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2� 17��5�3 <br /> L�nder may, a�any time, col�ect and hold Funds in an amount�a�suff cient to permit Lender to app�y�he Funds <br /> at the�ime spec�fied under RESPA, and�b}not to exceed the maximum amount a��nder can require u.tader RESPA. <br /> . Lender sha11 est�mate the amount of Funds due on�he basis uf current data and reasonable estimat�s vf expenditures <br /> of future EscrovW��ems ar otherwise in accordance witih Appl�cable Law. <br /> The Funds sha�l he he�d in an institution whos� deposits are�.nsured by a federal agency, instrumenta.lity, ar <br /> enti�y �Yncluding Lender, if Lender is an instituti�n whvse deposi�s are so insured� or in any Federal Home Loan <br /> Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items no later�han the time specified under RESPA. Lender <br /> shall not charge Borrower f�r holding and applying the Funds, annual�y analyzYng the escrow account, or�erifying <br /> the EscrovW Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest an the Funds and Applicable Law permits Lender to make <br /> such a charge. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable LavW requires interest ta be paid on the Funds, <br /> Lender sha�l not be required ta pay Borr�wer any interest ar earnings on th�Funds. Box-rawer and Lender can agree <br /> . in writing, howe�er,that interest shall be paid an the Funds. L�nder shall gi�e to Borrower,without charge,an annua� <br /> accounting of the Funds a.s r�quxred by RESPA. <br /> If there�s a surp�us of Funds held in escrow, as d�fined under RESFA, Lender shall account t�Borrower for <br /> the excess funds in accordance witih RESPA. If there is a shor�age af Funds h�ld in escrow, as defined under RESPA, <br /> Lender shal�no�ify B�rrower as required by RESPA, and Barrower sha11 pay to Lender the amount necessary ta make <br /> up the shortage �n accordance with RESPA, �ut in no more than 12 monthly payments. If th�re is a deficiency of <br /> Funds held�n escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall notify Borrawer as requ�red by RESPA, and Borrower <br /> shall pay�a Lender the amount necessary t�make up�he def ciency in acCordance w�th RESPA, but in no more than <br /> �2 m onthly p aym ents. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thxs Security Instrumen�,Lender shal�promptly refund�o BQrrower <br /> any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrawer shall pay al�taxes, assessmen�s, �harges, fines, and i�mpos��ions attributabie to <br /> the Property which can at�ain priori�y o�er this Security Ins�rument, �easehold payments or graund rents on the <br /> Property, if any, and�ommunity Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. Tfl the extent that these items are <br /> EsCrow It�ms, Borrower shall pay them �n the rnanner provided in Sectian 3. <br /> Borrower shall pr�mptly discharge any �ien which has prior�ty o�er this Security Instrument unless Bvrrower: <br /> �a}agrees in writ�ng to the payment of the ob�igation secured by the l�en in a manner acceptable�o Lender, but anly <br /> s� long as Borrower is performing such agreement; �b} contests th� Iien in good faith by, or defends against <br /> enforcement of the l�en in, l�gal praceedings which�n Lender's vpinion�perate�o preven�the enfarcement of the�ien <br /> while thase praceedings are pending, but anly until such praceedings are concluded; or (c�secures from the haider <br /> af the lien an agreement satisfactory ta Lender sub�rdinating the Iien ta this Security Instrumen�. �f Lender de�ermines <br /> that any part�f the Property is subject to a lien which can attain priority over this Security Instrumen�, Lender may <br /> give Borrower a natice identifying the�ien. Within 10 days of the date on which that notice�s gi�en, BorrovWer sha�l <br /> satisfy the lien�r take ane or more of the actions se�forth abo�e in this Section 4. <br /> . 5. Property Insurance. Borrow�r shal� keep the impro�ements naw existing �r hereafter erec�ed on the <br /> Property insured against lass�by f re, hazards included within the term "ex�ended coverage," and any ather hazards <br /> in�luding, but not limi�ed ta, earthquakes and floods, for which L�nder requires�nsuranc�. This insurance shal�be <br /> maintained in�he amaunts(including deductible 1e�els}and for the per�ods that Lender reguires. What L�nder requires <br /> pursuant �o the preced�ng sentences can change during the term �f the Lvan. The insurance carrier providing the <br /> �nsurance sha�l be chosen by Borrower subjec�ta Lender's right t�disappro�e Borrovver's chnice;which right shall <br /> nvt be exercised unreasonably. Lender may require Borrower �a pay, in cannection wrth this Loan, either: �a} a, <br /> one-time Charge far flood zone de�erm�nation, certif cation and tracking serWices; or�b�a one-time charge for flood <br /> zon�determination and�ertificatian ser�ices and subse�uent charges each time rernapptngs or si_milar changes occur <br /> vWhich reasonably might affect such determinati�n ar cer�ification. Borrower sha11 alsv be responsible far the payment <br /> of any fees impos�d by the Federal Emergency Managemen�Agency in canne�tion w�th the re��ew of any flood zone <br /> determination resulting from an abjection by BorrovW�r. <br /> �f Borrower fai�s t�maintain any of�he coverages described abo�e, Lender may obtain insurance co�erage, at <br /> Lender's option and Borrower'�expense. Lender is under no obligatinn to purchase any particular type or amount <br /> N EBRAS KA FHA DEEI] O F TRU ST- M ERS DvcAl�agiC o <br /> N E��TZ2.FHA 0 91141�� Pag e 5 of 13 <br /> . <br /> . , . <br /> . <br /> � . � <br />