sums pravid�� by lawe
<br /> Rights ��Trustee. Trustee shal� have a!E a��he rights and duties af Lender a�set f�rth En this section.
<br /> POVIIER� AND �BLIGAT��NS �F TRU�TEE. The fioi[Qwing pro�isions re�atir�g �Q th� powers and vbliga�i�ns ��Truste�
<br /> �re par�af this �eed a�Trust:
<br /> P�v�r�r� �f T�usfee. ln additivn to a[[ pawers Qf Trustee arising as a matter of Iaw. Trustee shall have th� pawer ta
<br /> tak��he �ol�awing a�tions �i�h respe�t tv the Prop�rt�r upon the wri�fien reque�t af Lender anc� T�us�or: �ay jain in
<br /> preparing and fifing a rnap or p1a� o� th� Real Pr�perty; including the dedication ❑� stre��s ar �th�r rights -to th�
<br /> p�l�lic; tb} jo�n in �ranting any ea��ment or creating any restriction an the F�ea[ Properfiy; and ��� jain irt an}�
<br /> sub�rdination ar other agreement a�fect�ng�his a��� �f Trust�r the in�erest o�Lender under this Deed af Trus�.
<br /> Trust��o Trustee shaE� m�et all quali#i�ations r�quired ��r Trust�� under appli�ab�e Iaw. ln addifii�n to the ri�hts
<br /> and remedies set f�rth a���e, �vith respect �o aIl ❑r any part af the Property� the Trustee shai� ha�e �he �ighfi t�
<br /> �oreclQse by n�t�ce and sale, and Lender w[!� ha�e �he right fio farecl�se by judicial foreclvsure, in either �ase in
<br /> aGcardance with and to the ful�ext�nt pra�ided by app[icab�e Iaw.
<br /> Succ�s�o�Te�s�ee. Lender, a� Lend�r`s optian, may fram tirne t��ime appain�a successar Trust��t� any Truste�e
<br /> appoin-��d un�er th�s Deed o� Trus� by an instrumen� �x�cut�tf and acl�nowfedg�d by Lender and recorded in the
<br /> fl#fice o� the recor�ier a� Ha[[ �ounty, State at Nebraska. The instrument shall cantain, in addition to a[f v�her
<br /> matter� requir�d by stat� la�►r, the names af the ariginal Lender, Trustee, and T�ustor, th� b�ok and page {ar
<br />