� 2� 17��751
<br /> �EED C]F Ti�LJST
<br /> �..LQ`i ��e Vi��L�VL��� ��+R/���1 G�d/M} ����e �
<br /> insuran�e policy also sha[� includ� an endars�ment providing that,caverag� in fav�r ❑f L�nder will no� be impaire�
<br /> in any r�va�by �ny a�t, �miss��n �r d�fau���f Trustor�r any other p�rs�n. Should �he Real Prvp�rty he lacafie� in
<br /> an ar�� d�signated by the Adminisfira��r of th� Federal Emerg�ncy Management�gency as a sp�cia! �Iood hazard
<br /> area, Trust�r �grees �a obtain and mainta�n Federaf Flofld [nsurance, if a�ai[ab�e. far th� maximum am�unt ❑f
<br /> Trus�or'� credit line and th� '�ull unpaid prin�Epai bal�n�e �f �ny priar li�ns or�the praperty s��uring �hs �aan, up to
<br /> the ma�imur� p�licy[imi-�s sefi under the National Flvod Insurance PrQgram, ❑r as otherwis�required by Lend�r, and
<br /> �fl rr�ain�air�su�h insuran��fior the term of th� �oan e
<br /> App�iG�fiivn c�t Proceeds. Trustar s�nall prampfil� n�fiify Ler�der��any lass a�r dama�� t❑ �h� Prvp�rty. L�nder rnay
<br /> rr��ke pra�fi �f �ass if Trustvr faiis ta do sa wi�h�n �Fif�teen {15� days af the casualty. �lheth�r ar not Lend�r's
<br /> s�curity is im�airedr Lsnder rn�y, at Lender's e[ecti�n, receive and re�ain �he prviceeds flf any insuran�e and �ppl�
<br /> �he prac��d� �� the reductian �f th� Ind�bfiedr�es�, pa�ment af any li�n af�ecting th� Praperty, or the r�s�taration
<br /> and repair of the Prop�rty. I� L�nder e[ect� �a apply the pr�Geeds t� �es�vratian and r�pair, Trustor sha1� repair �r
<br /> rep9aGe �he �3amaged �r �[estroy�d Improvem�n�s in a mann�r sat�sfactary t� L�nder. Lender shall, upon
<br /> satisfactory prvof �f su�h ex�en�i�ur�, pay or reEmburse Trustar frarri �he prflceeds far th� reasonable ��st af
<br /> repair ar restoratior� if �ru�tor �s n�t in d�fault under this �e�d �f Tr�aste lany �rac��ds which hav� na� been
<br /> d�sbursed wi�hin 1 S� days after their rec�ipt and which Lender has r��# ��mmitted t� the repair �r restaration of
<br /> fihe Property sha[� be used first t9 pay any amount owing tv Lender under this De�d �#Trus�, then t� pay accrued
<br /> interes�, and �he remainder, if any, �haf� b� �ppl�ed to the principai ba[an�e of the �ndebtedn�sse I� Lender h�lds
<br /> any pr��eeds after payrnent en ful� of �he Indebtedness� such p�oceeds sha�i h� paid f❑ Trusfivr as Trustor's
<br /> �nfier�s�� may appear.
<br /> �orr�p�ian�e �vith Exis��n� �ndeb#edness. During the period in which any E�€isting fn�iebtedn�ss des��ibed he[ov� i�
<br /> in effec�, corriplian�e with #h� insurance provisians canta�ned �n the instrumen� e�idencing 5L1CI'l Existing
<br /> Indeb�ednes� sha�! cansti�u�� complian�e ►nrith the insurance pravisians under thEs De�d a� Trust, �� �he ex�enfi
<br /> ��mplianc� with th� terms �f this Deed o#Trust would cansfiitute a dup�ic�tion �� insuranc� r�quirement. If any
<br /> proceeds fram the insuranc� be�ame payab�e ❑n Iflss, the provisi�ns in thEs Deed �f Trus� for di�ision �f pro�eeds
<br /> shal�apply�n�y to tha-�portEor�af th�proee��ls n�t payab{e to the h�lder�f the Existing [ndebteda�esse
<br /> LENDER'S E�PEN[7�TUF�E�. lf Trustar #ai[s 4A� �o keep the Praper-�y fre� ofi alI taxes, liens, security int�rests,
<br /> �ncumbrances, and other cla�ms, {B) t� pr��ide any required insurance on th� ���p�r�y� ��} �o mak� repairs ta the
<br /> Praperty flr t❑ camp[y with any a�iigatiar� ta maintain Exi�ting ln�eb�edness in gv�d s�andin� as required b�[�w, then
<br /> L�nder may da so. ff any act��n or prvc��din� is c�mmenc�d that wau[d ma�teria�ly affect Lender's infi�rests in �he
<br /> Pra{�erty, �hen Lender �n Trusto�'s behalf may, k�ut is nat required ta, �ake any .action �ha� Lender be�ie�es t� be
<br /> apprapriate to prvte�t Le�der'� in�eres�s. AI[ expenses in�urr�d ar paid d�y L�nde� far su�h purpas�s wil[ th�n bear
<br /> int�rest at the �ate �harged unde� th� C�edit Agreement fram the date in�urred ar paid by Lender to th� date ❑f
<br /> repayment b�Trustor, A[1 �u�h �xpenses wi[� be��m� a part❑f�he �nde�tedr�ess and, at Lend��'s ❑p�ion, v�ril� �Ay be
<br /> payabl� an d�mand; {B� be add�d tfl the balance of the ��edit Agr�ement and be appar�ivned among and b� pa�abEe
<br /> with any instal�rr�ent paym�n#s to beG�m�due during�i�h�r [�} th�terrr� af any app[icable insurance palicy; ar ��} the
<br /> remaining t�rm o�the Cr�dit Agreement; �r {C} be treated as a bal�oan payment which will b� due and payable afi fih+e
<br /> �redit Agr��:men�'s maturity. The �eed of Trust a[s� will secure paym�nt�f�hese arriounts. The righ�s pro�ided for in
<br /> th�s paragrapl� shal[ be in additivn �� any �ther righ�s ❑r �ny remedies to vuhiGh Lend�r may be entit[�d on accaunt vf
<br /> any d�tault. Any such actifln b�r Lend�� shal! not be const�ued as �uring the defaul-� so as ta bar Len�er from any
<br /> remedy that it❑ther�nrise would ha�� had.
<br /> VIrAF[RANTY; DEFEN�E�F T[TLE. The fo�l�wing �rovisions re�ating�o ❑uvn�rship❑f th� PrQp�rty�r�a part afi this deed
<br /> vf Trust:
<br /> Titl�o T'rustor warrants that: �a� Trustar halds gavd and m�rketable title ❑� record �o �h� Pr�perty in fee simpl�,
<br /> fre� �nd cl�ar �� al� fiens and encumbrances other tha� �hose set far�h in the Rea[ �r�p�r�y d�s�ript�Qn ar in the
<br /> Exis�ing �nde�tedness s�ctian beEflv►r �r in any ti�le insurance pa[�cy, titl� rep�rt, ar fina[ ti�[e apinion issued in fa��r
<br /> �f� and accep�ed �}�, Lender in �onnecti�n rnrith this Deed of Trust, and �b� Trustor has th� ful� rigf�t, pawer. and
<br /> �uth�ri�ty to execu��and deliWer fihis Deed af Tru�t to Lend��.
<br /> Defertse of Titl�. Subjec� t� �he exceptian in the paragraph abav�, Trustor warrants and wi[l farever clef�nd the
<br /> title �o the Prvperty against th� lawful claims �f a[� per��ns. �n the eW�n� an� acti�n �r pra�eeding is �ommenced
<br /> that�uest�ons Trust�r's fiitle a�the infierest af Truste�or Lender under thi� Deed ❑f Trust, Trustar shafl defend the
<br /> ���ion at�rustar's exp�ns�. Trustor may be the n�minal party in su�h proc�edin�, bu� Lender shall be entitled to
<br /> parfii�ipate in the proceeding and ta b� repr�sented in �he pro���ding by counsel o� Lender's flwn choice, and
<br /> Trus�or wil� delEv�r, Qr�ause t� b� de�i�r�red, tc� Lender such instruments as Lender rnay request frarr�tim�to tim�
<br /> to p�rmit such participatifln.
<br /> �ampliance lJ�ith Laws. Trustar warrant� �hat th� Prop�rty and Trusfior's use of the Pr�perty camplies with all
<br /> existing applicaE�le [awsr �rd�nan�eso and reguta#ivns�f governmental au�h�riti�s.
<br /> Sur�rival of Promis�s. All promises, agreements, and statements Trust�r has made in this Deed ❑f Trust shaEl
<br /> survi�� the executian and deli�ery o�this t]eed af Trust, �haIl be continuing in nature and sha[! remain in ful[ to�ce
<br /> and effect un�il su�h time as Trust�r`s Indebt�dness�s paid in full.
<br /> E}C15TIN� lNDEBT'EDNESS. The fo��awing provis�ons conc��ning Existing Indebtedn�ss are a part of this Deed ofi Trust:
<br /> Existing Lien. The li�n vf this �eed of Trust securing �he End�btedness may be se�andary and in'fer�or ta an
<br /> existing lien. Trustar express[y covenants and agr�es t� pay, or see ta th� paymen�flf, #he Existing [nd�btedness
<br /> and ta preWent any defaul��n su�h indebtedness. any d�fauft und�r th� instruments �Wi��ncing such indebte�ness,
<br /> �r any default und�r any security dacuments#�r su�h indebtedness.
<br /> �v Madifica��on. Trustor sha�l nat enfier �ntv any a�reem�nt with the h�[der ❑f any mortgag�, ds�d of trust, or
<br /> nth�r se�urity agreem�nt which has priarify over fihis Deed o�F Trust �y which thafi agreement is �-nodified,
<br /> amend�d, �xtended, or renew�d wi�hau� �he prior written cons�nt a� Lender. Trustor shal[ n�ither request n�r
<br /> accep�any futu�e advances under any su�h secu�ity agr�ement with�ut th�prior wr��ten cansen��f L�ndera
<br /> C�NDEII�NATIOIVe Ths f��lov�in� provisi�ns relating t�c�ndemnativn pra�eedings a�r� a part�#thi� C�eed of Trust:
<br /> Prac���l�ngs. [� any pra���ding in cvndernnatian is fil�d, Trus�ar shall promp�ly nQti�Fy Lender ir� wri��ng� and
<br /> T'rus�or �hall prvmpt[y take such steps as may be necessary t❑ defend the action and abtain th� avvard. Trustor
<br /> may be the nominal �arty in such prac��ding, but Lender shali ��entit��d#a participa�e in the prnceeding �and ta be
<br /> repr�s�n��� �n th� �roc�edin� by c�unsel �f its own chaice, and Trustor will de[i�er ar �ause ta be de[iver�d �❑
<br /> Lender such instrum�nts �nd docut�en�tatian as may b� requested �y Lender frorn $ime ta time t� permit su�h
<br /> parti�ipatione
<br /> �4�pli�ation o�IVet Proc��c[�. if�[� ar any part�f the Pr4perty is �ondemned �y emin�n�darnain pro��edin�s �r by
<br /> any proceeding ❑r purcha�e in ��eu nf�andemnation, Lender may at its e��:ctivn require fihat all or�ny por�ion af the
<br /> net pra��a�s of the award be appli�d to the lnd�bfiedness Qr the r�pair ar res�fl�ation af the Praperty. Th� net
<br /> proceeds �f�h� a►►r�rrard shall mean the �ward a��er p�yment a�F a!I r�asonab�e eflsts, e�pens�s. and at�arneys° ��e�
<br /> incurr�d �y Trustee ar Lender in cannectian�v��h the condemna�i�n.
<br /> l�llf��S�TI�[V �F T��iES. FEES AND �HARGES B� G�1lERNiV[EIWTAL ALlTH�RITIES� Th� foilowing prav�s��ns r��ating
<br /> t�gav�rnm�nta!-�axes� fees and �harges ar� a part af thi� Deed af Trust:
<br />