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2� 17��751 <br /> DEEa �F �fF�IJ�T <br /> L�ar� �V�: 8�������4� �C�ntinu�d} �ag� � <br /> threatened 1i��gatian ar claims of any k�nd by any per�on relating t❑ such matters; and �3} Except as pre�iausly <br /> disGl�sed�a and acl�nowledged by L�nder in writing, �a} n�ith�r Trusto�nor any tenant, contract�r, agent or a�her <br /> au�h�ri�ed �ser o�the Property shall use, generatee manufacture, store. treatr dispase �f ar releas� any Ha�ard�us <br /> 5ubstance an, under, abaut vr from �he Proper'�y; and �b} any such a��i�ity�hall be �ondu�ted in �ampliance with <br /> al� app[icab�e f�deral, state, and 1a�a1 �aws, regulations �nd ardinances, including vvithout limitat�on �I1 <br /> En�iranmenta� Laws. Trusfior auth�r�zes Lender and its agents to en�er upon �he Proper�y t� mai�� such <br /> �nspections and tests, at Trus�or's expense, as Lender may deem appr�priate tv determine Gamp�ian�e af th� <br /> Prop�rty Wi��'1 thlS section a� the Deed af Trust. �ny inspecti�ns ❑r tests made by Lender shall he ��r Lender's <br /> purpases only and �hail n�t be cvnstrued t❑ create any responsibility ar �iability on the part af Lender t�T�u�t�r vr <br /> ta any vther p�rs�ne The repres�ntati�ns �nd warrantie� can�ained herein are ba�ed �n Trustor`� due diligence in <br /> investigating the Pr�per�y #or Hazardvus �ubstances. �frustor hersby 4�� r�Ieases and waives any #utur� claims <br /> against Len�er fc�r inc�emnity �r ��ntributian in the event Trus��r becvmes Iiable �or cleanup �r vther cast� und�r <br /> any su�h Iairvs; and ��} agree� ta indemnify, defe�d� and ho1� harmless Lender against any and all claims, Ivsses, <br /> I[abl�lti�5r damages, penalties, and e�cpenses v�rhich Lende�may directly ar indirectly sustain ar sut��r r�sulting�r�m <br /> � br�ach af this s�G�ian o�the Deed af Trust �r as � �onsequ�nce o� any use, generat�on, manufa�ture, starage, <br /> dispasal, r�l�ase�r threat�ned �elease o�curring �rior ta Trust�r's own�rship�r int�r�st in the Prop�r�y, vvhether or <br /> not the satr�e was �r shoul� have been I�nawn �o Trustvr. The pr�visic�ns t�f this sect�an o# the De�d af Trus�, <br /> �ncluding�he obligatian to in�emnify and d�f�nd, shall survi�e�he payment af the indeb�t�dn�ss and th�sa�isfaction <br /> and recan��yanGe af the li�n af this Deed Q�Trust and sha�l not�� a�fected by Lender's acquisition af any interest <br /> in'�he Prop�rty, whether by f�reclasure or o�h�rwise. <br /> lllu�sance, Wast�, Trustor shall nat cause, candu�t or permi# any nui�an�e nor �ammi�, perrr-�i�, ar su�fer an�r <br /> stri�ping af or was�e �n ❑r to the Praperty or any partian o� fihe Property, W�t�ot�t limi�ing th� gen�rality a� the <br /> fvreg�ing, Trustor w�ll not rem��e, ar grant t❑ any athe�_party the right�a remov�, any timber, minerals �including <br /> ail and gas}� ��al, �lay, scoria, ��ii, gra�el❑r ra�k praduc�s without Lender's prior written cansent. <br /> Rerrao�al vf�m�rovemen�s. Trusfiar shal� not demolish vr remove any lmpravements�Fram the Real Prvperty w�thou� <br /> Lender's prior written cansent. As a c�nditian t�the remoWal of any lmprovemen�s, Lender may require Trustor�a <br /> make arrangements sa�is�ac�ary ta Lender to replace. such lmpro�ements with Improvements of at least equal <br /> Waluee <br /> L�nd�r's Ri�h�tv.Ent�r. Lender and Lender's agents and r�presen�a�i�es may enter upon the Real Property at �ll <br /> reasonable times to attend ta Lender's interests and to inspect �he Rea� �raperty for purposes of Trustor's <br /> compliance with the terms and canditians❑�this ❑eed a#Trus�. <br /> �omp�ian�e �rith Go�ernmental Requ�r�m�nts. Trustar shail promptly comply with a[1 laws. �rdinances. and <br /> regulations, now �r herea�ter in e��e�t, of a1f ga�ernmental auth�rities appli�able tv the use ❑r o��upan�y ❑f the <br /> Proper�y. Trustar rnay contest in gaod faith any such law, �rdinance� ar regulatian and w�thhold compliance durin� <br /> any praceedin�r including ap�rapriate app�als, sa �ang as Trustor has n�ti�ied L�nder in writing privr to d�ing s� <br /> and s� �on� as� in Lender's sole o�inian, Lender`s interests in the Property are nat jevpardized. Lender may require <br /> Trustar to pas��d�quat�security ar a surety bvnd, reasanably sa�isfactory to Lender,t❑ prateGt L�nder's interesto <br /> �u#� tv Protect. Trust4r �grees nei�her t� ahandon vr lea�e unattended the Prapertye Trustor sha�l da aIl ather <br /> acts, in additian t�those acts �et far�h abave in this section, whi�h fr�m the �harac�er and use a#th� Pr�p�rty are <br /> reasonably n��essary tv pr�tect and preser�e the Pr�perty, <br /> �UE �N SALE- C�NSENT B1C LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's optivn, dec�are immediately due �nd payabl� �lE sums <br /> secured by this Dee� o�Trus�upan th� sale or transfer, withau�Lender's priar writ�en consent, af all or any part af#h� <br /> Real ProRerty, �r an� interest in the Real Property. A "sale ❑r transfer" means the conWeyance of Real Pr�perty �r any <br /> right, title or interest in th� Real Pr�pe�ty; vtirhether [egal, h�nefiGia! �r equitahle; whe�he� �vlun�ary �r inWaluntary; <br /> whether by vutright saler deed, installment safe contractr land con�ract, c�n�ract for de�d, feasehald Ent�res� virith a <br /> term greater than three {�� year�, lease-apti�n �antrac�, ar hy safe, assignment, vr transfer vf any ��nefi�ial interest in <br /> ar t❑ any land trust holding �itle to the Rea! �roperty, ❑r by any �ther me�hod of cfln�eyance ❑� an in�erest in the Real <br /> Prap�rty. HoweWer, this optian shali nat be �x�rcised by Lender i� suc� e�€ercise is prohibited hy federal lavir or by <br /> fV�braska �aw. <br /> T�1�E� �Na LIEIVS. The f�ll�wing provisions relafiing t� the ta�€es and liens on the Prape�ty are pa�� of this �eed �� <br /> Trust: <br /> Pa}�ment. Trustar shall pay when due �and in alI e�ents prior tv delinquency} al!#axes, speciai taxes, assessments, <br /> ch�rges �incEuding water an� sewer}, fines and impasitians [eWied against�r on a�count af th� Pro�erty, and shall <br /> pay wh�n due a11 claims for w�rk d�ne an vr fc�r services rendered ar material furn�shed to th� Property. Trustor <br /> shall maintain th� Property free vf a[1 IEer�s ha�ing priari�y aWer ar�qua�ta the inter�st of Lender und�r�his ❑e�d af <br /> Trus�r exce.p� far the li�n of �axes and assessmen�s n�t du�, except for the Existing lndebtedness referred ta <br /> befaw, and exce�t as o�herwise provi�ed in�his Deed�f Trust, <br /> Righ�fio Cantesfi. Trust�r may withh�ld payment�f any tax, as$essment, or claim in cannectian with a g�ad faith <br /> dispute ❑ver�he�bligatian t� pay, sv ��ng as Lender's interest in the Praperty is nat�eapardEze�. �f a lien arises ❑r <br /> is filed as a result of nonpayment, Tru�t�r shafl within �ifte�n �'15} days �fter �he lien arises vr, if a lien is �ifedP <br /> rrvith�n ��fteen ��5} days aft�r Trustor has n�tice af the filing, s�cure the discharge of the lien, or i� requested by <br /> Lender, dep�sit with Lender cash ar a su�ficient corparate surety bond �r❑fher secur�-�y satisfactory�❑ Lender in an <br /> am�un�sufficien�ta discharge the �ien plus any casts and attorn�ys' #ees, ar ather �harg�s tha� cvuld �ccrue a� � <br /> resuft of a foreGlosure�r sa�e under th� �ien, In any can�est, Trustor sha[1 def�nd �'�sel�and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any ad��rse audgment before enfarcement agains�the Praperty, Trustor shall nam� Lender as an additional abl�gee <br /> under an�sur��y bond furnish�d in the cantest proceedin�s. <br /> E��dence vf Payment. Trustvr shall upvn demand furn�sh to Lender sa#�sfa��ory evidence �f payment af the tax�s <br /> or assessments and shafl auth�rize the appropriat� g�Wernmentai afficial ta defi��r t� L�nd�r at any time a wri�t�t�n <br /> statemen#�f the taxes and assessmen�s against the Praperty. <br /> Nati�e of�anstructian. Trus��r shalI nc�ti�y Lender at Ieas�fifteen �15} day� before any worlt i� comm�ncedp any <br /> serWices are furnished� ar any materials are supplied ta th� Prvperty, i�any m�chanic4s ��en, materialmen's �ien, ❑r <br /> ❑ther lien c�uld 6�e asserted an account af the w�rk, serWicesr ar materials. Trustor v►rilt upan request of L�nder <br /> furnisn to Lender advance �ssuranc�s satisfaGt�ry to Lender that Trus�ar can and will pa�r the �vs� o�r �uch <br /> irnp�v�ements. <br /> PF��PER�Y DAIIIIAGE �NS�IRAN�E, The fal�owing praUisiar�s relating tv �nsuring #he Praperty are a part o�fihis D�ed of <br /> Trus�o <br /> Maintenance af lnsurance. T�ustor sha�l prt�cur� an� rr�aintain policies o�f fire insurance vv�th standard extended <br /> c�Werage endors�ments an a replace�nent basis f�r th� �ul� insurahle value c�Wering all lmproWements ❑n the R�al <br /> Prvperty in �n amount sufficient to a�vid application of any coinsurance clause, and with a stan�ard m�rtgage� <br /> clause in fa�ar v�Lendero togethe�wEth su�h other ha�ard and liability insurance as Lend�r may reasanably require. <br /> Palicies shali be written in forrre, a171U[a�"1�5r �vWerag�s and basis reasanab[y acceptable to Lender and issued by a <br /> c�mpany �r companies reasonat�ly accep�able t� L�nder, Trustor, up�n re�uest vf Lsnd�r, will deli�er �v Lender <br /> � �r�m time �a time the palicies �r cer�ifica�es c�f insurance in��rm sa�isfactary�o Lender, inc[uding stipulat�ons that <br /> coW�rages will no� b� can�elled or diminished withaut at feast ten �7[3} days pri�r written natice to L�nder. Ea�h <br />