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<br /> ej2`f�Fr`.�. .�n1fr'�a' hIDi"'A�.i'=''�b:_iti„i:�-�ii-`:i��:{�;%.'r41�'�iu v;"'�' �i, �;t��.:::h�-: <r-�.�,�'�' ' :%`i�, ,._ _,^+�nf:h...i,., _��;o�:���.,��y� "'�"'t :.^.i'�•%;... ;+...r.t�l<-�c����' -7_c ''�`' .
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<br /> _—_ _- �'i'�_�._�_= — -- - -
<br /> T -----
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<br /> �,,., �16
<br /> i appty them co said indcbt�drt�ss as we!!6efore as after defautc in t1��conditions oF[his instru+ment,and the Lend�r may de-
<br /> � mand.sue for and recovcr any such payments when due anb payable.but shall nnt be required so to dv. This a:siy►nment
<br /> � is to terminate and b�cume null ar.d void upon release of this instrument.
<br /> � t0. TBat the Borr�iver wil!keep the buildings upon said pr�mises in ge� repair, and neither cummit nor permit waste
<br /> upan said land. nor suffer the said premises to be us�d for any unlawful purposz.
<br /> � 11. That if the premises,or any pan thereof,6c condemncd uncier th�po�ver af eminent dcr,nain,or acquired far a pu6lic
<br /> use,the damages awarded,the procce�s far the takin fi of.or thc consideration for such acquisitian.to the extent of the ful!
<br /> . amount of ittdebte�neas upon this insuument and the not�which it is given ta s�.rure remaining unpaid;ate hereby assigsteA
<br /> � by the 8<1r�r�wer to the Lender.and shal(be paid fonthwith to said Lender tn bc appiied by thP latter an accaunt nf the next
<br /> matudn� ins2nilments of such indebtedness.
<br /> 12. The Borrower funher agrees that shoutd this instr�ment and the note�secured hereby nat 6e eligible far insurance �
<br /> under the Nationa!Huasing Act within eight�nonths from the datc hereaf(written stutemeni�f any uff�c�r of the Depamnenb �
<br /> , of Housiag and Urbart Develapment or authorized agent of the Secretary of Honsin�and Ur3en Development da�ed�36se- �
<br /> . quent to the eight months'time from thc date of this instrumcnt, declining t�insure said nate and this mortgage.being deem- ;
<br /> ed conclusive pronf af eucfi ineligibiliryD,the Lender or halder of the note may,at it::aptian,decittre ail sums sccured hereb�� i
<br /> immediately due and payable. Natwithstanding the foregoin&,€his option may nat bc exersised by the I.ender or the holder �
<br /> � of the nata when the inetigibiliry for insurance under ih�fl{ntic�ttal Huusing Act is due.ta the Le.ndcr's fai{ure ta remit the +
<br /> ' martgage Inf•urancz pmmium tu the Department of Housi��t�nd �Irban Devetnpmant.: ;
<br /> �' . .. �
<br /> J •.
<br /> _�� i 13. That if thQ Bnrrntver fails to make any pzymentr:oG money whcn thc same become due,.roa fail�.to conform to and J
<br /> ' comply with any af:ll��conditions or agreementt.contuined in this inslnaman�; or�thc note wbivbiitisecores,then the endre ;
<br /> ` principaJ-:SUm and'acertied interest shall at once becomc dite�nd payAblu, at thu etcction,of the I.eader. ;
<br /> f
<br /> � [.eiider shall give notice to Borrawer prior to acceleration faltawing Horrower's breach of any coveaant ar ugreement �
<br /> � , in this instrument(but�not prior to acceterration under paragraph 12 unles:�applicable taw pra►ides otherwise). The rtotice �
<br /> : • ' shall speci�j: (a)the default;(b)the action required to curie th�:default� ('o)a date, not.less than 30 days from the date the '
<br /> - s.` notice is.�iie�to Borrawer.b��which the default must be cun�i; and(d) that failure h� cure the default on or before the � ' '
<br /> ; date speci�o�;n the notice may result in acceleration of thc r���ecured by this instrument and sale of the Property. The j
<br /> ; notice sha'T�,�rther infarm Barrow�r of the right to reinstate�Cteraccetersitian and the right to bring a eourt action to asseri i
<br /> j the non-existenre of a�fe�`ault or any other defense of 8nrra�ver to acceier�uon and salc. If the deG1�3i is noi cured on or �
<br /> � before the date specife.i in the notice.Lendcr at i�option may require immediate payment in fui3 aF all sums secured by ' .
<br /> � this instrumsnt without further demaad and may invoke the power of sale and any othec remedies permittecl by applicable �
<br /> ; law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incucred in pursuing the remedies provtided in this paragraph 13, in- (
<br /> : cluding. but not limitui.to, reasonabte atturneys' fe.s and costs of title evidence. i
<br /> I If the power nf sa9e,is invoked.Trustee shalt tecard a notics�of default in each couetn� cn uhicix A:�y part of the Propetty � , '�
<br /> � is locate�.�..;n,r shall mail copies of si.rch notice in the manner pre��ribed b y a p plirable law r,n Bc�au�r:r and to t h e o t her p ersons � ; '���
<br /> � � prescribct��y applicable law.After thc time reyuired by applic,i►sl,;,aw,Trustce�+hail give p�L•Eic auti�x af sale ta the persons � ;��.�
<br /> and in the manner pr:<.�ibed by applicable law. Trustee, witt�uct ucmartd on Borrower. xhall sel! the Property at public �����
<br /> auction ta thc highest Uiu�ter at the time and place and undcr the ter:ns.ci;;.-�:,�L�!-,ated in the notice of sale in one or more parcels '�r'
<br /> �„� :
<br /> and in any ardcr Trustec deterrnines. Trustee may postpane tiate of aIl ce any parcel of the Property by public announcement
<br /> at the time and place of any pre��iausly scheduled sale. I.endcr or its des;gnee may �±crchase the Property at any sate. �
<br /> ' Upon receipt c�f payment of the price bid,Trustee shall dcliver[o the�vir.chaser'd'�s.�ze,:'s deed.c.��^veying the Property. .r
<br /> � The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall tx;prim�facie evidenr.e of the tr+:�?of the su�.t:x7ents mdCe therein. Trustec shall •%
<br />_ ; apply the procceds of ehe sale in the following order: (a)to all�:s�nses of the sale, in.?'u6ing. but not limitccl ta,Trustee's -
<br /> - fees as perrr►iued by applicabfe law and reasonaDle attorneys'f.��;,w;.(b)Ic�;,';sums secured by this Security Instrumenl; and
<br /> (c)any exccss w Ihc person or persons leg�lly cntided to it.
<br /> 14. Upnn accelerati�n under p�ra�raph 13 or abandonment o�'the Property, Lender(in person. by agent or by judicially �
<br /> appointcd rt�eeiver)shall be entitleci tm enter upon, take possc<.;:���� �f and manage d�c: ��operty and to eolleet the ren�s of � `
<br /> � the Properc j including those past du�.°,. Any rents cnlluted by 'Lender nr the receiv4r�I�all be applied first to payment of '
<br /> the costs of management of the Pc;,�:ry and cr�1l�:ction of rents,ineludin�, b�t aur i�rnited tv,receiver's fees. premiums �
<br /> - c� receiver's bonds and ri:asonabte::.c�orneys' f�, and then!c�the suni�s sr,�;�r:���} this instrument. .
<br /> 15. lJ�,r�it paymcnt of all sums sc�.��rsd by this instrumem,l�,;r,�ter shull ru{�l:�:t'Teu±�t�reconvey the Properry and shnll �
<br /> , surren.tr.-r r1iSti instrument and all nutes cvidcnring debt secun:+� by khis i��U�il?�ent to Trustee. Trustee shall rcconvey the
<br />_ �sope�cy without war�amy artd withaut charge to the person nr�crsvns 1�.�;if!y entitled to it. Such persan or persnn5 shall
<br /> pay ah}� terorclation co�ts.
<br /> � , � . _ --_-_
<br /> 16. Lender,at its uption.may from timc ta time rcmnve Tc�l:r.��e snd appoint a successor trustee to any Trustec appninted �
<br /> hereundcr by an entrurrtent recarded in the rnunty in which this instrument i�.recurded. Without conveyance��f the Property,
<br /> Ihe successur tr�estee shall �urreed tu all the titic, power�nd duties cunfer�c�upon Trustee herein and by applicable taw.
<br /> 17. &irruwer rcyuetits that cupies of'the nuuces af default�nd wle Ne ticnt tu Einrrow•cr'�aclJre�s which is thn Prope.ny �
<br /> Address. ���
<br /> � IS. If unr or m��re riders are e!�ecuted by&►rrower and recorded toga;ther with thiti instrument,the rucrnantti and�gt�cmenl+ ���
<br /> of c.ieh such rider shall he incutpur.�ecei intn�nd shall amenJ and�uppicment the cuvcnant.rand;�greemcmti��f�hi�in�mm�ent r"�
<br /> , a►ii'the ridcr/y► «•ere a patt uf this �ns�rumerit. ���
<br /> ��
<br /> i���;� 19 'f'he cm�cna�rts h�tc�f�runL•wrcd sh:ill binJ, arul!h. bCllCfllS ilfLll�SLIV3tlt:l4�.'.Eti tft:l�I IHtJfI' tu, thr recpert�ve he�r�.,ez-
<br /> i!�Jaj ciuts,r4.;��1mit�istraiurs.sw•crtisurs.anJ a��i�;n���S th�:p�r�cec heretu �Vhenc�vrr u.cJ. �hr s�ngular nutnhrr sh:,ll iu�lude thc
<br /> ��s rlur�E, �IEe pl�erat thc s:nbutar, an�) �trc u�c��f�ny gcnder sha11 incl�cic aU �;et�dcr�
<br /> � f{5,'
<br /> � s�.�t:
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