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2� 17��751 <br /> DEEI� �F T'RU�T <br /> Lvar� N�: 87���D��� ��ontir�ued} �ag� 4� <br /> Cur�ent Taxes, Fees anc� Gharges. Upan request t�y Lender, Trustar shal� execute such da�ur�ents �n �ddatian t� <br /> this �eed a�Trust and �ak� whateWer ather action is requested by Lender ta perfect and c�ntinue Lender's �ien on <br /> the Rea� Prvper�y. Trusfior shall reimburse Lende� far all �axes, as descrih�d beio�rv, tog�ther with al1 exp�nses <br /> �n�urred ir� re��rdiny, perfe�tiny ❑r Gantinuing this Deed of Trust, in�luding v►►ith�ut limitatian a!I taxes, fees, <br /> documentary s�ampsr and❑�her charges�or�ecardin� vr regist�ring this I3eed of Trust. <br /> Taxes. The f�llowing shall canstitute ta�ces t❑ wh�ch this section applies: �1� a sp�Gifi� tax upvn this type �f <br /> De�d a# Trus# vr upon all �r an� par� af th� In��btsdness secured by this Deed o# Trust; ��� a s�aecific tax an <br /> Trust�r�rhich Trustor i� authoriz�d vr required �v deduct from payments an the Indebt�dness secure� by�his fype <br /> �f Deed vf Trust; {3} a tax an�his type af �eed a#Trust�hargeab�e against the Lender ar fhe h�[der of the Gredi� <br /> �►greement; and �4} a specif�c �ax on all ar any pc�r�i�n of the lndebtedness or an �ayrnents �f prin�ipal a�nd <br /> interest�nade by Tru�tor. <br /> �ubs�qu�nt Taxes. If any tax tv which this se�ti�n �ppl�es is �nacfed sub�equenfi �� the dat� of th�s ❑eed vf <br /> Trust, this e�ent shal� have the sam� effect as an Event of �e�ault, and Lender may �xerGise any ar a11 of its <br /> available remedies f�r an EWent ofr Default as pr��ided belavtir �nless Trustar �ither �1} pays the ta� befa�-e it <br /> beGam�s delinquent, ar ��} ��ntes�s �h� ta� as pro�ided abov� in the Ta�c�s and Li�n� s�ction and deposits rrtirith <br /> Lender cash or a su�ficient�arp�rate sur�ty I�ond Qr ather�ecurity sa�is#actory ta Lender. <br /> SECURI�Y AGREEMEi11T; F�NANCING �TATE�VIENT�. T}�e fall�wing Rrovisions relating t� �his �]eed of Trust as a <br /> �ecu�ity agreemen�ar�a par�o��his �eed of Tru�t: <br /> Se�urity A�reerr-d�a�#. ,This ins�rument shall canstitute a Se�urity Agr�ement �a th� ex��n� any ot the Pr�perty <br /> �C�nSt[tutes fi�tur�S, and Lender shail haWe aIl of the ri�hts v� a secured party under the Uni�vrm Garnmercia� Cade <br /> as amended from time to�ime. <br /> 5ecurity lnt�resfio lJpon reques� �y Lend�r, Trus�or shall take virhateWer acti�n is requested by Lender tv pe�fect <br /> and continu� L�nder`s security inte�-est in the Persanal Pr�perty, 1n additi�n tv re��rding �his I�eed af Trust in the <br /> rea� prope�ty records� Lendar may, at any �ime and vvithou� further au�harization fram Trustvr, �ife executed <br /> caun�erpar�tsr Gopies or reproductions af this �eed o# Tru�t as a f�nan�ing statement, Trustor shal! r��mburse <br /> Lender #ar all expenses incurred in per��cting ❑r �antinuing this security interest. Upon default, Trustar sha�l nat <br /> rerr�vv�, se�er ar de�ach �he Persana� Praperty from the Praper�y. Upon default, T�usta� shall �ssemble any <br /> Persanal Pro�er�y no� a��ixed ta the Pr�p�rty in a mann�r and at a place reasQnably con�enienfi to Trustor and <br /> Lend�r anc� mak� it aWailabEe t� Lender within thr�e [3} days after receipt af written demand fram Lender t� th� <br /> extent permitted hy applicab�e law. <br /> Addresses, The mailing adc�resses of Trustor {deb�ar} and Lender �secur�d party} �r�m which infarmation <br /> can�erning the se�urity interest g�anted by this �3eed v�Trust may be ❑btained {each as required by the Uni�orrn <br /> Cammercial Codey ar� as s�ated on the#irst page af�his Deed of Trust. <br /> FIJRYHER ►4SSLIRANCES; ATT�RNEI�-��i-FA�T. The fatlowing provisians relating to further assurance� and <br /> attorney-in-�act ar�� p�rt of this ❑eed o�T�ust: <br /> Furth�r�4ssurances. At any�im�, an� from time �a �ime, upon request ❑# Lender, T�ustor will make, execu�e and <br /> delive�y or onri�[ �aus�ta b� made, executed ar d��ivered, to Lender vr tv Lend�rTs designee� and wh�n requested by <br /> Lender, cause to b� filed, re�arded, refiiedr or r�recarded, as the �ase may �ae, �t suGh tirx��s and in such offic�s <br /> and places as Lender m�y �eem appro�riate,�any and a�� �uch mortgages, de�ds of trust, se�urity deeds, security <br /> agreements�, finan��ng statements, cantinua�ian stat�ments, instruments o�F further assurance, certi�icates, and <br /> other documents as may, in the sale apinian of Lender� b� necessary ar desirabfe En ❑rder ta effe�tuate, camp�ete, <br /> p�r�e�t, cont�nue, �r preserv� �'1� Trus�ar's abligati�ns und�r the �redit Agreem�ntr thi� ❑�ed of Trust, and �he <br /> Related I]ocuments� and {�} the liens and �e��rests �r�ated by this Deed o� Trust ❑n the Praper�y, <br /> whe�he�n�w awned or her�after acquired by Trustvr. Unfess prohibi�ed by l�w or Lender agr��s t�#he cantrary in <br /> v�rriting� Trustor shai[ reimburse Lender fo� all co�ts and e�cpenses incurred in connectian with the matt�rs re�ferred <br /> ta in�his paragraph. <br /> �4ttarney-in-Fact. lf Trustor fails to do any of the things r�ferred t� �n the pre�eding paragraphp Lender m�y d� s� <br /> tor and in the name af Trustar and at Trust�r's expense. For such purpases, Tr�us�vr hereby irrevocab[y appoints <br /> Lender �s Trus�ar's attorney-in-fact#ar the purpose v��-naking, executing, deli�ering� �Filing, reco�ding, and do�ng al1 <br /> other things as rnay be necessary �r desirabfe, En L�nder's SD�P ��1�'1101�r to accamplish the matters referred �� 6n <br /> the preceding paragraph, <br /> FULL PEFiFflF�M�►IV�E. lf Trustor pa�s a�l the Indeb�edness when due, termina#es the credit tine accounf, and ather�ise <br /> performs ail the obliga�ians imposed upon Trustor under this Deed a�Trus#, Lender shal� exeGute and deliver t�Truste� <br /> a reques� �ar full rec�nveyance and shall e�cecute and deli�r�r �� Trus#vr sui�abie statem�nts ❑f terminattan �f any <br /> finanGing s�a�ernent on file evidencing Lender's secu�ity interest ir� the Rent� �nd th� Personal Prvperty. Any <br /> recan�eyance fee required by law shall be paid by Tru�tar, i#p�rmitksd k�y applicabl� 1aw. <br /> EVENf� aF DEF�►ULT. Trus�ar wi1( be in default under this D�e� o�Trust if any ❑f�he �F�ll�wing happena �Ay Trustor <br /> Camrnit5 fraud or �nakes a materia� misr�presentation at any time in cannection with th� �redit Agreement, This can <br /> includ�, �or �xample, a �als� statement ahout Trustar's income, assets, liabilities, v�- any vther aspe�ts af T�-ust�r's <br /> fin�ncial c�nditiana ��} Trustar daes nat meet the repayment fierms af tne �redi�Agre�ment. ��} Trust��'� act��n �r <br /> ena��ian �clver�ely affects th� �alfateral or L�nd�r's rights in th� calla�e�al. This can in�Eude, f�r e�ampler failure to <br /> maintain required insurance, waste or destructive use c���he dwe�li�gr failure ta pay ta�ces, death af a!I �ersons fiabfe on <br /> the acc�untP transfer o�F titEe or sale ❑f #he dwel�ing, Grea�ion vf a seniar lien an the dwelling without Lender's <br /> pe�mi�sion, �are�losure �y the holder�f anvther lien, ❑r th� us� af funds or the dweffing for pr�hibited pur�osesn <br /> R1GHT� AND F{EME�3IES �N DEFAUL�'p lf an Event �f De�aul� a�curs under this D�ed a�Trus�, at any time �her�after, <br /> Trustee c�r Lender may exercise any vne❑r mare of the fvllowing righ'�� and remedies: <br /> Acceler��inn Upan ❑efau[t;Addi#ional R�m�dies. If any E�ent of Default�ccurs �s per�he terms of th� Credit <br /> Agr��men�secured here�y, L�nder may declare all lndebtedness secured hy�his Deed a�Trust�ka b� due and <br /> paya�Ie anc� the same shall �hereup�n become due and payable withvut any presen�rnent, d�m�nd, protest ar <br /> natice af any I�ind. Therea�t�r, L�nd�r may; <br /> {a� Either in pe�san ar k�y �g�nt, with or w��haut bringing any act��n or �raGeeding, �r by a receiver <br /> a�p��nted by a �aurt an� withou# re�ard to the adequacy �f�ts security, enter upon and tal�e possessian <br /> ❑f th� Praperty, ar any par��herevf, in its awn nam� ar in the name af Trustee, and do any acts trvhich it <br /> �eems neces�ary �r desirabl�to pres�rv�the Walu�, marketabi�ity ar rentabiiity o�the P�ap�rty, ar part�� <br /> the Pr�perty ❑r �nt�rest in the Prvperty; increase the income #r�m the Pr�perty or protect t�� security of <br /> the Praperty; and, with or wEth�ut �aking posse�sian af th� Property, su� #�r �r othe�wise c�lle�t the <br /> rents, issues and profits �f �he Prop�rtyp including �hose past due and unpaid. and apply th� �ame, less <br /> costs and expenses of�pera�ion and �alle�tion attorneys' f�e�, ta any ind�bt�dness se�ured �y this Deed <br /> o� Tru�t, ali in such arder as Lender rr�ay det�rmine. The en�ering upan and �aking pass�ssi�n af �he <br /> Praperfiy. �h� collection ❑f such r�n�s■ 155UL'S and profitsr and the applicatian thereQf shalI not cur� ar <br /> v�raive any de�ault vr natice ❑# de�ault under this �eed af Trus� ar inWafidate any a�t done in response�o <br /> such default or pursuant t�such natice o�de�au[�C; and, notwithstan�ing th� cQntinuance in p�ssessian o� <br /> . the Prvperty ar the caClectian� receipt and �pplicatiar� o� rents, I55U�5 ar profits, Trus�ee or Lender shall <br /> be entitled to exer�ise eWery right provided for in �he �redit Agreement ar the Related aa�umen�s ❑r by <br />