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2� 17��751 <br /> �EED �F T�L��T <br /> Laan IVoQ �7�C������ �CC�nt��lu�d� P�g� � <br /> computer systerr� referen��} where this Be�d a� Trust is rect�rded, and th� name an� address �f the �ucc���or <br /> �rustee, and the�nstrument sha�l h� exe�uted and acknawled�ed l�y all the beneficiaries under this Qeed af Trus�or <br /> their suc�essor� in �nteres#. The successor trustee, wEthout c�n�eyan�� of the Pr�perty, shall suG�eed t� all fih� <br /> tit[e, pawer; and duties conferred upvn the Trustee in this Qeed of Trust and by app[i�ahle la�rv. This praGedurs for <br /> substitution��Trustee shall go�ern to�he exclusi�n o�all❑�her provisions for su�stitutivn. <br /> iV�T1GE5. Any notice required to be gi�en under this Deed o�Trust, including without limit�tion any natice af defau�t <br /> and any na�ice of sale sha[1 b� �iven in writingP and shall be e��e�tiWe v►rhen actually deiivered, wh�n actua�ly receiU��f <br /> hy t�lefacsimile �unless a�herwise requ�red by law�, when depasite� with a nationa�sy recagni��d avernight caurier, ❑r, i� <br /> mai�ed, when deposited in the �Jnited �tates mail, as tirst class, Ger�ified ar regist�red mail posta�e �repaid, directed �v <br /> th� addr�sses sh�wn near the beginning o��his Deed o�Trust. A![ c�pi�s o� nt��ices of fareclasur� fr�rrs the h�lder �f <br /> any [ien �nrhi�h has privrity a�e� �his i�eed of Trust shalf be sent tv Lender's address, as shawn near the begir�n�ng �f <br /> thi� ❑e�d af Trust. Any persnn may �hange his �r her a�dress �or n��ice� under this De�d vf Trust by giWing f�rmal <br /> wr�tten na�tEce ta the �ther �ers�n ar person$, speci#ying that the pur�ase nf the nati�e is t❑ change the per�vn'� <br /> addresse For notice purpvse�, Trustar ayr�es to k��p Lender informed a�a!!times of Trustor's current address. Unles$ <br /> �therv�ise �r��i�fed �r require� by law, if�here is more than ane Trustvr, any natice gi�en hy Lender�� an�Trus�or is <br /> deem�d to�e na#i��gi�en�a all Trus�tvrs. �t�nrill be Trustor's responsi�ility to teil the athers o�the nati��from L�nder, <br /> 1V11SCELL�iNE�US PR�111S�DNS. The fn9lawing m�sGellaneous pravisi�ns are a part o#this Beed af Trust: <br /> �mer�dm�nts. What is �vritten in th�s Deed af T�ust and in the Reiated Docum�nts is TrustarTs en�ire agreement <br /> with Lender cancerning the matters Cc�vered t�y this De�d v�Trust. T❑ be eff�cti�er any Ghange nr amendment to <br /> this Deed ❑f Trust mus� be in writing and must be signed by v►�hcre�er will b� bvund vr �blEgated by the change ❑r <br /> amendmen�. <br /> �a�tivn Heading�a Caption headin�s in �his Deed af Trus� a�e #�r �onven�en�e purposes �n�y and are not �v he <br /> used ta int�rpret ar de�Fine the pr��r�sivns ❑�this Qeed ❑f Trust. <br /> C1!ll�r�ero Ther� sha�l �ae no merger�f the in�e�est or estate created by this Deed of Trust with any oth�r interest ar <br /> �sta�e in the Property at any time h�ld by ar-�ar the benefi�af Lender in any capacity, withaut th� written ��nsent <br /> of Lender= <br /> C�overning Lawn This Deed af Trus� wilE he govern�d by federal law �p�[icabl� ta Lender and, t� the extent not <br /> preempted by�federal law.�he➢aws v�the 5tate af N�braska wi#hvut regard ta i#� cvnflict� vf Carrv p�vvisions. This <br /> De�d af Trus�has heen acc�pted ay Lender in#he Sta#�of Nebraska. <br /> Ghoice o'F Venue. l�there is a lawsuit, Trustor agre�s upon Lender's requ�st to submit ta the jurisdiction of the <br /> caurts�f Hal� Caun��, State❑�Neiaraska. <br /> J�int ar�d �evera� Liabilityo All vbfi�atio�s �� Trustar under this C�ee� af Trust sha[1 be join� and s�Wera�, �nd �Il <br /> re��rences to Trustar shall m�an each and eWery Trustar, This m�ans that each Trustor �igning b�low 15 <br /> �espvnsihl�far ail abligatians �n this []eed af Trust. <br /> IV�Vllai�er b�r L�ndero Trustar understands L�nder will not gi�e up any a#Lender's rights under th�s �eed o�Trus� <br /> unless Lender daes s❑ �n writ�ng. Th� fact that Lender delays ar �mits ta exercis� any right rnri�l not mean that <br /> Lender has given up �ha� right. if Lender dt�es agree in writing �a give up ❑ne o� Lender'� rights, that does nat <br /> r�nean Trus�or �nril� not ha�e �� camply with the ather pravisions �f this Deed �f Trust. Trustor aisa und�rs�ands <br /> that if Lender do�s can$en� tv a re�uestr that d�es nat mean that Trustvr wi�l nvt have ta �et Lender'� consent <br /> again if th�situation hap�ens againa Trustar further und�rstands that just because Lender consents to ane or rr�or� <br /> �f Trus�or's requestsr that does not mean Lender wi1[ �e required ta Gansent t� any of��ustor's future requests. <br /> Trustar�rvai��s presentment, dem�nd f�r p�yrn�nt, pr�test, and no#i�e of disF�onor. <br /> �evera�ility, I�F a �ourt finds that any pro�isian o� this Deed o� Trust is not �alid or shouid not be en��r�ed, that <br /> fact by it�el�vvil[ n�t m�an that the rest o�thi� �eed af Trust wilf n�t be �alid ar�nforc�d. Ther�fQr�, a �ourt r►►►ri�l <br /> en�arce the res�a��h� prv�isi�ns of this �e�d of Trus�even if a pr�vision o�this Deed af Trust may be found ta be <br /> inwalid ar unenfarceak�<e. <br /> Su��essors and Assigns. Sut�jec�t❑ any limitatians stated in this Deed c�f Tru�t an �rans�€er of Trustar's interest, <br /> this �Deed �f Trus� shall be bindin� upon and inure ta th� b�ne'�it af the parti�s, their successors and assigns. lf <br /> avvnership of the Property b��vmes vested �n a persan ather than Trust�r� Lend�r, vvrtha�afi n�tic� ta Trustvr� �nay <br /> deal with Trustar's success�rs with re�eren�e ta this Deed of Trust�nd the lndeb�edness by way of�orbearance or <br /> exter�sion without�e�easing Trustar fram th�abfigatians vf this Deed af Trust ar liability under�he lndehtednes�o <br /> Time is�f#he Essence. Time �s a�the essence in the p�rfarmance a#this Deed ❑f Trust. <br /> Vllaive Jury. A�1 �ar#ies tv this D���[ of Trust hereby waiv�the right to any jury tr�a1 in any acti�n, prviceeding, or <br /> c�unterclaim brought by any party a�ains�any athsr party, <br /> VIlaiver nf Hames#ead Exemptian. Trus�tar hereby releases and wai�es all rights and bene�its a� the hamest�ad <br /> exemption Iaws of the Sta�te of Nebraska as ta all Indeb�edness secured by this �]�ed a-f Trust. <br /> DEFINITI�NS. The f�flowing wards shall ha�e the fvll�wfng r�eanings when used in this D��d o�Trust: <br /> Beneficiary, The w�rd "Benefi�iary" means Equitable Bank, and its succ�sso�� and assigns. <br /> Barrvwer, The word "Borrawer" means Grant A Boyer and Amy L Boyer and includ�s a[� ca�s�gners and <br /> ca-makers signing the Cr�dit Agreement and all their success�rs an�! assigns, <br /> - Credit A�r��rnent9 Th� w�rds "�r�dit Agreemen�" m��n the cre�it agreemen� date� January ��, ��'��P v1d��h <br /> cr�d�t �imit of �5�,���.���rom Trustor ta L�nder,together with all renewals ��, e�tensiQns of, rn�di�ficatians <br /> vf, r�finan�ings a#, cansalidati�ns a�, and sul�stitu#ions ��r the prvmissary nvfe or agreemen�. The maturi�y da�e a� <br /> this Dee� of Trust is January ��, ���a. . <br /> �e�d af Trust. Th� w4rds "Deed of Trust" mean this �eed af Trus# amang Trustar, Lender��an� Trusfiee, and <br /> ir�cludes ,rvithaut limitatiora all assignment and security interes� provision� r�lafiing ta the Pers�nai Property anc� <br /> Ren�so � � <br /> En�irvnmental Laws. The WD!'�5 "Environmental Laws" mean any and all s�ater federal and lacal statutesp <br /> �eguiations and �rdinances relatin� t4 the pratectian �f human health �r the enviranment, inc�udin� witf�ou� <br /> lim�tatian �he �vmpr�hens�ue EnUi�onm�ntal Re�ponse, C�mpensation, and Liability �►ct o-� 1�8�, �s amended, 4� <br /> U,�.�. Se�tion 96��, et seq. ("GEF��LA"}, the Super�und Amendments and Reautharizatian Act vf �986, Puby Lo <br /> Na. 99-�99 {"SARA"},the Ha�ardaus Materials Transpor�ation Acf, �9 U.S.C. Se�tivn �8�1, et seq., the Resaurce <br /> C�nserWation and Reeovery �4ct, �-� U.S.C. Section 69�1, et seq,� v� vth�r applicahle stat� ar federal laws, r�le�, <br /> or regulatians ad�pted pursuant thereto. <br /> E��nt o�F Da�fau�f. The wvrds "Event a# D�faulti4 mean any�f the eWents �f default set farth �n this t�eed o�Trust in <br /> �he eWen�s ��f default secfiivn at this Deed �f Trust. <br /> Ex�sting �nd�btedness. The w�rds "Existing lndebtedness°' m�an the inde�tedn�ss c�e�crib�d �n �h� Existin� Liens <br /> pra�ision o�this Deed c�f Trust. <br /> Hazardaus Substanc�s. The words "Haza�daus 5ubstances" mean materia�s that, because vf their quantity, <br />