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2� 17��735 <br /> �E� Notice of Damage or Destructxon. A�1 praceeds af�nsut•ance ma�ntained under <br /> the I��t�al Credxt Agreement s�all be applied as set forth in the Initial �r�d�t Agree�m.e�.t. <br /> Secti�n 3.�9, Beneficiary Right to Expend M�ney ta Protect Trust Estate.From time <br /> to tirn� upan at least 3� days' pri�r written notice to �ra�tor, t�e Benefic�ary rnay, in its sole <br /> d�scretion, but shall not 1�e obl�gat�d to, advance funds on be�alf of the �-ra�tar, in order to <br /> ensure compliance v�ith any cover�a�t or agreement of the Grar�tor made in or pursuant ta thzs <br /> Deed of Trust or an� of t�.e �redzt Agreements, to preserve or protect any r�ght or inter�st of the <br /> Ber�eficiary in the Trust Estate or under or pursuant to this I�eed of Trust or any of the �red�t <br /> Agreements, including, vv�thout ���n�tati�n, the payment of an� insurance premiurns or taxes and <br /> the satisfact�or� or discharge af a�.y judgme�.t ❑r a�y Lien upon the Trust Estate or ather property - <br /> or assets of the �rant�r (other than Permit�ed Encumbrances�; pro�ridec�, hawever, that the <br /> making of an�r such ad�ance by t�e Benef�cia�y sha�l r�ot constitute a waxver by the Ber�e�c�ary of <br /> any Event af Defau�t w�th respect to �vhich such ad�ance �s made r�or e�cuse the �rantor from <br /> arzy perf�rma�.ce requ�red hereunder. The �rantor shall pay to the Benef�c�ary upan dema�d aIl <br /> such advances rnade by the Be�eficiary w�th interest thereon at a rate equal at aI� ta 4%per <br /> annum above the Beneficiary's "�oBank Base Rate." For purpases hereof, the CaBank Base <br /> Rate sha�� mean the rate of �nterest estab��shed by the Beneficiary from time ta time as ��s <br /> �oBank Base Rate, which rate �s intended by the Benef�.czary t� 1ae a reference rate and not its <br /> �owes�rate. A�� �u�h advances ar�d accrued rr�terest shal�be secured�y this Deed of Trust. <br /> :: <br /> Sect�on 3.1D. Further Assurances. Upon the r�quest of the Benef�c�ary ar�d subject to �� <br /> the prav�sions of Section 6.9 af the Initiai �red�t Agr�e�m.ent, the �rar�tor sha�� pramptly do ail <br /> acts and thin�s, includ�ng the execut�on, ac�nowledgment and de�ivery of such amendments <br /> thereta and other instruments and docu�x�.�nts as the Beneficiary may request, to enable the <br /> Benefic�ary to perfect and ma�r�tair�the Lien �f this Deed of Trust andlor the Be�.ef ciary's r�ghts �M <br /> and rem.edies hereunder. ; <br /> ;- <br /> S�ct�on 3.11. �ondemnation,Etc. <br /> (A} T�i� Grantor hereby �rrev�cab�y ass�gns to the Beneficiary any award or pa�ment <br /> whxch b�c�mes payab�e to the Grar�tor by reason of ar�y tak��g of the Trust Estate, �r any part <br /> thereof, �rheth�r d�rect�y ar indirectly ar temporari�y or permanently, in or by condemnati�n or <br /> other eminent domain pr�ceed�ngs �here�nafter called a "Taking"}. Far�hv�rith upon receipt by the <br /> �rar�tor af nQt�ce �f the institution of any proceeding or �.egotiat��ns f�r a Tak�n� �n excess of <br /> $5�,��D, the Grantor s�.a�� g��e notice thereof tn the Beneficiary. The Benef�ciary may appear in <br /> ar�y such pr�ceedings and participate in any such negot�ations and n�.ay be represented by cauns��. <br /> The Grar�tor, notVv�thstanding that the Benefic�ary may not be a par�y to a�y such proceeding, <br /> �: <br /> shall promptly give to the Benef�ciary ��p�es of a�� not�ces, p�ead�r�gs,judgments, determinatio�s ;� <br /> ar�d other papers received by t�e �rar�tor therein. The �rantor sha�1 not enter �nto a�.y agreement =; <br /> permittirig ar conse�t�ng ta the taking of the Trust Estate, or any part thereof, or prov�d�r�g far the <br /> canveyance thereof in Iieu of condemnati�r�, v�ith anyone author�zed to acquire the same xn <br /> condemnation or by eminent domain un�ess the Benef�c�ary shal� f�rst �ave conser�ted thereto in <br /> writing. <br /> �� <br /> �- <br /> �. <br /> �: <br />
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