2� 17��735 :
<br /> �B� A�l Tak��ag awards shall be appl�ed as set forth in the Iriitial Credit Agreement.
<br /> Sect�on 3.1�. Confli�t vvith Deed of Trust Terms. The pra�is�on� of this Deed of
<br /> Trust ar�d the �redit Agreements shall b� cumu�ative and not mutually e�c�us�ve,
<br /> not�w�thstand�r�g any ir�c��.s�stencies.
<br /> Sect�on 3.13. Sect�on 3.13, En�irvnmental Representations, 'V�arrant�es and
<br /> Co�enants. T�e �rant�r rnakes the fo��ov��r�g representations, warranties and covenants, alI of
<br /> v�hich are subj ect ta an� e�cept�ons that the Crantor may ha�re previous�y disclosed �n w�•�t�r�g to
<br /> the Benef�c�ary, and w��ch, to t�e ext�nt that they deal w�t�repres�ntations of fact, are based ❑r�
<br /> the G-rantor's present kr�o�rledge, arr�ved at after reasonab�e inqu�ry.
<br /> �A} i�s�of the Trust Estate.
<br /> (1} The �rantnr shall: �a} use, hand�e, trar�sport or store Hazardous
<br /> IVlateria�s as defined under any Enviror�mental Lavv �b��� as her�ir�aft�r def�ned�; and �b) store or
<br /> treat nan-hazardo�.s�wastes: (i} �r�a goad and pruder�t manr�er �n the ordinary course of bus�ness;
<br /> and �i�} �n�ompliance�ith alI applicab�e Env�ronrner�tal Laws. -
<br /> �2) The �rantor shal� r�at conduct or a��ow to be conducted, ir� �:
<br /> �iolation af any Er�v�ra�.rner�tal Law, any business, operat�ons �r act�vity on the Trust Estate, the
<br /> r:
<br /> ::
<br /> �iolation of�rhich could reasonably be expected to cause a materia� adverse effect a�. t�.e use or �
<br /> � .
<br /> value �f th� Trust Estate, or, e�cept �n compliar�ce �vith appl�cable lavv, ernplay or use the Trust
<br /> .
<br /> �state to ger�era��, use, hand�e, manufacture, treat, store, process, transport or dispase of any
<br /> I-�azardous Mat�ria�s, �r any other substar�ce �v�ich �s prahibited, cor�tral�ed or regu�ated under
<br /> applicab�� la�vv. The Grantor shal� not use the Trust �state �n a �vay that pase� a threat ar
<br /> nuisan�e to public safety, health or the �nviro�.m.er�t, ar cause ar a�1ow to be caused a kn��vn or ��=
<br /> suspected re�ease af I�azardous Materials, on, ur�der, �r from the Trust Estate.
<br /> �3) The �rant�r sha11 not da or perrnrt any act or thir�g, business �r
<br /> operation that poses an ur�reasonable r�sk. nf har�m, or �rnpairs or may �rr�pair the �a�ue of the
<br /> Trust�state or any part thereof.
<br /> f�.
<br /> �B� Cond�tx�n of the Trust Estate.
<br /> ��
<br /> �:
<br /> (1} The �rantar sha�� ta�e a�� appropriat� response actions, �nc�udir�g
<br /> any re�naval and rernedial act�ons3 1n the e�ent of a re�ease, ernissi�r�, d�scharge or disposal of
<br /> Hazardous Mater�als in, an, under, or abaut the Trust Estate, so as to remain �n comp��ance �vith
<br /> a11 Environmenta�Laws.
<br /> ��� Al�ur�derground tar�ks,�el�s, septxc tanks,ponds,p�ts, �r any other ��
<br /> �::
<br /> storag� tanks (�vhether current�y i�. use �r abandoned� on the Trust Estate, rf ar�y, are, as of the
<br /> dat�hereof, maintair�e�l in cornp��ar�ce�vith a1� appl�cable Envirnr�xner�ta�Laws.
<br /> f�
<br /> F:'
<br /> I':
<br /> I:`:
<br />