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<br /> �� � Staie of Nebsask� DEED U� TYt�JS� _ �� ; �
<br /> FHA Cec�f�
<br /> 321 13 858-7d3 ,
<br /> • . 2Z060I]:81 �
<br /> ;
<br /> . � �'HLS i3EED f2F TRU5Tt("Security [resuum.�,�",1�is:t�1Y€�:.on FE9RilARY 9 . r
<br /> l9 9Q .The ttustoT is �FFERY A. HEIN AND T,�:'i$.�"�;;[1. FiEZV, HUSHA.�1'�3 g1ATD WI�'E �
<br /> ("Bosro�t4r,:),�ie crustee is .
<br /> OCCIA�ITA� N�ItFiSICA SAVINGS BAL�7K. F.S.H. • � (•`Tcusiee"j,'�b�nefeeiary is ' :
<br /> CCCZDEI3TAL NEBRASKA SAQINGS BANK, F.S.H;:. �=. • � ,, v�rhich is organized and existing ?
<br /> �
<br /> �nder tt�: laws of NEHRI�SRA � ;��.wlr�se a�Y'at�s�:is:.. t
<br /> . 11'7a4 W CENTER RD OMAHA� NEBRAfiF.Fk.. .. (.•Lender"). 1
<br /> . � i
<br /> _ Witnesseth:That the Borrmnrer in consid.r�ion af,tla3�deht a���tiie.st,b��3�t��.described and created,and the sum �
<br /> � of One Doltar(SI),ta him in hantt paid by tfte Trustee.��,rc�ipt of•whis6,i3_t;:s�j�aJ�owiedged,does by these presents
<br /> � grant, bargain and sell.canvey and confirm.unto thP'�r�4���r_,.forever, all.o:�tt�;.C�Ylrwing descn'bed real estate, situated �
<br /> [ying as�d being in the•Cuunry �f �L ,and State vf N�braska,to wi� �
<br /> . �
<br /> �
<br /> s �
<br /> i
<br /> . �
<br /> , i
<br /> � ' I
<br /> ... � �
<br /> ,
<br /> �
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<br /> � .
<br /> .. . . . i
<br /> � . �
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<br />... - . . . i : �
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<br /> � ; .
<br /> 1
<br /> ,j
<br /> ��. �
<br /> •!. . .. ' • � � .. �_
<br /> � , which has the address of 4122 DR2FT��pIS D�IVE . GRAND ISIAND , � � - --
<br /> ��;� �:-_a, tc��y�
<br /> 'f Nebraska 68803 ("�;:W�ty Address•"); '�
<br /> (7.ip cad:r �
<br /> To Have and To Hold thc premises abnvc described, with aU the appurtenartces thereunta belonsing and including all j �
<br /> heating.plumbing and lighting fixtures und equipment now or hertafter attached to or used in cannection with said real estate � ' `
<br /> �, unta the Trustee.and to its successars and assigns, fotever. The Borruwer represents to.and covenants with,the Trustee. j �,�` �
<br /> � that thc Bnrrowcr has gaxi right to scll�nd convcy said premises:that they are irce from encumbrance; and that the Bor- ! �
<br /> f rowcr will warrant and dcfcncl the same against thc lawful claims of al)persons whomso�ver:and the said&�rr��+•sr hereb�• � -,.�
<br /> - ' releriquishes all rights of homestead,and:�II marital rights, cither in ly«.or in equity,and all Uther cantingent i�::crests nf• � .��
<br /> ` the Borrc►wer in and to ihe above•described premises. the intentiun be:rc�ro convey hereby an absolute tiUe, i�C:z simple, i �
<br /> including al! rights c�f hamcsteud., and nther rights and ir�r.er�sts as afurc�id. ;
<br /> Provided Always,,ind thesr prc�cnts arc ez�xuted and delivered�sr,�o�thc Trustee,in trust. h�wever fnr the following
<br /> � PurPoses: , t
<br /> i� i
<br /> _ Where9s.�he &inower c►n ttv:3Tii , d�.y at t�i,BRUARY . 14,�p , borrowed fr�in the Lcnder .
<br /> the sumc��=XTY SIX THOUSAND SIX FuP:7R�D :nIRTY SIX �X1vU 00/300 ---------------�------- �
<br /> Dollats($ �6,636.00 !, for which swn Ihc Borrower has executed anJ dclivered t+�the l.cnd:�
<br /> Bnrrawer's romisso note nf even date. bcarin interese �t the r�te af '• ' �
<br /> P iY g � NINE �1t�D ONE—FiALF �
<br /> per cel:tum(9.500 �io)per�nnum un the unpaid t�a1:�r.�x�r until paid. The said prinripal aixl inierest sha:•l C9��ayabte at
<br /> the offr<�:oE7CCIDE23TAI. NEBItASKA SAVINGS Bb°.j'�:f�. F.S.B.—],1704 W CENTER RD
<br /> in OM1°1NA, NEBItASKA , ar at such nther place as the hv,der ci'r:•:e nole ma:,
<br /> . dcsignate in writing. in munthly installments nfFIVE HUNDRED SIXTY ANU 31/lOp ________ _ _ ' '�
<br /> ' dullar:;(S 560.31 ►, c�mmcnring un thc first day uf APRIL `Y • ��0 • �
<br /> a�x1 cm Ihe fir�l dry �f each m5nth thereafter until the prineipa! and intere�t are fully paid,exrept Ihat the icc:a) payment . ,
<br /> � �►f principal rnd intcrest, if ncn s�xmcr pai�1. shall bc duc an�payablc un thc first day u��GH 2O20 '
<br /> 'T _
<br /> i 13��rruwer and l,�nt{tr covenant and�krce sis PulbKS: �
<br /> :
<br /> . � 1. Titat fi+�rrower will pay thr irrdchtcJness, as hcrcinhcfure pruvided. !'riv�lcgr is rc�rrvcd to pay the dcbt in�vhnlr
<br /> � ur ir►part on any i��stallment duc datc. �
<br /> ' ' 2 '(l�et. tu�cUtrr wi1h. arid irt aJddiun tu. thc m��c:tfily �rayiZtcr�l���f prindipal a�id intcrr�� ��ayahi�u�tder th;t�rrn�c,6 ���
<br /> 1
<br /> tF�; ne,re ��.cureJ h:rcby. the [iuttowrt kiH pay tu the t.cnder_ un th� flr�t d:�} ��f e:ich snimth utuil the �.�id n„tc �+ fu113' r ;
<br /> J. .
<br /> ' par�E. the fulluw�ng�t�tiiy
<br /> �-, ,
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<br /> f.�si� ' L•��ti 4 c;!4 � ?d(;f f1?03?7(a� �
<br /> r�- 3' R€ - �3r �,tHt!
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