____ .: ____ _. . _
<br /> '�y.•$' '� _ -�L _ ..rt ' -to� 3Y� _ r y _ �i1j�< `^ ( �p�� '
<br /> n:- -_`:YC c ' �s4L�iLP'•ra:�si -..C;.r3..=u�u_ '�#�i���S:YiZ�.S4 C'.:?`+3``� .t�. :t.� J i:A _1'i:: ��.1-.,y �r .S�-.�'k�('��`Y.�h4`?��'.cEL�G4�:w��ii �L^:iCA'.•`-:v..:v:._.
<br /> ���:,�5`'u�,�ica�:�4i S�'�`_ '�s;..�9Rri"'�r'��f�m��'E`�bio���f?`- '_sc,t• '_',.r a����c�t '��7aa`�:�Er`�.r.�1��f��3�£�C�tit"''�-`�s.�''''-'�`'.+tm��aa�eu�,k.�-- _-_
<br /> � � �
<br /> y . ... __..��.-....��..�._� .�� ___�
<br /> ` _ -�_._�—.._.�+r..,�..�
<br /> k � 9�" 1�0'71� '
<br /> � (a) A sum equal to the ground rents,if any.next due: Qius the pre ums thas wil aest bero e due and payable on
<br /> ' policits of fire and other isazard ensurance co�er�ng ti�e pruperty.plus taxes and assessments next due on the pmperty (QIl
<br /> � . as es�icxureQ bc�he l�nder}tess alI sum.s atready paid thercfor ciivided�by the number of inontl�s tn elaQse beforr one(!)
<br /> ' month prior t�t3ie date wl�ea such ground �ents, premiums, taxes and assessments wi!{become delinquent,sach sums to
<br /> 6e hetd by Lender in tnist to pay said gtnurt�i rents, premiums, taxes arcd s�ecia! ass�ssrraents; and
<br /> � (1s) Al!paymersts mentioned in the ptec�eding subsection of this paragraph and all pa}rmeats to(m made under the note
<br /> k secured[iereby si�a1l he added toffiether,and tlie aggredaie amoant th�reaf shal!t�c pa'sd by the Barrower eacf� month in a
<br /> singie payment tn be applied 6y the Lender to the followin� itea�tts in the order set farth:
<br /> (n ground rents. taxes,assessments, fire artcl other hazard insurance premiums;
<br /> €=n interest on the note sccured hereby; and
<br /> �� . �
<br /> f�) ��rtization of the prin�ipal of said note.
<br /> l�ny deficiency in the amount of such aggregate monshly payment shaA. unless made good by the Barrawer prior to
<br /> ttie due date of the next sach payment, consdtute an event of default under this mortgage.The Iznder may couect a "late
<br /> _ charee"e�t t^exseed faur ceats(aC}for eac�dallar iSl�of each payment rrtore[han fifieen(15j days in a�rrea=s 1z�cx;.:er '
<br /> j � ihe exba ex�invalve.�1 in handling dclinquent payments. � .
<br /> � � . ,
<br /> � 3. That if�'tf�totaT af tifre payments made by the Borrower under(a)of paragraph 2 preceding shall exceed the amount
<br /> of payments a�Iy made by the I.�ade-r for�round rents,taxes and assessments or inrctrance premiums,as the case may �' �
<br /> �' be,such exce�,�.,i rTtte loan is current,af the option of the Borrower,shall be credited[�y che Lender on subsequenc payments �
<br /> to be made by tit�Borrower.or refuntied to the Borrower.If. however,the monihly payments made by the Borrower under
<br /> (a>of paragraph 2 preceding shall not be sufficient to pay grc�und rents,taxes and assessments or isuaraace premiums,as
<br /> the rase may be.when the same shall become due and payable,then the Boaower shall pay to the Yxades a��-atnount necessary
<br /> to make up the L..Pficiency.on or 6efore the date when payment of sach ground rents.taxes,assessments,er�.��rance pr�;.ums
<br /> - : shap be dud.Ii��T any time the Borcower shall tender to the Lender,in accordance with the pravisic�s�;s the aate yH.:��
<br /> ' hese'a}�.;`V;,I�:�;:��;rsent of tl�e entire indebtedness rcpresente:d thereby.the Lender shall. in computing u����ount of��iF��-
<br /> � de'�t,s�"Lzss�,cr�.��to the�ount of the Borrower any balance remaining in the funds accumuiated��-uhe provis�a�s-�� � `
<br /> � (a)of paragt-��2 herevf.Lf r.here shal!be a default undcr any af the provisions of this instr�:-rQr,t res-_:c:.ag in a�SUe'.i;�sar�. .
<br /> of the premi:,y�.��vered hereby,or if the lxnder acquires the property otherwise after defs��it tttK b,e��er 3hai1�s�-�,C�,.�,;
<br /> the time of th���a:,�mencement of such proceedings,or at the time the property is otherwise ucquir�. �ce�alance til�;e- �-,
<br /> maining in the t�,:nds accumulatedunder(a)of paragraph 2 prereding,as a credit against thc Amount of pTn•:.ipal then remain-
<br /> ing unpaid under said note. :� ;;,,
<br /> , 4. ThaT d��t3�rrower will pay ground rents, taxes,assessmcnts.water rates,and other govemmental or municipal charges.
<br /> ; fnes, or imFc-:+�:ns, for which provision has not t�en made hereinbefore. and in default thereaf the Lender may pay the
<br /> c�me; and that the Borc�c�«�:r will promptly deliver the�fficia! receipts thcrefor to the Lender. y';.�.
<br /> � .��,�j,,.�,;
<br /> r....,
<br /> � 5. The Borrower�iII u�y�II taxes which may be Ieviuf upon the l.endcr's interest in said real estate and impr�svements. `��;� -�
<br /> • and which ma�• ��e levied 4�on this irrsinr.mem or the debt sccured hereb (but ont to thc e.ec r.s;, '�.`
<br /> Y y nt that such is nnt�rcli:.s ,.d �,
<br /> by law and cc�i.�.c the e.,:e-:t'aat sac!t wi11 nut make this loan usurious),6ut exciudi»g any income tax. State or F���:al. ;',r �
<br /> in.��sed on l.e:.der.and«;i.-1.::;.'e the c,ffieial reeeipt shawing sueh payment with rhe Lender.Upon viala�.ec�c,af this unGzT.ak- "� .'�
<br /> ' ias.or if the Borrower is prUhibitcd by any law now or hereaftcr existin fiom �r, the whole or an �=:�;.• • `��''"�'�'
<br /> S P4Y� S Y Po�r:�t of the..��cYsaid ,
<br /> � taxes.ar upo:s:�he rendering of any court decrce prohibiting the payment by �he Bnrrower oi any such tates.+��is w;t�;`aw
<br /> �• os decree�ror;�es that any amount so paid by the Borrowcr shall hc credited an thc dcbt,thc Lendcr s�,�:.?�a�e iA�e�r:�ht
<br /> �� hx�ive ninety�oy�s'writt�:?..^,ntice to the awncr�f thc premiscs.rcc�uiring the p 3;rnent of the debt. U su�l,�s�.r.:.e be given. ''``�f`
<br /> ¢�h•�a:d debt chall 6ccar.i;:;�ti;;c, payahle und retillectiblc at thc expriation nf sai;i ninety days. '�s �
<br /> � ,,.
<br /> ,
<br /> r �. 77;:t�1-r.,uld the&�rrc;wer fail to pay any sum or kcep any cr>venant pruvidecf for in this instrument,then the la�r;;;;er.
<br /> � aa ic,;:�;ti��,r�_r,-�y pay ar pe~�cren the�ame,and all expenditures tio made shall he added to the principal s::c:i owing on the
<br /> �� �:.►x�'+i: :1�te. �;:�ayl be securui;�ercb;+, and shal) bcar intere.rt at the rate �et fi�rth in the said n�te, umi!�:,si�s.
<br /> 7. That th� Be:rcea�cr J.�::eby assignti, tramf'ers and scts over ta thc l.ender,to be applied tc�ward thc payment af.:hc
<br /> note und all sums seccd r:,i{;�reby in rase af a def�ult in the petformanre of any of the tcrms and conditie�ns c�f this in��tn�.n-ent
<br /> nr thc said note,a(f of,e rcr,i.:.. revenucs and incomc ta be derived from the said prcmises during such time as rlie zrtd�J:CLL��:'.^iss
<br /> , shall remain unpsid,�4nJ�1�,�:�:,.ndcr shall havc{x,�ver to appc,int any agent m:�gcnts it niay desire fnr the p�r}�u=c of repairing
<br /> s2;�l�prcmises and cf rcnti;r�a thc same and collectin�;the rents, revenucs and inconte, and it m�y pay out ��;�id irrc;m�s
<br /> �fi expenses of rea�i;irc�:_,:,�premises an�i neccssery tommissiuns and cxpenses incurred in renting and mannging ta��:,vrr.�
<br /> and nf r��llectin:�, ;entnls theref'rom: the b�lattce rem�ining, if any, tc►he s�pplicd roward the discharge of said indcbter.':,cs�.
<br /> — �. that ti�e 13urrnwer will keep the impruvemrnts n�w existiug or hereafter er�cted un the propeny, insured as rnay ` -�
<br /> be rcyuired frum time tn time by the Lcndcr againtit loss by fire and other h�ardr, casual�iet und cuntingertcies in such
<br /> �` umuunts and fnr such peri�cis a� may bc reyuired by the l,ender and wiU pay pr�miptly.w�hen�iuc,any premiums un tiuch �
<br /> intiurance pruvisian fc,r payment uf which hay nut tx;en mJde hrreinb:fi�rc. All insuranre shall tre carried in eomp;�nics ap- ,
<br /> prnvcd by the 1�ndE�r,���t���-��s����,.�a:��,,,:s3s th::rc�:€�ha11 tn hrid t�y�i{�r{�-ndcr an�i�avc attachc�f thcret�ti tuss payaf�lc �.�.
<br /> cl�uses in favur��f�tnd in fiirm acce�+tahlr te� the Lender. In event��f I��.s liurr����er�sill give unmediate nE►tice hy mail te� 7�
<br /> Ihe 1,encier,wh�n�ay iiiake prnof c�f lo�s if m�t ma�dc prurnpdy by Rnrn,�cer,and each in.urance cu�nptmy cnnrerrted iti hereby
<br /> � uuthuritcd und dircctcd to anakr p�yutcnt fur �uch t��ss d�tcctly� to thc l.cndcr��ntcaJ of t�r!hc Hurruact and the l,raJcr �'
<br />� � ju9ntly,anJ the m�uranre pr��rceels, ot any parl�herruf, n►ay hc ;�pphcd hy fhc 1.��ii�cr at n�c�pti��n eilher to Ihr reduct�un `r
<br /> ' oi��he ittdchiednr« hcrehy �ccur�J��r to tlte rr.a,ratiun��r rcpasr��t thc pu�perty d.im�:zc�f. In cc�n�nf f��rcrl���urc of th�, �,�p�
<br /> � m�srutncnt��r u�htr trat�tifet„t titic h•the nwrt�a�:id prn�r+:rt�m t�xlinkui.h�ncnt ut Ih��rt�fchtc�lnz.�x.urc�t hcrchy.all n�cht. _ s�,!�`�
<br /> --.�_ Itll�:anc� �attrre.{ i�f !�. Fiotrc�wcr in an�1 te►ttny in�ur,in�e �dir ir. �1�ci► itr(�,ter eF1:lI� �J.G t�1 l�lk� �,t►�rti.�>4r,�r �ratuer.
<br /> �� .
<br /> .�-Z�" .. y �fldl .1���4JuinuaF i![li�C�+}1dll'!d� tiClltt:lY fti� E�IC��Jyhlt'f����t ff�l'IIiiIC lt;r4fl�+i't�. .Itit�.l{: �UHI� (��(;�utllt't�lll It111.jCF
<br /> — � �tfi,` IItt6 ut,ltuht�•n�. Ihr Ilut���wca hcrchti .l��i��n. tu[fie (.cncl.r .�D(►rnf�t,. rc�cn�i;•. i�,t.ithr•. ri�!ht,.>>�_} t���u�fd. .i..ruinE� t,�
<br /> ,�}��i«,` Ii�r k:ttr:�s�rt un.tcr an: tinJ<�fl��i)�in�i}�.�. Ic.��t•�.��r� �,r.�4�•rri��i,c� ��itl�th� n�`n��� r�.:c�r.+n„ ir.ivpt t��t tln•�.��nr:utcl
<br /> sr','�f•, i'�.'��• �`4 1 n•�, HUt1921Qa•pT Ef;�. : ;j.�i;; �r �
<br /> f...c�:
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